Kur'an'da yönetim kavram ve ilkeleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmada Kur'ân'da yer alan yönetim kavram ve ilkelerini belirlemeye, bunların yönetim bilimiyle ilişkilerini tesbit etmeye çalıştık. Kavramlar belirlenirken yönetim olgusuna doğrudan işaret etme önceliği dikkate alındı. Kavram ve ilkeler öncelikle dil bilim açısından incelendi. Daha sonra; Kur'ân'da geçtiği yerler, geçiş sıklığı, anlamları, Hz. Muhammed (s.a.v.)'in hadislerinde yer alışı ve anlamları, yönetim olgusuyla ilintisi üzerinde duruldu. İlgili incelemeler sırasında; Kur'ân metninin yanı sıra, Arap dilinin temel sözlükleri, klasik ve modern tefsir kaynakları, hadis kaynakları, yönetim bilimi kaynaklarından faydalanıldı.Çalışma sonucunda, insanlığa gönderilen Kur'ân'ın, yönetim sahasında da insanlara doğru yolu gösterecek ilkeler ortaya koyduğunu gördük. Kur'ân bir ideoloji, ya da bir yönetim sistemi öngörmez, ancak müminlerin tüm yönetim uygulamalarına ışık tutacak evrensel rehber ilkeleriyle hayatın bu önemli alanına yön verir. Bu ilkeler zamanın eskimesiyle geçerliliğini yitirmemiş, aksine çağımızın öngördüğü güncel yönetim anlayış ve uygulamalarına ufuk olacak niteliktedir.
The coverage of this work mainly focuses on determining the government, concepts and their principles which take part in the Koran and their relation with the administrative science. When the concepts were being determined, their priority of direct indication to administration phenomenon was taken into consideration. In the first place, the concepts and the principles were analysed through linguistics framework. Then, their appearances, meanings, the frequency of appearance in the Koran and their existence in the Prophet Mohammad?s (pbuh) hadiths and finally their relation with the administration phenomenon were handled. In the course of related analysis?s, besides the Koran text, the basic dictionaries of Arabic language, the classic and contemporary sources of exegesis and hadiths, the sources of administrative science were broadly utilized. In the consequence of this study, we witnessed that the Koran puts forth principles that makes humans see the right way in the area of the admimistrative science. The Koran doesn?t involve any ideolog yor administrative system, however; it conducts the integral part of life with universal guidance principles that shed light on the believers? all administrative practices. These principles haven?t become invalidated as time goes by, on the contrary; they are in the quality of lighting the way for understanding and applications of the current administrations that our age requi.
The coverage of this work mainly focuses on determining the government, concepts and their principles which take part in the Koran and their relation with the administrative science. When the concepts were being determined, their priority of direct indication to administration phenomenon was taken into consideration. In the first place, the concepts and the principles were analysed through linguistics framework. Then, their appearances, meanings, the frequency of appearance in the Koran and their existence in the Prophet Mohammad?s (pbuh) hadiths and finally their relation with the administration phenomenon were handled. In the course of related analysis?s, besides the Koran text, the basic dictionaries of Arabic language, the classic and contemporary sources of exegesis and hadiths, the sources of administrative science were broadly utilized. In the consequence of this study, we witnessed that the Koran puts forth principles that makes humans see the right way in the area of the admimistrative science. The Koran doesn?t involve any ideolog yor administrative system, however; it conducts the integral part of life with universal guidance principles that shed light on the believers? all administrative practices. These principles haven?t become invalidated as time goes by, on the contrary; they are in the quality of lighting the way for understanding and applications of the current administrations that our age requi.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Islam religion, İslam dini, Imams, İmamlar, Administration science, Yönetim bilimi, Quran, Kur'an-ı Kerim, Concepts, Kavramlar, Caliphs, Halifeler, Justice, Adalet
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Turhan, A. (2010). Kur'an'da yönetim kavram ve ilkeleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.