Investigating the relationship between learning modality and problem solving skills of physical education and sports students [Beden e?itimi ve spor yüksekokulu ö?rencilerinin ö?renme biçemleri ile problem çözme becerileri arasindaki ilişkinin incelenmesi]

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Erişim Hakkı



This research has been made to identify the learning modality and problem solving skills of physical education and sports students and to find a relationship between learning modalities and problem solving skills. Research's sample involves 537 first grade and 545 fourth grade students (total number of 1082) randomly chosen from Interior Anatolia Region's universities School of Physical Education and Sports; Physical Education and Sports Teacher, Sports Management and Trainer Education departments in 2006-2007 academic year. As data collection in the research; "BIG 16 Learning Modality Inventory" developed by fiimflek (2002) has been used to identify the students' learning modalities; "Problem Solving Inventory" developed by Heppner and Petersen (1982) and translated into Turkish by fiahin, fiahin and Heppner (1993), has been used to identify the students' problem solving skills and "Personal Information Form" developed by the researcher has been used to identify the students' personal characteristics. The data has been analysed considering the descriptive statistic technics and Pearson Moments Multiple Correlation Coefficient. In the research, the significance level has been approved of 0.01. At the end of research; More than half of the students (54,6%) are visual, 25,1% of them are kinesthetic, 20,2% of them auditory, problem solving skills and problem solving approaches have generally been identified at middle level; kinesthetic, auditory and visual modalities' base scores and thinking approach, evaluating approach, self trust approach, planned approach lower dimension scores and problem solving total scores have negative meaningful correlation between each other. Also, visual learning modality and avoiding approach lower dimension has negative meaningful correlation between each other.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Learning modality, Learning modality inventory, Learning styles, Physical education and sports, Problem solving, Problem solving inventory


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