Lokal ileri evre mide kanserinde çoklu organ rezeksiyonu olgusu
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Lokal ileri evre mide kanserlerinde bitişik organ tutulumlarında geniş cerrahi rezeksiyon gerekebilir. Amacımız lokal ileri evre mide kanserli bir olguda çoklu organ rezeksiyonu sırasında damar rekonstrüksiyonu uygulanması sunulmaktadır. Üst gastrointestinal sistem kanaması ile hastaneye getirilen hastaya acil şartlarda laparotomi yapıldı ve lokal ileri evre mide kanseri tespit edildi. Hastaya total gastrektomi, D II diseksiyon, pankreatikoduodenektomi, transvers kolektomi ve uç-uca anastomoz yapıldı. Ayrıca superior mezenterik ven kısmi olarak çıkartıldı ve portal vene reimplantasyon yapıldı. Hastanın postoperatif takiplerinde nüks veya metastaz görülmedi. Lokal ileri evre mide kanserlerinde küratif tedavi için bitişik organ rezeksiyonları gerekli olabilir. Ayrıca büyük damar invazyonla- rında kısmi rezeksiyon ve rekonstrüksiyonlara ihtiyaç duyulabilir
Extensive surgical resection may be required with the involvement of adjacent organs in advanced stage localised stomach cancers. Our purpose was to present a case where vascular reconstruction was performed during multiple organ resection in a patient with advanced stage localised stomach cancer. Laparotomy was performed under emer- gency conditions on the patient who was brought to the hospital with upper gastrointestinal system haemorrhage; he was diagnosed with advanced stage localised stomach cancer. Total gastrectomy, D II aort dissection, pancreati- coduodenectomy, transverse colectomy and end-to-end anastomosis were performed on the patient. Moreover, the superior mesenteric vein was removed and reimplantation was performed with the portal vein. Recurrence or me- tastasis was not observed in the post-operative follow-up of the patient. Adjacent organ resections may be necessary for a curative treatment in advanced stage localised stomach cancer. Moreover, partial resection and reconstruction may be needed for extensive vascular invasion
Extensive surgical resection may be required with the involvement of adjacent organs in advanced stage localised stomach cancers. Our purpose was to present a case where vascular reconstruction was performed during multiple organ resection in a patient with advanced stage localised stomach cancer. Laparotomy was performed under emer- gency conditions on the patient who was brought to the hospital with upper gastrointestinal system haemorrhage; he was diagnosed with advanced stage localised stomach cancer. Total gastrectomy, D II aort dissection, pancreati- coduodenectomy, transverse colectomy and end-to-end anastomosis were performed on the patient. Moreover, the superior mesenteric vein was removed and reimplantation was performed with the portal vein. Recurrence or me- tastasis was not observed in the post-operative follow-up of the patient. Adjacent organ resections may be necessary for a curative treatment in advanced stage localised stomach cancer. Moreover, partial resection and reconstruction may be needed for extensive vascular invasion
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