Mehmet Altay Köymen'in ilmi hayatı ve tarihçiliği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Mehmet Altay Köymen 1916 yılında Ankara'nın Haymana İlçesinde doğmuştur. Daha doğmadan önce babasının Çanakkale Cephesinde şehit olmasıyla yetim kalan Köymen sıkıntılı bir çocukluk dönemi geçirmiştir. Cumhuriyet'in ilk yıllarındaki eğitim olanaklarının kısıtlı olması Köymen'in eğitim hayatını başarılı bir şekilde devam ettirmesini güçleştirmiştir. Son derece sınırlı imkânlarına rağmen Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesine girmeyi başararak yükseköğrenim hakkını elde etmiştir. Bu fakültede modern anlamda tarihçiliğimizin kurucusu olarak kabul edilen Fuad Köprülü'nin talebesi olma şansını yakalamıştır. Köymen burada kıvrak zekası ve çalışkanlığı ile Köprülü'nün dikkatini çekmiştir. Köymen'in yetişmesinde ve akademik hayatının şekillenmesinde, Köprülü'nün çok önemli bir yeri vardır. Onun gelecek vadeden bir akademisyen olacağı kanaatine varan Köprülü tarafından Selçuklu tarihini çalışmaya sevk edilmiştir. Gerekli kaynak dillerine ve bir kaç batı diline hâkim olan Köymen, dönemin kaynaklarını çok iyi anlama, değerlendirme ve onlardan sonuç çıkarma bakımından Selçuklu devri Türk tarihi araştırmalarına yön vermiştir. Selçuklu tarihi üzerine gerçekleştirdiği sistemli çalışmalar neticesinde Türk tarihinin bu önemli bölümünün karanlıkta kalmış pek çok meselesini aydınlığa kavuşturmuş; yeni yaklaşımlar ve yorumlar getirmek suretiyle başarılı çalışmalara imza atmıştır. Son derece karışık ve anlaşılmaktan uzak Selçuklu tarihini güzel bir şekilde tasnif etmiş bir sisteme oturtarak anlaşılmasını sağlamıştır. Yapmış olduğu bütün bu çalışmalar ile alanında otorite haline gelmiştir. Tarih felsefesi ve tarih metodolojisine çok önem veren Köymen, böylece kendi ilmi kişiliğini de çok sağlam bir temele oturtmuştur. Hayatının son yıllarını iç ve dış tehditlere karşı uyarı niteliğinde yazdığı yazılar, devlet adamlarına hazırladığı raporlar ve verdiği konferanslarla geçirmiştir. Babası Çanakkale'de cephede canıyla kanıyla vatanını korurken, kendisi de kalemiyle, sözüyle ve yetiştirdiği öğrencileriyle vatan savunması yapmıştır.
Mehmet Altan Köymen was born in Haymana province of Ankara in 1916. Köymen, who was an orphan as his father had died a martyr in Çanakkale front before he was born, had a hard childhood. The limited enudcational opportunities in the first years of Turkish Republic made it hard for Köymen to have a succesful educational life. Despite the limited opportunities, Köymen was able to study at the Faculty of Language, History and Geography for his higher education. At the faculty, he had the chance of being a student of Fuad Köprülü who is regarded as the founder of our historiography. With his quick wit and assiduity, Köymen attracted the attention Köprülü. Köprülü, who believed he was a promising academician, directed Köymen to study Seljuk Empire history. Köprülü has got an important place in upbringing and shaping Köymen?s academic life. Köymen, who had a good command of resource languages and a few western languages, directed researches on Turkish history of Seljuk period in terms of understanding, assessing the resources of the period and concluding from them. As a result of the systematic studies conducted on Seljuk Empire history, he enlightened many questions in this important period of Turkish history; he had successful studies by posing new approaches and new comments. He made it easy to understand the Seljuk Empire history which is very disorganized and hard to understand by classifying and having a sound system of the classification. He became an authority in his field through the studies he had conducted. Köymen, who gave a great importance to history philosophy and history methodology, therefore, based his scientific identity on a strong base. He spent his last years of life by writing papers as warnings about domestic and foreign threats, by preparing reports for the statesmen and by lecturing. As his father defended his country with his life and blood in Çanakkale front, he defended his country with his pen, speech and the students he educated.
Mehmet Altan Köymen was born in Haymana province of Ankara in 1916. Köymen, who was an orphan as his father had died a martyr in Çanakkale front before he was born, had a hard childhood. The limited enudcational opportunities in the first years of Turkish Republic made it hard for Köymen to have a succesful educational life. Despite the limited opportunities, Köymen was able to study at the Faculty of Language, History and Geography for his higher education. At the faculty, he had the chance of being a student of Fuad Köprülü who is regarded as the founder of our historiography. With his quick wit and assiduity, Köymen attracted the attention Köprülü. Köprülü, who believed he was a promising academician, directed Köymen to study Seljuk Empire history. Köprülü has got an important place in upbringing and shaping Köymen?s academic life. Köymen, who had a good command of resource languages and a few western languages, directed researches on Turkish history of Seljuk period in terms of understanding, assessing the resources of the period and concluding from them. As a result of the systematic studies conducted on Seljuk Empire history, he enlightened many questions in this important period of Turkish history; he had successful studies by posing new approaches and new comments. He made it easy to understand the Seljuk Empire history which is very disorganized and hard to understand by classifying and having a sound system of the classification. He became an authority in his field through the studies he had conducted. Köymen, who gave a great importance to history philosophy and history methodology, therefore, based his scientific identity on a strong base. He spent his last years of life by writing papers as warnings about domestic and foreign threats, by preparing reports for the statesmen and by lecturing. As his father defended his country with his life and blood in Çanakkale front, he defended his country with his pen, speech and the students he educated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyografi, Biography, Mehmet Altay Köymen, Tarih araştırmacıları, History researcher
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uçan, M. (2009). Mehmet Altay Köymen'in ilmi hayatı ve tarihçiliği. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.