Cumhuriyetin Kurucu Neslinden Bir Öğretmen Portresi Rifat Rami (Arıncı)
2023 Ekim
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Osmanlı Devleti’nin son yüzyılı şartlarının ve özellikle
on yıllık savaş sürecinin ortaya çıkardığı bir neticedir. On dokuzuncu
yüzyılın son yıllarında doğanlar bu tarihin şahidi ve bazıları kahramanları
olmuşlardır. Rifat Rami (Arıncı) bu nesilden bir şahsiyettir. Birinci Dünya
Savaşı sebebiyle tahsili yarım kalmış, esaret hayatı yaşamış, Mütarekeden
sonra memleketi Çorum/İskilip’te Millî Mücadele’ye hizmet etmiştir. Sakarya
Savaşı’nın hemen sonrasında o bir öğretmendir. Cumhuriyetin ilanından
sonra ihtiyaç olan yeni nesilleri yetiştirmek ve vatandaş kimliği oluşturmak
için sadece mektep ortamında değil; Türk Ocağı ve Halkevleri gibi kurumların
çatısı altında faaliyetlerde bulunmuştur. Yayımlanmasında büyük emeğinin
olduğu Kurtuluş Yolu adlı dergide eğitim/öğretime dair yazılar kaleme almış,
şiirler yazmıştır. Cehalet ve taassupla mücadele etmiş, öğretimde birliği
savunmuş, mektep ve kütüphanenin önemine dikkat çekmiştir. Halkevindeki
faaliyetleri ile bölgenin tarihine, dil ve edebiyatına katkı sağlamıştır. Erken
Cumhuriyet yıllarında, halkın içinden birisi, bir aydın ve bir öğretmen olarak
omuzlarına yüklenmiş vazifeyi idrak etmiş ve yerine getirmeye çalışmıştır. Bu
araştırmanın ortaya çıkmasına, kendisinin oluşturduğu ve ailesinin muhafaza
ettiği belge, yazı ve fotoğraflar da özgün bir katkı sağlamıştır.
The Republic of Turkey is a result of the conditions of the last century of the Ottoman Empire and especially the one-decade war process. Those born in the last years of the nineteenth century have been witnesses and some of them heroes of this history. Rifat Rami (Arinci) is a figure from this generation. Due to the First World War, his education was left unfinished, he lived a life of captivity, and after the Armistice, he served the National Struggle in his hometown Çorum/İskilip. Immediately after the Battle of Sakarya, he was a teacher. After the proclamation of the Republic, he carried out activities under the roof of institutions such as the Turkish Hearth and Community Houses in order to raise new generations and create a citizen identity, not only in the school environment. He wrote articles and poems about education in the magazine Kurtuluş Yolu (Way of Liberation), which he had a great contribution to publish. He struggled against ignorance and obstinacy, defended unity in teaching, and drew attention to the importance of the school and library. With his activities in the community center, he contributed to the history, language and literature of the region. In the early Republican years, as a member of the community an intellectual and a teacher who realized and tried to fulfill the duty imposed on him. The documents, writings and photographs created by him and preserved by his family also made an original contribution to the emergence of this research.
The Republic of Turkey is a result of the conditions of the last century of the Ottoman Empire and especially the one-decade war process. Those born in the last years of the nineteenth century have been witnesses and some of them heroes of this history. Rifat Rami (Arinci) is a figure from this generation. Due to the First World War, his education was left unfinished, he lived a life of captivity, and after the Armistice, he served the National Struggle in his hometown Çorum/İskilip. Immediately after the Battle of Sakarya, he was a teacher. After the proclamation of the Republic, he carried out activities under the roof of institutions such as the Turkish Hearth and Community Houses in order to raise new generations and create a citizen identity, not only in the school environment. He wrote articles and poems about education in the magazine Kurtuluş Yolu (Way of Liberation), which he had a great contribution to publish. He struggled against ignorance and obstinacy, defended unity in teaching, and drew attention to the importance of the school and library. With his activities in the community center, he contributed to the history, language and literature of the region. In the early Republican years, as a member of the community an intellectual and a teacher who realized and tried to fulfill the duty imposed on him. The documents, writings and photographs created by him and preserved by his family also made an original contribution to the emergence of this research.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Rifat Rami Arıncı, Eğitim/Öğretim, İskilip, Kurtuluş Yolu, Türk Ocağı, Halkevi, Education/Training, İskilip, Way of Liberation, Turkish Hearts, Community Centre
Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arıkan, M., (2023). Cumhuriyetin Kurucu Neslinden Bir Öğretmen Portresi Rifat Rami (Arıncı). Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (59), 445-471.
DOI: 10.21563/sutad.1378443