Türkiye'de yetiştirilen bazı yerli ve kültür ırkı sığırlarda A1 / A2 sütü üretim imkânları ile beta-kazein geni (CSN2) ekzon 7 (TaqI) bölgesi bakımından polimorfik yapının belirlenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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İnek sütünde β-kazein geni A1 ve A2 varyantları beta-kazomorfin 7 (BCM-7)'nin üretilmesinde etkili olan varyantlardır. DNA zincirinin 67. pozisyonunda prolin amino asidini kodlayan kodon CCT iken burada nokta mutasyonuyla CAT kodonuna dönüşmüş ve kodlanan amino asit sadece bir nükliolid değişmesi ile '' Prolin '' yerine ''Histidin'' olmuştur. A1 varyatı β-kazein amino asit peptit zincirinin 67. pozisyonunda bulunan Histidin amino asidi ihtiva ederken, A2 varyantı Prolin amino asiti ihtiva etmektedir. Bunun sonucu A1 β-kazein sütünün sindirimi, ince bağırsakta beta-kazomorfin 7 (BCM-7) olarak adlandırılan 7 amino asitli güçlü bir opioid bir biyoaktif peptidi serbest bırakırken, A2 β-kazein sütünün sindiriminde BCM-7 üretilmemektedir. A1 varyantlı sütün insan sağlığı üzerine olumsuz etkileri ile risk faktörü oluşturabileceği birçok bilim adamı tarafından öne sürülmektedir. Araştırmacılar BCM-7 isimli opioidin kalp-damar, diyabet, şizofreni başta olmak üzere birçok hastalığa neden olduğunu, buna karşılık A2 sütünün insan sağlığı üzerine olumsuz etkileri olmadığını ifade etmişlerdir. A2 varyantı herhangi bir mutasyona uğramamış orijinal β-kazein sütünün üretimini sağlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de yetiştirilen yerli ve kültür ırkı sığırların β-kazein polimorfizmini ve aynı zamanda mevcut hayvanlardan A2 sütü üretme potansiyelini ortaya çıkarmak ve bu alanda strateji geliştirmeye yardımcı olmaktır. Arastırmada Türkiye'de yetiştirilen yerli sığırlardan; Yerli Kara (YK:100), Doğu Anadolu Kırmızısı (DAK:100), Güney Anadolu Kırmızısı (GAK:87), Boz Irk (B:87) ile kültür ırkı sığırlardan Siyah Alaca (SA:100), Esmer (E:100), Simmental (SİM:100) ve Jersey (J:100) olmak üzere toplamda 774 baş hayvanın genomik DNA'sı elde edilmiştir. β Kazein geninin tanısında DNA markörlerden PCR- RFLP yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Bunun için CASB67R ve CASB122L primerleri ile TaqI restriksiyon kesim enzimi kullanılmıştır. Türkiye'de yetiştirilen bazı yerli ırklarından; YK, DAK, GAK ve B ırkta A1 allel frekansları sırasıyla 0.200, 0.195, 0.189 ve 0.201, A2 allel frekansları ise sırasıyla 0.800, 0.805, 0.810 ve 0.798 olarak tespit edilmiştir. A2 allel frekansı en fazla GAK (0.810) ırkında bulunmuştur. Yerli sığır ırklarının A1 ve A2 allel frekansı genel olarak sırasıyla 0.200 ile 0.800 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yerli sığır ırklarının genotip frekansları ise; A1A1 genotipleri için sırasıyla, 0.020, 0.070, 0.000 ve 0.020; A1A2 genotip frekansı, 0.360, 0.250, 0.370 ve 0.350; A2A2 genotipleri de sırasıyla 0.620, 0.680, 0.620 ve 0.620 olarak bulunmuştur. Yerli sığır ırklarında A2A2 genotip frekansı en yüksek DAK (0.680) ırkı tespit edilmiş olup, A1A1 genotip frekansı GAK (0.00) ırkında bulunmamıştır. Kültür sığır ırklarından; SA, E, J ve SİM ırklarında A1 allel frekansları sırasıyla 0.475, 0.370, 0.215 ve 0.440, A2 allel frekansları ise sırasıyla 0.525, 0.630, 0.785 ve 0.560 olarak tespit edilmiştir. A2 allel frekansı en yüksek J (0.785) ırkında bulunmuştur. Kültür ırklarının A1 allel frekansı 0.215 ile 0.475 arasında iken A2 allel frekansları ise 0.525 ile 0.785 arasında değişmektedir. SA, E, J ve SİM ırklarında A1A1 genotipleri sırasıyla 0.240, 0.150, 0.030 ve 0.160; A1A2 genotipleri sırasıyla 0.470, 0.440, 0.370 ve 0.560; A2A2 genotipleri ise sırasıyla 0.290, 0.410, 0.600 ve 0.280 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Kültür ırklarında A2A2 genotip frekansı en yüksek J (0.600) ırkında, A1A1 genotip frekansı en düşük J (0.030) ve A1A2 genotip en yüksek SİM (0.560) ırkında bulunmuştur. DAK ve GAK populasyonları β-kazein geni bakımından Hardy-Weinberg dengesinde bulunamamıştır (P<0.05). Başka bir ifadeyle populasyonda ilgili gen bakımından gözlenen ve beklenen genotipler arasındaki fark istatistik olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Ancak, Yerli Kara, Boz Irk, Siyah Alaca, Jersey, Simmental ve Esmer populasyonları β-kazein geni bakımından Hardy-Weinberg dengesinde bulunmuştur (P>0.05) Diğer bir ifadeyle populasyonda CNS2 geninin gözlenen ve beklenen genotip frekansları arasındaki fark istatistik olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak Türkiye'de yetiştirilen kültür ırkı sığırlarda tespit edilen A2A2 genotipli hayvanların çiftleştirilmesiyle elde edilecek A2A2 genotipli yavruların istikbalde A2 sütü üretme potansiyelinin artırılması açısından çok önemli olduğu ifade edilebilir. Aynı zamanda bazı yerli ırkların A2A2 genotip frekanslarının yüksek olması, söz konusu ırklardan gelecekte A2 sütü üretimi için yerli gen kaynağı olarak yararlanılabileceği de söylenebilir. A1 sütünün literatürde geçen hastalıklarla olan ilişkisiyle ilgili araştırma sonuçları ve görüşler, Sağlık Bakanlığı ile Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığının oluşturacağı bir komisyonca araştırılmalıdır. Bu iddiaların doğruluğu durumunda acilen Türkiye sığır populasyonunun A2A2 genotipli hayvanlardan olmasına özen gösterilmeli, aksi bir durumda en azından literatürde ifade edilen olumsuz etkiler ile tüketiciler yüzyüze bırakılmamalıdır.
β Casein gene A1 and A2 variants in cow milk are the variants that are effective in producing beta-casomorphine 7 (BCM-7). While the codon encoding the proline amino acid at position 67 in the DNA chain was CCT, it was converted to CAT codon with a point mutation, and the coded amino acid became '' Histidine '' instead of '' Proline '' with only a nucleotide change. A1 variant β The casein amino acid contains Histidine amino acid at position 67 of the peptide chain, while the A2 variant contains Proline amino acid. As a result, the digestion of A1 β Casein milk releases a 7-amino acid strong opioid (morphine effect) called beta-casomorphine 7 (BCM-7) in the small intestine while no BCM-7 is not produced in the digestion of A2 β Casein milk. It has been claimed by many scientists that A1 variant milk may pose a risk factor with negative effects on human health. Researchers stated that beta-casomorphine 7 opioid causes many diseases especially such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and schizophrenia whereas A2 milk has no negative effects on human health. A2 variant ensures the production of the original β Casein milk, which has not undergone any mutation. The purpose of this study was to reveal the beta-casein polymorphism of the cows native-grown and bred in Turkey and also its potential to produce A2 milk from existing animals and help to develop strategies in this area. In the study, genomic DNA of 774 animals in total was obtained from indigenous cattle reared in Turkey; Anatolian Black (AB:100), Eastern Anatolian Red(EAR:100), Southern Anatolian Red (SAR:87), Turkish Grey (TG:87) and Holstein (100), Brown Swiss (100), Simmental (100) and Jersey (100) from culture bred cattle. PCR-RFLP method, which is one of the DNA markers, was used in the diagnosis of the β Casein gene. For this, CASB67R and CASB122L primers and TaqI restriction cut enzyme were used. In some native breeds reared in Turkey; The A1 allele frequencies in the Anatolian Black, EAR, SAR and Turkish Grey were 0.200, 0.195, 0.189 and 0.201, and A2 allele frequencies were 0.800, 0.805, 0.810 and 0.798, respectively. A2 allele frequency was highest in the SAR (0.810) race. The allele frequency of the domestic cattle breeds A1 and A2 were generally determined as 0.200 and 0.800, respectively. Genotype frequencies of domestic cattle breeds for A1A1 genotypes were; 0.020, 0.070, 0.00 and 0.020, respectively; A1A2 genotype frequency were, 0.360, 0.250, 0.370 and 0.350; and A2A2 genotypes were 0.620, 0.680, 0.620 and 0.620, respectively. The highest genetic frequency of A2A2 genotype was found in EAR(0.680) domestic cattle breeds, and the A1A1 genotype frequency was not found in the SAR (0.00) race. Culture cattle breeds; A1 allele frequencies were determined as 0.475, 0.370, 0.215 and 0.440, and A2 allele frequencies as 0.525, 0.630, 0.785 and 0.560, respectively in Holstein, Brown Swiss, Jersey and Simmental races. A2 allele frequency was found the highest in Jersey (0.785) race. A1 allele frequencies of culture races are between 0.215 and 0.475, while A2 allele frequencies vary between 0.525 and 0.785. A1 allele genotypes in Holstein, Brown Swiss, Jersey and Simmental breeds were determined as 0.240, 0.150, 0.030 and 0.160, respectively; A1A2 genotypes were 0.470, 0.440, 0.370 and 0.560, respectively; A2A2 genotypes were 0.290, 0.410, 0.600 and 0.280, respectively. In culture breeds, A2A2 genotype frequency was found the highest in Jersey (0.600) race, A1A1 genotype frequency was lowest in Jersey (0.030) and A1A2 genotype was highest in Simmental (0.560) race. The β-casein level of EAR and SAR population was not at the level of the Hardy-Weinberg balance (P<0.05). In other words, the difference observed and expected between the genotypes in terms of the related gene in the population was found statistically significant. However, Anatolian Black, Turkish Grey, Holstein, Jersey, Simmental and Brown Swiss were found to be at the level of Hardy-Weinberg in terms of β-casein gene (P>0.05). That is, the observed and expected difference between the genotype frequencies of CNS2 gene in the population was found to be statistically insignificant. Consequently, it can be stated that the A2A2 genotyped calves to be obtained by mating A2A2 genotyped animals determined in the cattle raised in Turkey can be considered to be very important for enhancing future A2 milk producing potential. At the same time, it can be said that some native breeds have high A2A2 genotype frequencies, and that these breeds may be used as a native gene source for A2 milk production in the future. Research results and opinions regarding the relation of A1 milk to diseases in the literature should be investigated by a commission of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. When these claims come true, cattle population of Turkey should urgently be sought from the A2A2 genotyped animals or the consumers should not be left face to face with at least the negative effects expressed in the literature.
β Casein gene A1 and A2 variants in cow milk are the variants that are effective in producing beta-casomorphine 7 (BCM-7). While the codon encoding the proline amino acid at position 67 in the DNA chain was CCT, it was converted to CAT codon with a point mutation, and the coded amino acid became '' Histidine '' instead of '' Proline '' with only a nucleotide change. A1 variant β The casein amino acid contains Histidine amino acid at position 67 of the peptide chain, while the A2 variant contains Proline amino acid. As a result, the digestion of A1 β Casein milk releases a 7-amino acid strong opioid (morphine effect) called beta-casomorphine 7 (BCM-7) in the small intestine while no BCM-7 is not produced in the digestion of A2 β Casein milk. It has been claimed by many scientists that A1 variant milk may pose a risk factor with negative effects on human health. Researchers stated that beta-casomorphine 7 opioid causes many diseases especially such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and schizophrenia whereas A2 milk has no negative effects on human health. A2 variant ensures the production of the original β Casein milk, which has not undergone any mutation. The purpose of this study was to reveal the beta-casein polymorphism of the cows native-grown and bred in Turkey and also its potential to produce A2 milk from existing animals and help to develop strategies in this area. In the study, genomic DNA of 774 animals in total was obtained from indigenous cattle reared in Turkey; Anatolian Black (AB:100), Eastern Anatolian Red(EAR:100), Southern Anatolian Red (SAR:87), Turkish Grey (TG:87) and Holstein (100), Brown Swiss (100), Simmental (100) and Jersey (100) from culture bred cattle. PCR-RFLP method, which is one of the DNA markers, was used in the diagnosis of the β Casein gene. For this, CASB67R and CASB122L primers and TaqI restriction cut enzyme were used. In some native breeds reared in Turkey; The A1 allele frequencies in the Anatolian Black, EAR, SAR and Turkish Grey were 0.200, 0.195, 0.189 and 0.201, and A2 allele frequencies were 0.800, 0.805, 0.810 and 0.798, respectively. A2 allele frequency was highest in the SAR (0.810) race. The allele frequency of the domestic cattle breeds A1 and A2 were generally determined as 0.200 and 0.800, respectively. Genotype frequencies of domestic cattle breeds for A1A1 genotypes were; 0.020, 0.070, 0.00 and 0.020, respectively; A1A2 genotype frequency were, 0.360, 0.250, 0.370 and 0.350; and A2A2 genotypes were 0.620, 0.680, 0.620 and 0.620, respectively. The highest genetic frequency of A2A2 genotype was found in EAR(0.680) domestic cattle breeds, and the A1A1 genotype frequency was not found in the SAR (0.00) race. Culture cattle breeds; A1 allele frequencies were determined as 0.475, 0.370, 0.215 and 0.440, and A2 allele frequencies as 0.525, 0.630, 0.785 and 0.560, respectively in Holstein, Brown Swiss, Jersey and Simmental races. A2 allele frequency was found the highest in Jersey (0.785) race. A1 allele frequencies of culture races are between 0.215 and 0.475, while A2 allele frequencies vary between 0.525 and 0.785. A1 allele genotypes in Holstein, Brown Swiss, Jersey and Simmental breeds were determined as 0.240, 0.150, 0.030 and 0.160, respectively; A1A2 genotypes were 0.470, 0.440, 0.370 and 0.560, respectively; A2A2 genotypes were 0.290, 0.410, 0.600 and 0.280, respectively. In culture breeds, A2A2 genotype frequency was found the highest in Jersey (0.600) race, A1A1 genotype frequency was lowest in Jersey (0.030) and A1A2 genotype was highest in Simmental (0.560) race. The β-casein level of EAR and SAR population was not at the level of the Hardy-Weinberg balance (P<0.05). In other words, the difference observed and expected between the genotypes in terms of the related gene in the population was found statistically significant. However, Anatolian Black, Turkish Grey, Holstein, Jersey, Simmental and Brown Swiss were found to be at the level of Hardy-Weinberg in terms of β-casein gene (P>0.05). That is, the observed and expected difference between the genotype frequencies of CNS2 gene in the population was found to be statistically insignificant. Consequently, it can be stated that the A2A2 genotyped calves to be obtained by mating A2A2 genotyped animals determined in the cattle raised in Turkey can be considered to be very important for enhancing future A2 milk producing potential. At the same time, it can be said that some native breeds have high A2A2 genotype frequencies, and that these breeds may be used as a native gene source for A2 milk production in the future. Research results and opinions regarding the relation of A1 milk to diseases in the literature should be investigated by a commission of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. When these claims come true, cattle population of Turkey should urgently be sought from the A2A2 genotyped animals or the consumers should not be left face to face with at least the negative effects expressed in the literature.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sığır, Süt, Cattle, Milk
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şahin, Ö. (2020). Türkiye'de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli ve Kültür Irkı Sığırlarda A1 / A2 Sütü Üretim İmkânları ile Beta-Kazein Geni (CSN2) Ekzon 7 (Taqı) Bölgesi Bakımından Polimorfik Yapının Belirlenmesi. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.