Refi Cevat Ulunay ve Alemdar gazetesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Refi Cevat Ulunay (1890-1968), Osmanlı'da mutasarrıflık ve valilik yapan Ali Muhittin Paşa'nın oğlu olup soyu, Mevlâna Celaleddin Rumî'ye dayanmaktadır. Galatasaray Lisesinde eğitimini tamamlayıp gazetecilik mesleğine girmiştir. Sabah ve Şehrah gazetelerinde İttihat ve Terakki'ye muhalif bir çevrenin içinde yer almıştır. İmtiyazı kendisinde olan Alemdar, önce Şehrah serisi içerisinde, 1912'den itibaren de onun sahipliğinde yayımlamıştır. II. Meşrutiyet Dönemi'nde Alemdar gazetesi, 1913-1918 arası hariç olmak üzere 1911-1921 tarihleri arasında yayımlanmış, faaliyet dönemi boyunca Hürriyet ve İtilaf Fırkası'na taraftar ve İttihat ve Terakki'ye karşı olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın ilk bölümünde; Refi Cevat Ulunay biyografisi yazılmış, yurt dışındaki hayatı, 1938-1968 arasındaki gazetecilik faaliyetleri ve eserleri tespit edilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, Alemdar'ın 1912-1913 arasındaki dönemi, üçüncü bölümde ise 1918-1921 arasındaki dönemi incelenmiştir. Refi Cevat'ın ve gazetesinin Millî Mücadeleye yönelik yazılarının değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda, işgal ve direniş haberlerini kamuoyundan gizlemek, İngiliz Muhipler Cemiyetine sözcü olmak, İngiltere lehine propaganda yapmak, milli mücadeleye karşı olmak, İstanbul Hükûmetlerine Millî Mücadeleye karşı daha aktif faaliyet göstermesi için baskı yapmak, Kuvayımilliye önderlerini iktidara gelmek isteyen İttihatçılar olarak lanse ettirmek, Türk İstiklal Harbi'ndeki cepheler ve Mustafa Kemal Paşa ile ilgili yalan-yanlış haberler vermek gösterilebilir. Mütareke Basını olarak adlandırılan muhalif basının en keskin örneklerinden birini teşkil eden Alemdar gazetesinde sergilenen fikirler, dönemin teslimiyetçi zihniyetinin anlaşılması açısından önem arz eder.
Refi Cevat Ulunay (1890-1968) was the son of Ali Muhittin Pasha, who served as tenant and governor in the Ottoman Empire, and he was a descendant of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi. He completed education in Galatasaray High School and entered the journalism profession. He took part in an environment which was opposed to "İttihat ve Terakki" (Committee of Union and Progress) in the newspaper "Sabah" and "Şehrah". "Alemdar", whose concession was belong to himself was published in the series of "Şehrah" at first, but it was published under his ownership after 1912. In Second Constitutional Era, the Alemdar Newspaper; which was being shown in press life simultaneously with "Hürriyet ve İtilaf" (Freedom and Entente Party), has been published, between 1912 to 1921(except 1913-1918) was a supported of "Hürriyet ve İtilaf", on the other hand it has opposed to "İttihat ve Terakki" during the activity period. In the first part of this thesis, biography of Refi Cevat Ulunay is written, his life in abroad and his journalism and works between 1938-1968 is determined. In the second part, Alemdar's life between 1912-1913, and in the third part, its life between 1918-1921 is analyzed. Refi Cevat editorials and news about the National Struggle as the main editor of Alemdar Newspaper have been evaluated. In this content, as examples can be shown; to become an advocate for "İngiliz Muhipler Cemiyeti" (Association of the Friends of England), to disapprove of military resistance with the claim of worse results occurs, to pretend the leaders of National Forces as Unionist, who wants to come to power, to hide the news of the occupation and resistance from public, to make psychological preparation of the people for the new occupation, to give false reports and fake news about front leaders in the Turkish Independence War and Mustafa Kemal Pasha, to make more pressure on İstanbul Governments for make action against the National Struggle. Analysis of editorial policy of the Alemdar newspaper which is one of the sharpest and strict sample that called as armistice press is so important for understand the submissive mentality of that era.
Refi Cevat Ulunay (1890-1968) was the son of Ali Muhittin Pasha, who served as tenant and governor in the Ottoman Empire, and he was a descendant of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi. He completed education in Galatasaray High School and entered the journalism profession. He took part in an environment which was opposed to "İttihat ve Terakki" (Committee of Union and Progress) in the newspaper "Sabah" and "Şehrah". "Alemdar", whose concession was belong to himself was published in the series of "Şehrah" at first, but it was published under his ownership after 1912. In Second Constitutional Era, the Alemdar Newspaper; which was being shown in press life simultaneously with "Hürriyet ve İtilaf" (Freedom and Entente Party), has been published, between 1912 to 1921(except 1913-1918) was a supported of "Hürriyet ve İtilaf", on the other hand it has opposed to "İttihat ve Terakki" during the activity period. In the first part of this thesis, biography of Refi Cevat Ulunay is written, his life in abroad and his journalism and works between 1938-1968 is determined. In the second part, Alemdar's life between 1912-1913, and in the third part, its life between 1918-1921 is analyzed. Refi Cevat editorials and news about the National Struggle as the main editor of Alemdar Newspaper have been evaluated. In this content, as examples can be shown; to become an advocate for "İngiliz Muhipler Cemiyeti" (Association of the Friends of England), to disapprove of military resistance with the claim of worse results occurs, to pretend the leaders of National Forces as Unionist, who wants to come to power, to hide the news of the occupation and resistance from public, to make psychological preparation of the people for the new occupation, to give false reports and fake news about front leaders in the Turkish Independence War and Mustafa Kemal Pasha, to make more pressure on İstanbul Governments for make action against the National Struggle. Analysis of editorial policy of the Alemdar newspaper which is one of the sharpest and strict sample that called as armistice press is so important for understand the submissive mentality of that era.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Refi Cevat Ulunay, Alemdar gazetesi, Alemdar newspaper
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Mıhçı, S. (2020). Refi Cevat Ulunay ve Alemdar Gazetesi. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.