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Öğe Behçet hastalarında asimetrik dimetilarginin düzeyleri(2014) Öztürk, Bahadır; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Taner, Alpaslan; Yılmaz, Sema; Dağlı, Mehmet; Ünlü, AliAmaç: Behçet Hastalığı (BH), etiyolojisi tam olarak anlaşılmamış, kronik, inflamatuvar multisistemik bir vaskülittir. Nitrik Oksit (NO), endotel hücrelerinde Nitrik Oksit Sentaz (NOS) enzimi tarafından sentezlenen, vasküler sistem için önemi olan bir moleküldür. Asimetrik dimetilarjinin (ADMA) NOS'ın endojen inhibitörüdür. Bu çalışmada BH'larında ADMA düzeyleri ve ataklarla ilgisinin araştırılması amaçlandı.Metod: 34 Behçet hastası ve 34 sağlıklı kontrol çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Serum ADMA, arjinin ve sitrülin düzeyleri HPLC yöntemi ile saptandı. ESR ve CRP düzeyleri rutin yöntemlerle analiz edildi.Bulgular: Literatür bilgilerine ters olarak Behçet hastalarında ADMA düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre düşük bulundu. Bunun aksine Arjinin ve Sitrülin düzeyleri Behçet hastalarında anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu. Hasta grubunda Arjinin/ADMA oranları yüksek bulundu. ADMA ve CRP düzeyleri arasında ters bir korelasyon vardı. Arjinin değerleri de sitrülin ve CRP düzeyleri ile koreleydi. Sonuç: BH da genç yaşta atakların sayısının fazla olmasının sebeblerinden birisi düşük ADMA düzeyleri olabilir. Bizim çalışmamız hasta grubundaki düşük ADMA düzeylerine, yaşlanma ile BH alevlenmelerini ve NO aracılıklı inflamasyonu azaltması nedeniyle muhtemel önleyici bir rol yüklemektedirÖğe BİYOELEKTRİK İMPEDANS ANALİZ METODU İLE DİĞER METODLARIN NORMAL KİLOLU, FAZLA KİLOLU VE OBEZ’LERE GÖRE KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI(2012) Çakmakçı, Evrim; Arslan, Fatma; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Ayrancı, MeryemKadınların aşırı beslenme, hareketsiz yaşam ve doğum kilolarının sebep olduğu obezite problemleriyle karşı karşıya kaldıkları gözlenmektedir. Şişmanlığın ve obezitenin tespit edilmesinde BMI, BKO, BÇ ve DKK ölçüm metotları ile Biyoelektriksel Impedans Analiz yöntemi de kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı vücut kompozisyonunun değerlendirilmesinde kullanılan yöntemlerin normal kilolu, fazla kilolu ve obez yetişkin bayanlarda etkinliklerini karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmaya yaş ortalamaları 25,70i7,85 (N217) normal kilolu, 32,47i8,22 (N236) fazla kilolu, 38,12i8,95 (N240) obez ve toplamda N293 yetişkin bayan katılmıştır. Deneklerin vücut kompozisyonları BMI, BKO, BÇ ve DKK ve Biyoelektrik Impedans Analiz yöntemi ile ölçülerek değerlendirilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS 11,5 paket programında One Way Anova ve Tukey testi uygulanmıştır. Tüm testler için anlamlılık düzeyi p0,05 olarak kabul edildi. Araştırmaya katılan yetişkin bayanların antropometrik ölçüm sonuçlarına göre BMI, Bel Çevresi ve Biyoelektrik Impedans Analiz yöntemi değerleri tüm gruplar arasında farklılık gösterirken (p0,05); Bel/Kalça oranı değerlerinin normal kilolu ve obez grupları arasında farklı olduğu görülmüştür(p0,05). BMI ve BİA yönteminin obeziteyi tespit etmede önemli olduğu abdominal obeziteyi tespit etmek için bel çevresi ile birlikte beraber kullanılmasının daha faydalı olabileceği düşünülmektedir.Öğe Çeşitli kanser vakalarında serum Glutatyon-S Transferaz (GST) izoenzimlerinin araştırılması(Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995) Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Aköz, MehmetBu çalışma, 25-90 yaşlan arasında (ortalama 54 ± 14) toplam 88 kanserli vaka (43 kadın, 45 erkek) ile 21-69 yaşlan arasında (ortalama 44 ± 14) 40 sağlıklı kişi (20 kadm, 20 erkek) üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Hastalarda ve sağlıklı kişilerde serum GST-a ve GST-? ile kanserli hastalarda plazma GST-u düzeyleri araştınldı. Çeşitli kanser vakalarına ait GST-a ve GST-? değerleri sırasıyla GIS kanserinde; 5.60 ± 3.74 ng/ml, 35.84 ± 12.04 ng/ml, karaciğer kanserinde; 6.20 ± 2.56 ng/ml, 33.79 ± 9.79 ng/ml, mide kanserinde;5.73 ± 4.91 ng/ml, 38.92 ± 13.69 ng/ml, diğer kanserlerde; 3.46 ± 4.62 ng/ml, 22,99 ± 13.46 ng/ml, toplam kanserlerde; 4.90 ± 4.11 ng/ml, 33.10 ± 13.77 ng/ml olarak bulunurken, kontrol gurubunda bu değerler sırasıyla 4.77 ± 3.24 ng/ml, 23.46 ± 9.81 ng/ml olarak bulundu. Aynca, kanserli hasta grubunda GST-u izoenziminin %59.53 oranında pozitif olduğu tespit edildi ki bu değer sağlıklı kişiler için literatürde verilen değerlerden farklı değildir. Tüm hasta grublan ile kontrol grubuna ait GST-a değerleri arasında istatistiki açıdan önemli bir fark bulunmazken, GIS, karaciğer, mide ve toplam kanser grublanna ve kontrol grublanna ait GST-? düzeyleri arasında istatistiki açıdan önemli fark olduğu bulundu. Bu sonuçlardan, GST-?'nin özellikle GIS, mide ve karaciğer kanserlerinin teşhisinde önemli bir markır olduğu, GST-u,'nün ise tüm kanser vakaları bir arada değerlendirildiğinde, sağlıklı kişilerden önemli bir farklılık göstermediği sonucuna varıldı.Öğe Comparison of Effects of Somatostatine and Octreotide in the Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis(2001) Şahin, Mustafa; Avşar, Fatih Mehmet; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Tekin, Şakir; Gürbilek, Mehmet; Karademir, Mehmet; Yılmaz, OsmanAkut pankreatit ciddi bir hastalıktır ve tedavi seçeneklerinin yararları tartışılmaya devam etmektedir. Akut pankreatitte octreotid ve somatostatin 'in etkilerini araştırmaktadır. Çalışmaya 48 adet Spraque-Dawley raflar alındı. Raflar 4 gruba ayrıldı Her grupta ana biliopankreatit duktusbağlanarak akut pankreatit oluşturuldu. Grup I; kontrol grubu, Grup II; 35 mcg/kg/4 st somotostatin kuyruk veninden yapıldı, Grup III; 1.3 mcg/kg/8 st oktreotid subkutan yapıldı, Grup IV; her iki ürün birlikte aynı doz ve aralıklarla uygulandı. Ameliyat öncesi vepost-op 48.saatte serolojik, hematolojik ve gazometrik ölçümler için kan örnekleri alındı. Katlar çalışmanın 48. saatinde sakrifiye edildiler. Pankreas, karaciğer ve akciğerden doku örnekleri alındı.Toplam 15 rat öldü ve gruplararası mortalite oranları arasında anlamlı farklılık bulundu (p0.05). Ameliyat öncesi alınan kanda çalışılan serolojik, hematolojik ve gazometrik parametreler bütün gruplarda benzerdi. Post-op 48 saat sonra, 1. grupta 8, 2. grupta 5, 3. grupta 4 ve 4. grupta 5 parametre, preoperatif sonuçlara kıyasla daha kötü bulundu. Her grupta interstisyel ödem ve iltihabi hücre infiltrasyonu gözlendi., fakat sadece 1. grupta kanama alanları görüldü. Sonuç olarak, akut pankreatitin erken döneminde tedavi amacıyla kullanıldıkları zaman somatostatin ve oktreotid'in etkili olabilecekleri kanaatindeyiz.Öğe Congenital morphological abnormalities of the distal vertebral arteries (CMADVA) and their relationship with vertigo and dizziness(INT SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION, INC, 2004) Paksoy, Yahya; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Şeker, Muzaffer; Üstün, Mehmet Erkan; Büyükmumcu, Mustafa; Akpınar, ZehraBackround: The aim of our study was to identify congenital morphological abnormalities of distal vertebral arteries (CMADVA) and their association with cerebral hypoperfusion leading to vertigo, and the role of MR and MRA in the diagnosis of vertebrobasilar (VB) abnormalities. Materials/Methods: 768 patients who complained of dizziness and/or vertigo were included in the study and evaluated by MR and MRA. CMADVAs were determined in 88 of the cases with no other explanation for vertigo and dizziness. 150 patients without dizziness or vertigo were used as a control group. The 3D TOF (Time-of-flight) MR angiographic technique was used. Results: CMADVAs were detected in 88 of 768 patients (11.5%) with vertigo and/or dizziness. We also detected CMADVAs in 4 (2.7%) of 150 persons in the control group. The patients with abnormal vertebral artery findings were classified into ten categories. Lacunar infarcts in the brain stem were found in 8 patients after long-duration vertigo attacks. There was significant correlation between the control and vertigo groups in terms of CMADVA (p=0.0001). After excluding the control group, there was a significant relationship between CMADVA and vertigo and/or dizziness symptoms (P=0.0001). Conclusions: We believe that vertigo and dizziness associated with CMADVA is a real entity that deserves greater attention. For this reason, the vertebrobasilar system in these patients should be examined for CMADVA with MRA. This would enable us to take preventive measures against brainstem ischemia or at least elucidate the etiology of vertigo in these patients.Öğe Determination of melatonin deprivation impact on sepsis with acute phase reactants(ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2020) Akbulut, Hatice Feyza; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Sekmenli, TamerBackground: The aim of the present study is to determine the association of melatonin hormone level on CRP, Total Antioxidant Status, Leukocyte, Procalcitonin, and Malondialdehyde, all acute phase reactants in the dark and light cycle of rats with sepsis model. Materials and methods: In this study, 54 rats were divided into three groups. Whereas the first and third groups had a 12 h dark-light cycle, the second group was exposed to light for 24 h at 21 degrees C-22 degrees C for 10 d without any water and food restrictions. In the second and third groups, sepsis model was formed by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) method at the end of 10th day, and blood samples were taken at the end of the 10th day. C-reactive protein, Malondialdehyde, Procalcitonin in the blood samples were analyzed by ELISA, and the levels of Total Antioxidant Status and leukocyte were determined by colorimetric method in the subsequent 12 and 24 h. Results: CRP values increased in the second group rats, which were kept continuously under light and had undergone CLP, from 288.8 mg/L to 584.0 mg/L at the end of the 12 h and the end of the 24 h, approximately, two times. In rats, which were kept under 12 h of light, 12 h of darkness, and applied CLP (group 3), these values increased from 416.9 to 619.1; an increase of 1.5 times. When assessed for MDA, it was determined that the differences between Group 2 and Group 3 were more prominent between 0 h and 12 h. While the MDA values in group 2 increased from 16.53 nmol/mL at the 12 h to 17.66 nmol/mL at the 24 h. However, MDA values did not yield statistically significant changes in the third group. Changes in the in PCT values were similar to the MDA values obtained. Increase coefficient of the PCT values between 0 h and 12 h in the second group 2 was 1.26; however, in the third group, it was negligible. Conclusions: An increase in the oxidative stress was observed in the rats that underwent CLP and melatonin deprivation via continuous 24 h light exposure for 10 d. Accordingly, deprivation of light is considered to be effective in sepsis treatment due to the increase in melatonin levels in intensive care unit patients. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Diphenhydramine and Hyaluronic Acid Derivatives Reduce Adnexal Adhesions and Prevent Tubal Obstructions in Rats(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2003) Avsar, Ayşe Filiz; Avsar, Fatih Mehmet; Şahin, Mustafa; Topaloğlu, Serdar; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Belviranli, MetinObjective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of diphenhydramine-HCl and Na-hyaluronate derivatives on the development of postoperative peritoneal adhesion and tubal obstruction. Study design: Forty female rats of Sprague-Dawley type were used in the study. The rats were divided into four groups, each comprising 10 subjects. After all the rats were anaesthetized with 50 mg/kg ketamine HCl, their abdomens were opened with a lower midline incision. Injury was induced on the right pelvic peritoneum and on the peritoneal surface of left uterine tube. No additional procedure was applied to the first group. 10 mg/kg diphenhydramine-HCl was given to the second group intravenously. In the third group, 0.25 mg/kg Orthovisc(R), a Na-hyaluronate derivative was diluted with 2 ml physiological saline and poured into the abdomen. For the fourth group, Seprafilm(R), a Na-hyaluronate derivative was covered in a layer of 0.7 cm x 3 cm over the left uterine tube. After 14 days, the rats were anaesthetized with ketamine HCl again, and 5 cm(3) blood sample was taken with cardiac puncture. The abdomen was opened with an incision transverse to the upper end of the midline incision, and the presence of adhesions was investigated. Detected adhesions were staged according to the Mazuji classification. Tubal patencies were inspected by injecting methylene blue from the uterine corpus into the lumen using an injector. A piece of abdominal wall of 4 cm x 4 cm was removed by extending the incision in the reverse U shape. The tensile strength and bursting pressure of the suture line were determined using the Peacock method. One gram of tissue was taken from the incision line, and hydroxyproline levels were determined by the Bergman-Loxley method. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels were measured. Results: All of the rats completed the study. AST levels, tissue hydroxyproline levels and tensile strength and bursting pressure test results were found to be similar in all groups. While adhesion rates in the groups were 100, 40, 40 and 30%, respectively, adhesion stages were found to be, respectively as 2.1 +/- 1.7, 0.6 +/- 0.67, 0.6 +/- 0.67 and 0.5 +/- 0.85. Adhesion stages in the study groups were significantly lower (P < 0.05). Tubal obstruction rates were found to be 70, 30, 30 and 20%, respectively. Conclusion: Diphenhydramine, Orthovisc(R) and Seprafilm(R) significantly reduce postoperative peritoneal adhesion development, and they allow the uterine tubes to remain open. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe The effect of allergic rhinitis treatment on serum ischemia modified albumin levels in children with allergic rhinitis(WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2013) Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Akyürek, Fikret; Artaç, Hasibe; Atıcı, Seval; Öztürk, B.; Sivrikaya, Abdullah[Abstract not Available]Öğe Effect of Ascitic Media Formed by Glycerin on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions(KARGER, 2009) Aksoy, Fatih; Vatansev, Celalettin; Tekin, Ahmet; Pamukcu, A.; Küçükkartallar, T.; Yılmaz, Hüseyin; Vatansev, HüsamettinAim: We aimed to investigate whether or not artificial ascites media formed using glycerin are effective in the prevention of intraperitoneal adhesions. Methods: Thirty-six Wistar albino male rats were used in the study. The rats were divided into 3 groups as follows. Group I: control group; group II (isotonic group): 3 ml of 0.9% NaCl was injected into the peritoneal cavity, and group III (glycerin group): 0.5 ml of liquid glycerin and 3 ml of 0.9% NaCl was injected into the peritoneal cavity. Results: There were serious adhesions in the control group. Adhesion rates were lower in the isotonic group compared with the control group, but the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). When adhesion rates of the glycerin group were compared with the control and isotonic groups, significant differences were found, especially between the glycerin and control groups (p < 0.05). Conclusions: According to the results of our study, the use of isotonic solution and liquid glycerin decreases postoperative adhesions. We suggest that glycerin was more effective as it has the chemical ability to draw water to its media. As such, the formation of adhesions may be decreased by increasing the amount of physiological liquid inside the abdomen. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, BaselÖğe Effect of Oral Glucose Loading on Serum Gastrin Level in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women(PABST SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2001) Gültekin, Fatih; Gürbilek, Mehmet; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Yaşar, Sulhattin; Aköz, Mehmet; Öztürk, MustafaAim. To evaluate the relationship between the changes in gastrin and insulin serum concentrations after oral glucose loading in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Methods. Thirty women, 12 pregnant and 18 non-pregnant, with normal fasting glucose values were included in the study. Serum concentrations of gastrin, glucose, insulin, and glucagon were analyzed at 0 (t1), 30 (t2) and 60 (t3) minutes after 75 g oral glucose loading. Gastrin, insulin, and glucagon levels were determined by means of radioimmunoassay kits. Results. Serum gastrin concentration in pregnant women increased insignificantly (gastrin median values 57.91, 70.62, and 68.70 for t1, t2, and t3, respectively; Friedman's test, p=0.264). In non-pregnant women gastrin levels insignificantly increased from t1 to t2, but reduced significantly from t2 to t3 (gastrin median values 62.91, 86.92, and 62.25 for t1, t2 and t3, respectively; Bonferroni adjusted Wilcoxon test, p=0.002). Unlike in pregnant women, the changes in gastrin release in non-pregnant women were associated with changes in blood glucose concentrations at t2 and t3, which were induced by oral glucose loading. Glucose median values were 7.48 and 6.43 for t2 and t3, respectively. The insulin release due to the oral glucose loading markedly increased at t2 and t3 (Friedman's test, p<0.001), whereas glucagon release decreased irrespective of pregnancy. Conclusion. Changes in blood glucose concentrations induced by oral glucose loading could influence gastrin release, especially in non-pregnant women. Changes in insulin and glucagon levels induced by oral glucose loading, particularly after 60 minutes, could not be associated with changes in gastrin release.Öğe Effects of Magnesium Sulfate on Tissue Lactate and Malondialdehyde Levels in Experimental Head Trauma(SPRINGER-VERLAG, 2001) Üstün, Mehmet Erkan; Gürbilek, Mehmet; Ak, Ahmet; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Duman, AteşObjective: To determine the effects of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) on tissue lactate and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in rabbit brain after experimental head trauma. Design: Prospective, randomized trial. Subjects: Thirty New Zealand rabbits. Interventions: Group 1 (n = 10) was the sham operated group. Group 2 (n = 10) (untreated group) and group 3 (n = 10) received head trauma with the weight drop method. MgSO4 was administered 100 mg/kg (15%) i.v. immediately after the head trauma to group 3. Trauma was applied to one side. The non-contused side was named as "a" and the contused side as "b". Measurements: One hour after trauma, brain cortices were resected and the concentrations of lactate and MDA were determined using the spectrophotometric enzymatic and thiobarbituric acid methods. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests were used for the evaluation of the results. P < 0.05 was considered as significant. Pearson's correlation test was used between lactate and MDA levels (P < 0.001). Results: There were significant differences between MDA and lactate levels of group 1 and all other groups; non-contused (a) and contused (b) sides of groups 2 and 3; groups 2b-3a, 2b-3b (P < 0.05). The difference in MDA levels was significant between groups 2a-3b (P < 0.05). Correlation between lactate and MDA was very good in group 1, and excellent in groups 2a, 2b, 3a, and 3b. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that head trauma leads to an increase in brain tissue lactate and MDA levels, and MgSO4 suppresses the rise in contused tissue when given after head trauma.Öğe Effects of Nimodipine and Magnesium Sulfate on Endogenous Antioxidant Levels in Brain Tissue After Experimental Head Trauma(LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 2001) Üstün, Mehmet Erkan; Duman, Ateş; Öğün, Cemile Öztin; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Ak, AhmetTo examine the effects of calcium antagonists nimodipine and magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) on tissue endogenous antioxidant levels, the authors studied superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) levels in rabbit brain 1 hour after experimental head trauma. Forty New Zealand rabbits were anesthetized and randomly divided into four groups. Group 1 (n = 10) was the sham operated group. Group 2 (n = 10), the control group, received head trauma and no treatment. Group 3 (n = 10) received head trauma and intravenous (IV) 2 mu gr/kg nimodipine. Group 4 (n = 10) received head trauma and IV 100 mg/kg MgSO4. Head trauma was delivered by performing a craniectomy over the right hemisphere and dropping a weight of 20 g from a height of 40 cm. In the right (traumatized) hemisphere, SOD and GPx decreased by 57.60% +/- 9.60% and 72.93% +/- 5.51% respectively from sham values. Magnesium sulfate, but not nimodipine, reduced the magnitude of decrease of SOD and GPx to 19.43% +/- 7.15% and 39.01% +/- 7.92% respectively from sham values. In the left (nontraumatized) hemisphere, MgSO4 increased SOD to 42.43% +/- 24.76% above sham values. The authors conclude that MgSO4 treatment inhibited the decrease in SOD and GPx levels in experimental brain injury.Öğe Effects of Oral L-Glutamine, Insulin and Laxative on the Severity of Acute Pancreatitis(2001) Avşar, Fatih Mehmet; Şahin, Mustafa; Saygun, Oral; Özel, İ. Hakan; Hengirmen, Süleyman; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Kafalı, Ertuğrul; Yılmaz, OsmanAim: To investigate the effects of oral L-glutamine, insulin and laxative on the severity of acute pancreatitis. Materials and Methods: Forty adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups. Experimental pancreatitis was induced by ligating the main biliopancreatic duct. All groups were given standard rat pellets and tap water. In addition Group II was given 15 mg/kg/day of L-glutamine via a catheter enterally, Group III was given a 3 ml/day fleet enema via a catheter enterally, and Group IV was given 3 IU/kg/day of NPH insulin via a catheter enterally. The rats were sacrificed 96 hours after the induction of pancreatitis. Blood samples for biochemical analyses, and tissue samples from the lung and pancreas for histopathological evaluation were taken. Findings: Significant increases in amylase levels were observed after the procedure. Five parameters in the L-glutamine group (BUN, glucose, leukocyte, pO2 and SGOT), 5 parameters in the laxative group (Amylase, BUN, glucose, LDH and SGOT), and 2 parameters in the insulin group (BUN and SGOT) were better than those in the control group. While necrosis was observed in 3 rats in the control group, 3 in the insulin group and in 1 in the laxative group in the histopathological evaluation of pancreas tissue, no rats in the L-glutamine group exhibited necrosis. More severe pancreatitis was observed in the control and insulin groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: L-glutamine, administered in enteral solutions in subjects with acute pancreatitis, will not increase the severity of pancreatitis, but will aid in meeting the energy demand of the subject. Laxative may also be employed in the removal of fecal mass during the early period of the disease.Öğe The Effects of Splenic Artery Ligation in an Experimental Model of Secondary Hypersplenism(Royal College Surgeons Edinburgh, 2000) Şahin, Mustafa; Tekin, Şakir; Aksoy, Fatih; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Şeker, Muzaffer; Avunduk, Mustafa Cihat; Kartal, AdilObjective: To induce hypersplenism in rats by splenic vein ligation and to investigate the effects of splenic artery ligation in this model. Background: Selective arterial embolisation and splenic artery ligation (SAI,) are used in the treatment of secondary hypersplenism in some medical centres but these methods are not common. Materials and Methods: Thirty male Saprague-Dawley rats were allocated to three groups (n=10). The first group underwent laparotomy, the second and third groups underwent laparotomy and splenic vein ligation. At the end of the third week, laparotomy was performed in the first and second groups and splenic artery ligation in the third group. Erythrocyte, leukocyte and platelet counts were performed weekly. At the end of the sixth week, the animals were sacrificed and the spleens were taken for histopathologic examination. Results: In the second and third groups, after splenic vein ligation, the erythrocyte and platelet counts mere significantly reduced at the end of the second week (p<0.01), In the second group, which underwent splenic vein ligation only, the levels remained low throughout the experiment. In the third group, after splenic artery ligation, there were rises in both erythrocyte and platelet counts; the levels were similar to the levels in the control group at three weeks after splenic artery ligation (p>0.05), No significant changes were observed in the leukocyte counts throughout the experiment (p>0.05), Conclusions: Splenic vein ligation successfully induces experimental secondary hypersplenism, This state can be ameliorated by splenic artery ligation.Öğe Glutatyon S-transferaz (GST) Izoenzimlerinin Çeşitli Kanser Vakalarında Araştırılması(2000) Aköz, Mehmet; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Gürbilek, Mehmet; Akkuş, İdris; Vatansev, Celalettin; Kaptanoğlu, BünyaminAmaç: Bu çalışmada glutatyon S-transferaz (GST) izoenzimlerinden GST-a, GST-p, GST-m’nin kanser hastaları ve sağlıklı kontrollerde araştırılması amaçlarmıştır. Yöntem: 29-90 (5713) yaşları arasında 66 (22 kadın, 44 erkek) kanserli hasta ile yaşları 23-59 (3611) arasında 32 (16 kadın,16 erkek) sağlıklı kişide GST-a, GST-p ve kanserli hastalarda GST-m düzeyleri araştırıldı. Bulgular: Kanser vakalarında sırasıyla GST-a ve GST-p değerleri gastrointestinal sistem (GİS) kanserlerinde 5.603.74 ng/ml ve 37.2410.74 ng/ml, karaciğer kanserinde 6.202.56 ng/ml ve 35.339.57 ng/ml, mide kanserinde 5.734.91 ng/ml ve 39.7713.18 ng/ml, diğer kanserlerde 4.623.46 ng/ml ve 22.9913.46 ng/ml, kontrol grubunda ise 4.773.24 ng/ml ve 23.479.97 ng/ml olarak bulundu. GST-m düzeyleri ise kanserli hasta grubunda % 59.52 oranında negatif olarak belirlendi. Tüm hasta grupları ile kontrol grubuna ait GST-a değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli bir fark bulunmazken, GST-p düzeyleri arasında önemli fark olduğu görüldü. Sonuç: GST-p nin özellikle gastrointestinal sistem, mide ve karaciğer kanserlerinin teşhisinde önemli bir belirleyici olabileceği, GST-m yokluğunun ise kanser açısından risk faktörü oluşturabileceği kanaatine varıldı.Öğe Growth-differentiation Factor-15 and Tissue Doppler Imaging in Detection of Anthracycline-induced Cardiomyopathy During Therapy of Childhood Cancers(LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 2016) Kaya, Fatma; Arslan, Derya; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Köse, Doğan; Çimen, Derya; Akyürek, Fikret; Oran, BülentObjectives:The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of growth-differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15) levels and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) in the early detection of anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy during the treatment of childhood cancers.Patients and Methods:Twenty patients (13 males and 7 females) newly diagnosed with childhood cancer whose treatment protocol included anthracycline were included in the study. Echocardiography, including M-mode, pulse Doppler, and TDI, was performed after the first anthracycline treatment at cumulative doses of 100, 200, and 300 mg/m(2) and at least 6 months after the last treatment. GDF-15 and troponin-I were also measured at these time points.Results:The median age of the patients was 14 years (range, 3 to 18 y). The median cumulative anthracycline dose was 220 mg/m(2) (range, 60 to 400 mg/m(2)). Conventional pulse wave and pulse wave tissue Doppler methods revealed significant differences in the right ventricular myocardial performance indices of the patients who received cumulative anthracycline doses of 300 mg/m(2) compared with their indices at least 6 months after the last treatment. The serum GDF-15 levels after the cumulative anthracycline dose of 200 mg/m(2) were also higher than the patients' pretreatment levels.Conclusions:Doppler/TDI and GDF-15 levels may be used in the early determination of anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy during the treatment of childhood cancers.Öğe Heart-type fatty acid binding protein level as a tool in ıdentification of early cardiac effects of diabetic ketoacidosis(GALENOS YAYINCILIK, 2017) Yılmaz, Fatma Hilal; Yuca, Sevil Arı; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Cimbek, Emine Ayça; Şen, Yasar; Yılmaz, Isa; Akyürek, FikretObjective: This study aimed to measure the serum levels of heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) in patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and diabetic ketosis (DK) and to determine its role in identifying early-period cardiac ischemia. Methods: This prospective study included 35 patients diagnosed with DKA, 20 patients diagnosed with DK, and 20 control subjects. H-FABP, creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB), and troponin I levels were investigated at presentation in patients with DKA and DK and in the control group. H-FABP values were measured again after acidosis correction in the DKA patients. Results: No statistically significant differences were found with respect to troponin I and CK-MB within the groups. The H-FABP values of DKA patients at presentation were found to be significantly higher than those of DK patients and the control group (p = 0.015). The H-FABP value of the DKA group was also found to be significantly higher than the value at hour 36 after acidosis correction (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: We would like to propose H-FABP as a potential marker for indicating myocardial ischemia.Öğe Hemodiyaliz Öncesinde ve Sonrasında Kardiyak Troponin-i ve Miyoglobin Seviyelerinin Incelenmesi(2000) Gürbilek, Mehmet; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Türk, Süleyman; Uysal, Hüseyin; Bor, Mehmet AkifAmaç: Son dönem böbrek hastalarında serum troponin I düzeyi kardiyak iskemi olmaksızın yükselebilir. Bunun nedeni açık değildir. Bu çalışmada, kronik hemodiyaliz programına giren 52 hastada diyaliz öncesi ve sonrasında serum troponin-I (cTnI) düzeylerinde yükselme olup olmadığının araştırılması amaçlandı. Yöntemler: cTnI ve miyoglobin düzeyleri kemilüminisans metodu ile serumda çalışıldı. Total kreatin kinaz (CPK) ve CK-MB aktivitesi rutin kolorimetrik ve immunometrik metodla çalışıldı. Tüm hastalar klinik özgeçmişlerine göre iki gruba ayrıldı. Birinci grup koroner risk faktörlerinden sadece birine, ikinci grup ise iki veya daha fazla major risk faktörüne sahipti. cTnI, CPK, CK-MB ve miyoglobin düzeylerinin diyaliz öncesi ve sonrası değerleri arasındaki fark non-parametrik Wilcoxon signed rank testi ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Hemodiyaliz sonrasında öncesine göre CK-MB, CPK, miyoglobin ve cTnI değerlerinde önemli fark bulundu. Sonuç: Sonuçlarımıza göre cTnI düzeyleri hemodiyalizden etkilenmemektedir.Öğe The impact of oral feeding on the severity of acute pancreatitis(CAHNERS PUBL CO, 1999) Şahin, Mustafa; Özer, Şükrü; Vatansev, Celalettin; Aköz, Mehmet; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Aksoy, Faruk; Dilsiz, Alaattin; Yılmaz, Osman; Karademir, Mehmet; Aktan, MuratBACKGROUND: In the management of acute pancreatitis, oral feeding is prohibited and either enteral or parenteral feeding is commenced for the patients in an effort to not increase the secretion of the pancreatic enzymes. PURPOSE: This study was undertaken in an attempt to determine the impact of oral feeding on the severity of acute pancreatitis and to compare this impact with that of parenteral feeding. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-four female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups. In both groups, acute pancreatitis was induced by ligation of the main biliopancreatic duct. The rats in group I were fed orally and the rats in group II were fed parenterally, The rats were sacrificed at 48 hours, and blood samples were obtained from the heart upon exposure of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, The pancreas and the left lung were removed for histopathological examination, The levels of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), glucose, calcium and blood urea nitrogen, base deficit, partial oxygen pressure, leukocyte count, and hematocrit level among Ranson criteria and the level of amylase were measured, The pancreas and the lung were examined under a light microscope. RESULTS: The levels of LDH, SGOT, and calcium for the rats in group I were significantly higher when compared with the rats in group II (P <0.05), Similarly, the levels of amylase for the rats in group I were found to be higher when compared with the rats in group II, but the difference was not significant. Inflammatory changes observed in the pancreas were less severe whereas inflammatory changes observed in the lung were more severe for the rats in group I when compared with the rats in group II. CONCLUSIONS: The blood levels of the enzymes were adversely affected for the rats fed orally. In contrast, inflammatory changes observed in the pancreas were more severe for the rats fed parenterally, The study suggests that certain hormones released from the duodenum upon stimulation by oral nutrient intake lessens the severity of pancreatitis through protective effects on the pancreas, whereas the elevated levels of the enzymes cause endothelial damage resulting in destruction in distant organs such as the lung.Öğe Karotid endarterektomi geçiren hastalarda kontrolsüz diyabetin statin kullanan ve kullanmayan hastalarda LDL seviyelerine etkisi(2016) Öç, Mehmet; Duman, İpek; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Şimşek, Murat; Arun, Oğuzhan; Öç, Bahar; Duman, AteşAmaç: Çalışmanın amacı Karotid endarterektomi geçiren hastalarda kontrolsüz diyabetes mellitusun (DM) uzun süreli statin kullanan ve kullanmayan hastalarda Düşük Yoğunluklu Lipoprotein (LDL) seviyelerine etkisini araştırmaktı.Gereç ve yöntem: Ateroskleroz nedeniyle karotid endarterektomi geçiren 40 hastanın ameliyat öncesi LDL seviyeleri retrospektif olarak analiz edildi. Tüm hastalar en az 1 yıldır statin kullanıyordu. HbA1C seviyelerinin % 6,4'den fazla olması kontrolsüz DM kriteri kabul edildi (D). Diğer hastalar diyabet olmayan gruplara alındı (D-). Grup 1: D statin kullanan (n9), grup 2: D- statin kullanan (n10), grup 3: D statin kullanmayan (n8), grup 4: D- statin kullanmayan (n13) hastalardan oluştu. İstatistiksel değerlendirme için Kruskal-Wallis ve Mann-Whitney testleri kullanıldı. p0,05 anlamlı kabul edildi.Bulgular: Demografik veriler benzerdi. Grup 1, 2, 3 ve 4 için LDL seviyeleri sırasıyla 125,08,7 mg/dl, 95,07,0 mg/dl, 133,510,0 mg/dl, 114,010,2 mg/dl olarak bulundu. ). Statin kullanan ve kullanmayan kontrolsüz diyabet hastalarının LDL seviyeleri diğer gruplardan anlamlı derecede yüksekti (p0,05). Statin kullanan diyabetik hastaların LDL seviyeleri de statin kullanan normal hastalardan daha yüksekti (p0,05). Kontrolsüz diyabet olan hastaların LDL seviyeleri statin kullanan ve kullanmayan gruplarda benzerdi (p0,05). Diyabet olmayan hastaların LDL seviyeleri benzer bulundu (p0,05).Sonuç: Bu çalışma, kontrolsüz diyabeti olan ateroskleroz hastalarının LDL seviyelerinin, statin kullansınlar ya da kullanmasınlar diyabet olmayan ateroskleroz hastalarından daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir. İleri çalışmaların kanıtlanmış aterosklerozu olan hasta gruplarında çok merkezli ve yüksek vaka sayılı olarak yapılmasının uygun olacağı görüşündeyiz.