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Öğe Bi?r Alman Çoban Köpeği?nde Panosteitis Vakasının Sağaltımı ve Radyoloji?k Taki?bi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1999) Koç, Yılmaz; Alkan, Fahrettin; Birdane, Fatih M.; Oğurtan, ZekiIn this case report, clinical and radiologic follow-up of panosteitis was described in a German Shephard dog. The cause of panosteitis is unknown. Panosteitis occurs especially in young large or giant breeds of dogs. The diagnosis of panosteitis is confirmed through clinical, radiolagical and laboratuary findings. Flunixine meglumine were used to treat the disease.Öğe Köpeklerde Deneysel Oluşturulan Eti?len Gli?kol Nefrozi?si?nde Renal Ultrasonografi?k Bulgular(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2006) Civelek, Turan; Birdane, Fatih M.; Elitok, BülentSunulan çalışmada 2 ml/gün/kg CA dozunda ve üç gün süreyle peros ticari antifriz (%95 etilen glikol içeren) verilen alti köpekte renal ultrasonografik bulgular değerlendirildi. Çalışma süresince; antifriz verilmeden bir saat önce ve verildikten sonra 12., 36., 60. ve 84. saatlerde, toplam beş ömekleme yapıldı. Sonografik muayeneye paralel olarak kan ve idrar ömekleri alındı. Ultrason muayenesinde iki köpekte 12., dört köpekte ise 36. saatte başlamak üzere haf ve orta derecelerde renal kortikal ekojenite artışı tespit edildi. 60. saatte bir, 84. saatte ise yapılan ultrasonografik kontrolde dört köpekte sentral medullar bölge ve kortikomedullar bağlantı bölgesinin belirgin sonolucent yapıda (hiperekoik) olduğu (Halo işareti) gözlemlendi. Kliniklaboratuvar bulgu olarak ilk 12 saatlik dönemda gastrointestinal sistern irritasyonu ve iki kpekte yoğun kalsiyum okzalat kristalüri belirlenirken, 36. saat sonrası oligüri ve tüm köpeklerde yoğun kristalüri tespit edildi. Klinik-laboratuvar analiz sonuçlanı ultrasonografik çıktı üzerinde konulan tanıyı destekler nitelikteydi. Ultrasonografik bulgular etile, glikol nefrozisi için patognomik olmamakla birlikte, 12. saatte gözlenen kortikal ekojenite artışı okzalat nefrozisi için kabul edilebilir ilk değişiklik olarak kaydedildi.Öğe Köpeklerde Solunum Yolu Hastalıklarının Kli?ni?k, Si?toloji?k, Bakteri?yoloji?k ve Radyografi?k Anali?zi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2000) Maden, Mehmet; Birdane, Fatih M.; Alkan, Fahrettin; Şen, İsmail; Aslan, Veysi; Hadimli, Hasan H.Clinical, cytological, bacteriological and radiographic analysis of respiratory tract diseases were per formed in dogs. The importance of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and culture were analysed and it is considered to be important to detect the ethiologic factor and overall rate of inflammation. In addition to this, radiography were also evaluated if there was any contribution to the diagnosis. Thirty one dogs were used in this study of which 6 was assigned as a control group. Cough, fever, nasal discharge and abnormal auscultation were found in tracheabronchitis and bronchopneumonia. While there was a statistically significant increase (p < 0.001) in the neutrophil counts, there was a statistically significant decrease (p<0.001) on macrophage and lenfocyte counts in both groups Statistically significant increase (p < 0.05) on epithel cells counts was found Coc and/or bacils were seen in all cases Three dogs had fungal organisms, and one had anaerob bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica and E coll (% 24) were the most isolated bacteria species in BAL fluid culture. Tracheabronchitis and bronchopneumonia findings were de termined radiographically. As a result, clinical, cytologic, bacteriologic and radiographic findings were considered to be important in the diagnosis of respiratory diseases. Especially BAL fluid cytology was found to be highly important tool in the diagnosisÖğe Kuzularda Deneysel Oluşturulan Serebrokortikal Nekrozun Profilaksi ve Tedavisinde Mayanın Etkisi(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1998) Ok, Mahmut; Ortatatlı, Mustafa; Aslan, Veysi; Çiftçi, Kemal; Şen, ismail; Birdane, Fatih M.; Irmak, KemalThe effect of yeast on the treatment and prevention of the cerebrocortical necrosis (GGN) induced experimentally by amprolium in lambs was investigated in this study. Nine healthy lambs (aging between 6 and 8 months, and weighing belween 14 and 16 kg) were used as a malerial. Nine lambs were divided inlo 3 groups. Each group had 3 animals. Amprolium (600 mglkgl day) was given lo induce GeN orally to all the groups during experiment by stomach tube. Yeast (2 g1kglday) was given orally to the lambs ol group i and 3 lo Ireat and lo prevent the GeN. The lambs ol all the groups exhibited clinical lindings related with GGN belween 24 and 62 days of the experiment, except two lambs of the group i. Serı..ım ALT and glucose concentralions increased (p <0.05, pÖğe Neonatal I?shalli Buzağılarda Serum Immunoglobuli?nleri?n Glutaraldehid Koagulasyon Testi? ile Değerlendi?ri?lmesi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2000) Şen, İsmail; Başoğlu, Abdullah; Ok, Mahmut; Güzelbektaş, Hasan; Civelek, Turan; Birdane, Fatih M.The aim of this study in neonatal calves, to carry out the relationship between diarrhea and passive colostral transfer and the safety of GA test using SRID (Single Radial Immunodiffussion) test for its determination In this study, healty 20 and diarrheic 30, totally 50 calves were used as a material Serum immunglobulin levels were me asured by GA test as semiquantitative and by SRID test as kantitative. In the some diarrheic calves IgG levels were 250-400 mg/dl and their serum incougulated in 30 minutes In the meantime IgG levels of other diarrhoeic calves were 580-800 mg/dl and their serum semisolid Gelous) at between 12-28 minutes. In the healty calves serum samples with IgG level of 2400-5800 mg/dl coagulated in 1-5 minutes and serum samples with IgG level of 1600 mg/ di coagulated in 6 to 7 minutes. As a result, it could be said that diarrhea is connected with passive colostral transfer and calves with negative and jelous GA test have failure of passive colostral transfer and calves with positive GA test have adequate passive colostral transferÖğe Neonatal ishalli buzağılarda serum immunoglobulinlerin glutaraldehit koagulasyon testi ile değerlendirilmesi(2000) Şen, İsmail; Başoğlu, Abdullah; Ok, Mahmut; Birdane, Fatih M.; Güzelbektaş, Hasan; Civelek, TuranBu çalışmada, neonatal buzağılarda ishalin pasif immun transferi ile ilgisi ve bunu belirlemede glutaraldehid (GA) koagulasyon testinin güvenirliliğinin, bir kantitatif test olan single radial immunodiffüzyon (SRID) testi kullanarak ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın materyalini, 20 sağlıklı ve 30 ishalli olmak üzere toplam 50 adet neonatal buzağı oluşturdu, immunglobulin G seviyeleri, kantitatif olarak single radial immunodiffüzyon testi ile; semikantitatif olarakta glutaraldehid koagulasyon testi ile ölçüldü. Neonatal ishalli buzağılarda 30 dakikada pıhtılaşmayan serum örneklerinde IgG konsantrasyonları 250-400 mg/dl iken, 12-28. dakikada yarı pıhtılaşma (jelöz) gösteren serum örneklerinde ise IgG konsantrasyonları 580-800 mg/dl idi. Sağlıklı neonatal buzağılarda 1-5 dakikada pıhtılaşan serum örneklerinde IgG konsantrasyonları 2400-5800 mg/dl iken, 6-7 dakikada pıhtılaşan serum örneklerinde IgG konsantrasyonları 1600-1700 mg/dl idi. Sonuç olarak negatif ve jelöz glutaraldehid test sonucu veren buzağılarda yetersiz pasif kolostral transfere pozitif glutaraldehid test sonucu veren buzağılarda yeterli pasif kolostral transfer gözlenebileceği söylenebilirÖğe Persistent right aortic arch and its surgical correction in a dog(SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY-TUBITAK, 2004) Koç, Yılmaz; Turgut, Kürşat; Şen, İsmail; Alkan, Fahrettin; Birdane, Fatih M.A young dog was examined because of regurgitating at the time of weaning to solid food. The dog was thin, underweight and had a sparse hair coat and distended abdomen. The cervical oesophagus was palpable as a flaccid, air-filled tube in the neck. Cardiac murmurs were not detected on auscultation of the thorax. A test meal of dog food was given and the dog regurgitated masticated, nondigested food a few minutes after eating. Contrast radiography of the oesophagus revealed contrast material accumulating in the oesophagus at the thoracic inlet and cranial to the heart. During surgery, the dilated portion of the oesophagus cranial to the stricture, the right of the aortic arch and the ligamentum arteriosum, over the stricture area was apparent. After surgical correction, the long-term outcome after 9 months was excellent.Öğe Prematüre buzağılarda kan asit-baz dengesi, bazı kan gazları ve elektrolit düzeyleri(2000) Ok, Mahmut; Birdane, Fatih M.Bu çalışmada, prematüre ve sağlıklı buzağılarda asit-baz dengesi, bazı venöz kan gazlan ve elektrolit düzeyleri belirlendi. Çalışmada 259-265 günlük ve 29-43 kg canlı ağırlığa sahip 20 prematüre ve 10 yeni doğmuş sağlıklı buzağı materyal olarak kullanıldı. Prematüre buzağılarda genel halsizlik, ayakta durmakta güçlük, hafif veya yetersiz emme refleksi, ayak tırnaklarının yumuşaklığı, kısa yumuşak tüylülük ve solunum güçlüğü belirlendi. Prematüre doğan 5 buzağı öldü. Prematüre buzağılarda venöz kan pH, pCO_2, pO_2, O_2SAT ve BE seviyelerinde yeni doğan bu-zağılara göre önemli farklılıklar belirlendi. Anahtar kelimeler: Kan gazları, asit-baz dengesi, elektrolit, prematüre buzağılarÖğe Premature Buzağılarda Kan Asit-Baz Dengesi?, Bazı Kan Gazları ve Elektroli?t Düzeyleri?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2000) Ok, Mahmut; Birdane, Fatih M.In this study acid-base status, the levels of both some blood gases and electrolytes of venous blood were determined in premature and healthy calves. Twenty premature calves and 10 newborn healthy calves were used as a material. The premature calves have 259 to 265 gestation days and 29 to 43 kg body weight, general we akness, soft claw, inability to stand, weak or no sucking reflex, respiratory distress and short silky haircoat. Five out of twenty premature calves died Venous blood pH, pC*O_{2} p*O_{2} O_{2}*SAT ve BE levels were significantly different in the premature calves (p < 0.01) compare to the newborn calves.