Ilgın (Çavuşçu) Gölü'ndeki endemik Akşehir tatlısu kefali, Squalius recurvirostris (Pisces, Cyprinidae)' in sitogenetik analizi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmada, Ilgın (Çavuşçu) Gölü ve havzasındaki akarsularda dağılış gösteren lokal endemik tür Akşehir tatlısu kefali, Squalius recurvirostris'in standart giemsa boyama, gümüş nitrat (Ag-NOR) boyama ve C-bantlama tekniği uygulanarak, ayrıntılı sitogenetik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Diploid kromozom sayısı 50 ve karyotipinin 6 çift metasentrik, 9 çift submetasentrik, 5 çift subtelosentrik ve 4 çift akrosentrik kromozom setinden oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir. Dişi bireylerde karyotip içerisinde bir çift heteromorf kromozom tespit edilmiştir. Bu farklılık erkek bireylerde gözlemlenmemiştir. Bu nedenle dişi bireylerdeki heteromorf kromozom çiftinin ZZ/ZW sistemi ile ifade edilen cinsiyet kromozomu olduğu belirlenmiştir. Dişi bireylerdeki Z kromozomu büyük akrosentrik ve W kromozomu ise orta büyüklükte submeta/subtelosentriktir. Dişi bireylerde temel kromozom kol sayısı değeri NF=90 ve otozomal kromozom kol sayısı değeri NFa=88 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kromozom seti içerisinde, bazı iki kollu ve akrosentrik kromozomların sentromer bölgesinde C-bantlar gözlemlenmiştir. Bazı kromozomlarda ise hafif sentromerik veya perisentromerik C-bantlar gözlemlenirken diğer kromozom çiftlerinin C-negatif olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışılan popülasyonlarda iki farklı aktif NOR tespit edilmiştir. NOR'lardan birisi iki kollu kromozom çiftinin uzun kolunun tamamında ve diğeri iki kollu kromozom çiftinin kısa kolunun tamamında tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen aktif Ag-NOR'lar heteromorftur.
In this study, Ilgın (Çavuşçu) Lake and showing distribution in the basin, local endemic species Akşehir freshwater chub detailed cytogenetic properties of Squalius recurvirostris were investigated by standard giemsa staining, silver nitrate (Ag-NOR) staining and C-banding technique. The number of diploid chromosomes was determined 50 and the karyotype consisted of 6 pairs of metacentric, 9 pairs of submetacentric, 5 pairs of subtelocentric and 4 pairs of acrocentric chromosomes. A pair of heteromorphic chromosomes within the karyotype were detected in female subjects. This difference was not observed in male individuals. Therefore, the heteromorphic chromosome pair in female individuals was determined to be the sex chromosome expressed by the ZZ/ZW system. The female Z chromosome is large acrocentric and the W chromosome is medium-sized submeta/subtelocentric. In female subjects, the basic chromosome number of arms was NF = 90 and the autosomal chromosome number of arms was calculated as NFa = 88. Within the chromosome set C-bands were observed in the centromere region of some bi-armed and acrocentric chromosomes. In some chromosomes, mild centromeric or pericentromeric C-bands were observed, while other chromosome pairs were found to be C-negative. Two different active NORs were detected in the studied populations. One of the NORs, was detected on the entire long arm of one of the homologues of the bi-armed chromosome pair and the other on the short arm of one of the homologues of the bi-armed chromosome pair. The active Ag-NORs detected are heteromorphic.
In this study, Ilgın (Çavuşçu) Lake and showing distribution in the basin, local endemic species Akşehir freshwater chub detailed cytogenetic properties of Squalius recurvirostris were investigated by standard giemsa staining, silver nitrate (Ag-NOR) staining and C-banding technique. The number of diploid chromosomes was determined 50 and the karyotype consisted of 6 pairs of metacentric, 9 pairs of submetacentric, 5 pairs of subtelocentric and 4 pairs of acrocentric chromosomes. A pair of heteromorphic chromosomes within the karyotype were detected in female subjects. This difference was not observed in male individuals. Therefore, the heteromorphic chromosome pair in female individuals was determined to be the sex chromosome expressed by the ZZ/ZW system. The female Z chromosome is large acrocentric and the W chromosome is medium-sized submeta/subtelocentric. In female subjects, the basic chromosome number of arms was NF = 90 and the autosomal chromosome number of arms was calculated as NFa = 88. Within the chromosome set C-bands were observed in the centromere region of some bi-armed and acrocentric chromosomes. In some chromosomes, mild centromeric or pericentromeric C-bands were observed, while other chromosome pairs were found to be C-negative. Two different active NORs were detected in the studied populations. One of the NORs, was detected on the entire long arm of one of the homologues of the bi-armed chromosome pair and the other on the short arm of one of the homologues of the bi-armed chromosome pair. The active Ag-NORs detected are heteromorphic.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Akşehir Tatlısu Kefali, Kromozom, Karyotip, Türkiye, Akşehir Chub, Chromosome, Karyotype, Turkey
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Doori, A. S. J. (2019). Ilgın (Çavuşçu) Gölü'ndeki Endemik Akşehir Tatlısu Kefali, Squalius Recurvirostris (Pisces, Cyprinidae)' in Sitogenetik Analizi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.