Konya Ana Tahliye kanalının Çengilli Bölgesi Tarım Topraklarında ve Buğdayda Cu, Cr, Ni ve Pb Derişimlerinin Belirlenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
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Aksulardaki agır metaller, zehirli olmaları nedeni ile çevre sagliği açısından oldukça Onemlidir. Ağır metalleri içeren at isular genellide enostrilerden kaynaklanmakta ya bir on animdan sonra yada hiç animadan kanalizasyon sistemine desarj edilmektedir. Ozellikle kanala desarj edilen aksulan Konya atiku ana tahliye kanali civarındaki çiftçilerin tarımda sulama amach kullanmalan le verimli topraklar kirlenmekte ve bitki kalitesi olumsuz yönde etkilenmektedir. Ar metaller gida zincirl yolu ile insanlara ve hayvanlara kadar ulaşarak toksik yapmaktadır Bu araştirma, Konya Ana Tahliye kanalinin Cengilli bölgesinde abksular ile sulanan arazilerdeki toprak ve bitkide agir metal birikmesinin tespiti amacı ile yapılmiştir. Alti aylık süre ile su, toprak numunesi ve uç aylık süre ile de bitki numunesi alinarak agir metal derişimi analizleri yapılmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, topraktaki air metal derişimi kanal suyuna göre daha fazla olduğu, budday bitkisindeki agır metal derişimi ise toksik etki yapacak seviyeye ulaşmadigi tespit edilmiştir
Heavy metals in wastewater are quite important because of being toxic effect for environmental health. Wastewaters containing heavy metals are generally originated by industries discharged, either after primary treatment or even without treatment Farmers in Konya are using discharged wastewater in to channel for imigation of agricultural soils that this causes to pollution of productive soll also effect plant quality negatively. Heavy metals might have toxic effect to humans and animals involving food chain. The aim of this study was determination of heavy metal accumulation on agricultural soils and plants that were inrigated by Cengilli site waters of Konya Main Sewage System Water and soil samples have been taken and heavy metal concentration analysed for six months time period and three months for plant samples. As the result of this study, heavy metal concentration in soil was higher than canal water and heavy metal concentrations in wheat did not reach to toxic affect level
Heavy metals in wastewater are quite important because of being toxic effect for environmental health. Wastewaters containing heavy metals are generally originated by industries discharged, either after primary treatment or even without treatment Farmers in Konya are using discharged wastewater in to channel for imigation of agricultural soils that this causes to pollution of productive soll also effect plant quality negatively. Heavy metals might have toxic effect to humans and animals involving food chain. The aim of this study was determination of heavy metal accumulation on agricultural soils and plants that were inrigated by Cengilli site waters of Konya Main Sewage System Water and soil samples have been taken and heavy metal concentration analysed for six months time period and three months for plant samples. As the result of this study, heavy metal concentration in soil was higher than canal water and heavy metal concentrations in wheat did not reach to toxic affect level
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ağır metal, Kanal atıksuyu, Toprak, Bitki, Toksik etki, Heavy metals, Canal wastewater, Soil, Plant
Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Karataş, M., Güler, E., Dursun Ş., Özdemir, C., Argun, M. A. (2007). Konya ana tahliye kanalının Çengilli Bölgesi tarım topraklarında ve buğdayda Cu, Cr, Ni ve Pb derişimlerinin belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, 2, (29), 91-99.