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  • Öğe
    Influence of Mono-Ammonium and Di-Ammonium Phosphate on Phosphorus Use Efficiency of Maize and Bread Wheat Plants
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019) Gezgin, Sait; Yossif, Ahmed M.
    Phosphorus fixation in soils is a big problem, for that, it affects negatively on phosphorus use efficiency of the plant. The amount of phosphorus which had fixed depends on orthophosphate ions and some soil properties. The goal of two experiments [In the first maize (Zea mays L.) and the second bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)] to know the different influence of mono-ammonium phosphate [MAP NH4H2PO4] and di-ammonium phosphate [DAP (NH4)2HPO4] fertilizers when were applied in the soil at rates (0, 30, 60 and 90 mg P2O5 kg-1 ) on phosphorus use efficiency under greenhouse condition. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was arranged for both experiments in four replications in first experiment and three in the second. Results cleared that plant dry weight (PDW, g pot-1 ) and plant phosphorus uptake (PPU, mg P pot-1 ) were increased with increasing doses of MAP and DAP fertilizers in both experiments according to control (0 ppm). Furthermore, apparent recovery phosphorus use efficiency (ARPUE, %) increased in DAP at maize and decreased in MAP at wheat trial when increasing phosphorus doses. All parameters had highly significantly affected by phosphorus. Also, fertilizers were a highly significant effect on PDW, PPU and agronomic phosphorus use efficiency (APUE) in maize and PPU in the wheat trial. Otherwise, interaction (F×P) had a highly significantly affected on PPU, physiological phosphorus use efficiency (PPUE) and ARPUE in wheat and APUE in maize. Additionally, PDW had a significant effect on interaction. When the MAP and DAP were increasing, that means increased PDW and PPU but MAP is better than DAP. Additionally, the results of the MAP in phosphorus use efficiency are better than DAP too.
  • Öğe
    Application of Raw Rock Phosphate and Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris L.) on the Development and Nutrient Content of Corn Plant
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021) Atmaca, Emel
    Due to the fact that phosphate rock is water insoluble, the interaction of macro and micro organisms in the soil becomes important to increase its solubility. A study in the soil to investigate the effects of raw rock phosphate and earthworm castings application on the development and nutrient element content of corn plant was carried out in four frequency series as a greenhouse trial. To that end, 0-5-10-15-20-25-30-35 and 40 kg da-1 raw rock phosphate (15%) and earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L.) were added to the soil in P2O5 application dose. Only the same does of raw rock phosphate was added to the other doses. Nutrient element content of the corn plant (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn) in the pots with raw rock phosphate and earthworm castings application generally increased in comparison with the other pots which were not applied earthworm. According to the data obtained in the study, the effect of earthworm and different level of raw rock phosphate on the growth of corn plant was found statistically significant (p<0.05).
  • Öğe
    Effectiveness of Conventional and Minimized Tillage Practices on Soil Quality Properties and Maize Yield Attributes
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Mut, Resul; Şeker, Cevdet; Negiş, Hamza
    The effects of tillage systems on soil properties and crop productivity have been the subject of many studies to ensure sustainable productivity. Aims: In the study, the effects of different tillage methods applied in the intermediate period of wheat-maize rotation on the soil quality properties and corn yield elements were investigated in the pre-planting period (PP) and plant growth period (PGP) of corn. Methods: Conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage with subsoiling and chisel (MT1), minimum tillage with subsoiling (MT2), minimum tillage with chisel (MT3) and direct sowing (DS) methods were compared. As a result of the tillage practices, at 0-20 cm, the highest bulk density values were measured in the DS and CT methods, and 20-40 cm was determined in the CT method. The penetration resistance values of the soils measured at a depth of 0-80 cm were significantly affected by the applications made in both PP and PGP. The highest saturation value was measured in the MT3, the highest field capacity and plant available water contents were measured in the DS. The effects of the applications on the chemical properties of the soil and the nutrient content of the corn plant were limited. The effects on only grain protein ratio from yield components of corn plant were significant, the highest value was measured in CT. Considering the sustainable management of soils labour requirement and lower costs it was concluded that DS and MT methods are more applicable than CT methods in terms of yield.
  • Öğe
    Short-Term Impacts of Biochar Applications on Physico-Mechanic and Chemical Properties af Two Contrasting Textured Soils
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021) Abdulwahhab, Qutaiba Riyadh; Şeker, Cevdet
    The effect of biochar applications on soil properties varies significantly depending on soil textures. Therefore, a pot experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of biochar (BC) amendment on some soil physico-mechanic and chemical properties, such as bulk density (BD), particle density (PD), mean weight diameter (MWD), aggregate stability (AS), Attarberg limits, soil pH, electric conductivity (EC), organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), and C:N ratio of two different textured calcareous soils (Clay and Sandy Loam). Biochar produced from sunflower residues were mixed with soils at the rate of 0, 1, 2 and 4%. All pots were watered to field capacity and incubated for 30 days. The results showed that biochar improved soil structural properties for both studied soils. Although mean weight diameter (MWD) was increased in clay soil, it was decreased in sandy loam soil. The liquid limit was increased by an increment of BC application rates in both soils, and the plastic limit was increased in single clay soil. BC affected selected soil chemical properties by decreasing soil pH, and increasing the soil EC, OC, TN, and C: N ratio, but no effect was detected on CaCO3 content in both soils. Organic carbon mineralization ratio increased in the clay soil amended with BC, however, decreased in the sandy loam soil compared with the control sample. As a conclusion, the biochar amendment improved soil physico-mechanic properties of the studied soils. However, the effect on chemical properties was inconsistent.
  • Öğe
    Determination of Damage Rate of Sunn Pest (Eurygaster spp.) and Wheat Sting Bug (Aelia spp.) in Some Bread Wheat Varieties in Konya, Turkey
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2020) Aydoğan, Sümeyye; Ünlü, Levent
    This study was carried out in order to determine the damage rate of Sunn pest (Eurygaster spp.) and Wheat sting bug (Aelia spp.)in bread wheat varieties which brought to Konya Commodity Exchange and grown in 33 neighborhoods of Karatay which is the central district of Konya province of Turkey, during 2014-2018. Samples were taken homogeneously with an automatic probe device in according with the ISO 24333 Sampling Standard. Analysis samples were taken from these samples in according with TS 2974Wheat Standard and were cleaned and sieved from foreign materials. The grains that have been damaged by Sunn pest (Eurygaster spp.) and Wheat sting bug (Aelia spp.)damage have been determined, selected and weighed, and the damage rate of the grains by mass was calculated. Protein and hectolire values were also determined by measuring the remaining sample on the device working with the Near Infrared Transmission (NIT) principle. As a result of the research; in harvest seasons between 2014 and 2018, the average of Sunnpests damage in bread wheat coming from all districts of Karatay District were 1.1%, 0.8%, 0.9%, 0.9% and 1.1%, respectively. It was observed that the aveage of Sunn pest (Eurygaster spp.) and Wheat sting bug (Aelia spp.)damage rate ranged between 0.8-1.5%, protein averages ranged between 12.7-14.1% and hectoliter weights between 76.8-79.4 kg in 2014-2018 harvest seasons.
  • Öğe
    Using Contamination Indices for Assessments of Heavy Metals Status of Soils Around Mercury Mine, in Kurşunlu, (Konya) Province
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Akay, Ayşen; Özaytekin, Hasan Hüseyin
    The objective of this study was to establish contamination level for, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, As, Hg, Sb, Co, and Cd in soils around the old Hg mine area central part of Turkey. 34surface samples from mine area were collected. Samples were digested and the metals were determined by ICP-OES and assess metal contamination in soils by using Enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (Cf), Geoaccumulation index (Igeo), hazard quotient (HQ) (individual metal), contamination index (Cd), modified contamination index (mCd), pollution load index (PLI), and hazard load index (HLI) (multi metal). Enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (Cf), Geoaccumulation index (Igeo), hazard quotient (HQ)indicate that the soil in the most of studied points were unpolluted, slightly polluted or moderate degree of pollution with respect to Pb, Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, Co and Ni, while the soils in all studied stations were extremely contaminated with respect to Hg, Sb and As. When the obtained result to by evaluated the cumulative effect of metal pollution load index (PLI), the contamination degree (Cd) and modified Contamination Degree (mCd), and hazard load index were found to be very high high pollution, ultra-high degree pollution and medium pollution respectively indicating that the studied soils in were polluted by total of studied heavy metals.
  • Öğe
    The Significance of Bokashi Compost Obtained from Beneficial Microorganisms on Sustainability and Waste Disposal
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Evcim, Şerife Hilal; Gümüş, İlknur
    It is known that the use of chemicals is one of the leading factors that cause soil pollution. Studies are carried out to developed new methods for reducing the damage caused by chemical inputs that continue to increase and to ensure the sustainability of wastes by creating awareness of nature protection in product cultivation and consumption. In addition, the irregular storage of household waste has become a serious problem in our country. This problem greatly affects climate change by causing environmental pollution. In order to reduce or even eliminate these effects, bokashi compost, which is obtained from organic wastes, has been produced for many years in the world with the aim of improving the physical and chemical properties of soils, increasing productivity and sustainability. The aim of this study is to determine the importance of bokashi compost, which is produced with the help of beneficial microorganisms, which is an effective soil conditioner to maintain the existence of our natural ecosystem that does not cause environmental damage, in terms of sustainability.
  • Öğe
    Estimation of Soil Quality of under Long Term Sugar Beet-wheat Cropping System by Factor Analysis
    (TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 2020) Negiş, Hamza.; Şeker, Cevdet.
    Soil quality is a measurement used to calculate how well the soil will perform its functions and ensures the assessment of soils based on their physical, chemical and biological characteristics. The aim of this study was to facilitate the determination of soil quality, with soil properties selected by multi-criteria application, in a shorter time compared to that of conventional soils tests. A soil quality index (SQI) was determined by measuring the soil parameters under laboratory and field conditions in lands where agriculture has been taking place for many years. Based on the results of the factor analysis the 12 soil characteristics were selected for assessing the SQIs of each of the soil samples. The SQI results determined from physical, chemical, and biological soil properties with regards to total weight was calculated as 35.96%, 33.92%, and 30.12%, respectively. Based on the results of this study, it was determined that only 4 physical, 5 chemical and 3 biological properties could be used to evaluate soil quality. The selected indicators can be used in subsequent studies for the assessment of soil quality in areas where intensive agriculture has been used for many years.
  • Öğe
    Effects of biochar and compost applications on penetration resistance and physical quality of a sandy clay loam soil
    (TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 2020) Negiş, Hamza.; Şeker, Cevdet.; Gümüş, Ilknur.; Manirakiza, Noel.; Mücevher, Osman
    Due to intensified agricultural mechanization, soils are exposed to increased levels of degradation. Soil compaction is the beginning of this degradation which further proceeds to decrease organic matter content of soils. Among the various methods applied to solve these problems, the addition of organic matter to the soil has an important place. Thus, agricultural land application of organic wastes, such as biochar and compost, could alter the soil properties to offset the degradation effects. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of compost and biochar application on the soil compaction and its quality score. Biochar and compost of the Elaeagnus tree pruning residues were applied in a field at a similar rate of 0%, 2%, and 4%. Results indicated that the soil penetration resistance (PR) statistically experienced a downward trend compared to the control when applied with compost and biochar. The application of 2-4% biochar and compost lowered soil PR by exactly 8.80%, 9.33%, 18.22%, and 28.89%, respectively, throughout the period of 7 months. Furthermore, the infusion of biochar and compost into the soil significantly increased the soil compaction quality score compared to the control, and the least value of PR was observed for the compost-treated soil at the application rate of 4%. Compost and biochar applications were effective to improve the physical quality of a sandy clay loam soil, making it more suitable for plant development. On the other hand, the effect of compost treatments was more impact than biochar treatments.
  • Öğe
    The relationship between certain microbiological and some arbuscular mycorrhizal parameters of plants prevalent around an aluminum bauxite mine deposit
    (CORVINUS UNIV BUDAPEST, 2019) Atmaca, E.; Karaca, Çetin U.
    The aim of our research was to study certain microorganisms living in the root areas of plants growing in stressed habitats such as mining sites. In the present study, the distributions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (A.M.F.) spores in the root rhizospheres of certain plants (Onopordum acanthium, Festuca glauca, Euphorbia helioscopia L., Plantago lanceolata L., Salvia officinalis, Mentha pulegium L., Verbascum thapsus L. and Crocus sativus L.) that are prevalent around the Seydisehir Aluminum Plant Bauxite Deposit (SAPBD) were examined along with the infection rates of these spores in the plant roots, and the morphological definitions of these spores were presented. The highest values in the number of arbuscular mycorrhizal spores, arbuscular mycorrhizal infection rate, dehydrogenase, catalase, urease enzyme activities, the total number of bacteria, the vesicle and arbuscule rates, and also the DSE (dark septate endophyte) fungal structures were obtained from the plant Euphorbia helioscopia L., and the soils taken from its rhizosphere. The most prevalent spore species detected in the soils sampled from the Bauxite Mine sampling area were Glomus sp., Acaulospora sp. and Archaeospora sp. Fluctuations were observed in the arbuscular mycorrhizal infection rates of the roots depending on the species of the plants.
  • Öğe
    The effects of different organic wastes during carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soil under laboratory conditions
    (PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2019) Karaca, Ummahan Cetin.
    The use of organic waste from agriculture soil is one of the possible ways in the evaluation of these materials. It is important to study the nitrogen mineralization of organic waste so as to understand the nitrogen cycle in soil. During the decomposition of organic waste in this article, the nitrogen mineralization that occurred in agricultural soils and carbon content was investigated. This experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions using a sandy clay loam treated with garbage composts, poultry manures, wheat straw and sewage sludge at the rates of 0, 20 ton ha(-1) . The water content of the soil samples was adjusted to 60 % of field capacity. According to the experimental results, the impact of organic waste, the type of waste and ranged, depending on the time of incubation, was found statistically significant (P<0.01). After an incubation period of 150 days, the highest mineralized nitrogen was detected in sewage sludge (652.08 mgkg(-1)), chicken manure (449.97 mgkg(-1)) following wheat straw (409.26 mgkg(-1)) and garbage compost (398.25 mgkg(-1)).
  • Öğe
    Genetic diversity and population structure of watermelon (Citrullus sp.) genotypes
    (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2019) Pandey, Anamika; Khan, Mohd Kamran; Isik, Rabia; Turkmen, Onder; Acar, Ramazan; Seymen, Musa; Hakki, Erdogan E.
    Genetic polymorphism amid plant species is a crucial factor for plant improvement and maintaining their biodiversity. Evaluation of genetic diversity amongst plant species is significant to deal with the environmental stress conditions and their effective involvement in the breeding programs. Hence, in present study, an attempt has been made towards the genetic assessment of individual and bulked populations of 25 watermelon genotypes, belonging to Citroides (citron watermelon) and Lanatus (dessert watermelon) group from Konya, Thrace, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The employed Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Inter-Simple Sequence Polymorphism (ISSR) marker systems provided 69.4 and 95.4% polymorphisms, respectively. Different clustering methods showed clear grouping of the genotypes based on the geographical origin and species. Citron genotypes from Turkmenistan stood apart from all the Turkish Lanatus genotypes. However, Saudi Arab Lanatus genotype grouped with native Turkish varieties indicating the genetic linkage. Among all the Turkmenistan Citron genotypes, Turkmenistan-11 was the most distinct form. Moreover, sufficient genetic variation was found between the commercial and native Lanatus genotypes of Turkey as well as Citron genotypes of Turkmenistan. Hence, it will be beneficial to include these genotypes in the future breeding programs to transfer disease-resistant alleles from Citron to Lanatus genotypes.
  • Öğe
    Generating of land suitability index for wheat with hybrid system aproach using AHP and GIS
    (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2019) Dedeoğlu, Mert.; Dengiz, Orhan
    Today, crop models have been developed to products of strategic importance for precision agriculture management in the countries. The objective of this study was to generate the wheat suitability index (WSI) by using hybrid system that is including qualitative and quantitative reasons such as expert and sciencific knowledge weighted with analytic hierarchy process (AHP). This aproach was integrated into the GIS based on Linear Combination Teqnique in the study. For this purpose, the study was conducted in the field of wheat cultivation in Sogulca Basin with an area of 68.04 km(2) located on Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. We have selected 10 criteria as physical, chemical and topographical that affects wheat cultivation in the basin which has been divided into 47 land units according to thematic soil map. With the WSI model, 32.05% of the study area was classified as highly and moderately suitable whereas, 67.95% of the total study area has marginally and not suitable properties for wheat cultivation. According to results, the most effective factors on the last score values for WSI were found soil depth, texture and slope indicators. The score values of the WSI were compared with 5 years (2013-2017) yields and NDVI values for testing of the model and it has been determined that land classification for wheat has been done with high accuracy for yield r(2) = 0.83% and for NDVI r(2) = 0.78%. The results of the study showed that the WSI was found as convenient model in semi-arid climate condition. However, we suggest that the WSI model should also be tested in similar climatic conditions and in different soil types in order to be available as a general - pass index. In addition, using AHP with GIS capabilities, we have high capacity to the integration of heterogeneous data for determination and classification of suitability in the agriculture areas.
  • Öğe
    Fatty acid composition and mineral contents of pea genotype seeds
    (JIHAD DANESHGAHI, 2019) Ada, Rahim; Ceyhan, Ercan; Çelik, Şadiye Ayşe; Harmankaya, Mustafa; Özcan, Mehmet Musa
    Metal, non-metal and and heavy metal contents of different pea genotype seeds were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). For all genotypes, significant differences were observed in the mineral contents. Potassium was the most abundant element, ranged from 10146.13 mg/kg (PS3048) to 13171.97 mg/kg (PS3053) (Table 1). In addition, the phosphor content of pea seeds was found between 4004.31 mg/kg (PS 30100) and 5651.27 mg/kg (PS 3057). These pea genotypes contained 1562.32 mg/kg to 2034.28 mg/kg magnesium. Zinc contetns of pea samples changed between 29.66 mg/kg (PS 3055) and 67.81 mg/kg (PS 4053 B). The oil contents of pea samples ranged from 0.84% (PS4053 B) to 3.59% (PS 3055). Oleic acid is predominant fatty acid 12.95% to 45.02% followed by palmitic 13.68% to 77.28%, stearic (1.66% to 15.99%) acids. The highest oleic acid was found in PS3048 genotype (45.02%). The highest palmitic acid was found in PS4021 pea sample (77.28%). The current study contributes to the available information concerning the composition of several pea genotypes grown in Turkey.
  • Öğe
    Environmental pollution of soil with PAHs in energy producing plants zone
    (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2019) Sushkova, Svetlana.; Minkina, Tatiana.; Deryabkina, Irina.; Rajput, Vishnu.; Antonenko, Elena.; Nazarenko, Olga.; Yadav, Brijesh Kumar.; Hakki, Erdogan.; Mohan, Dinesh.
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widely distributed environmental toxicants primarily formed during the incomplete combustion of organic materials (for example, coal, oil, gasoline and wood). Power energy plants are the main sources of organic contaminants including PAHs. The purpose of the present research was to study the Novocherkassk Electric Power Station (NEPS) emission effects of PAHs accumulation in soils. The regional levels, types (groups) and spatial distribution of 16 priority PAHs were investigated. The monitoring sites were located on fallow lands of the 20 km around NEPS. PAHs extraction from collected soil samples was performed using the ecologically clean express-method of subcritical water extraction. The total PAHs content gradually increased in soil of the studied territories during 2016-2017 due to an increase in contaminants emission. Accordingly 16 priority PAHs were determined in the soil samples collected from the sites located to the northwest from NEPS in direction of predominant winds. The 5-km zone situated in direction of predominant winds was highly subjected to PAHs contamination, with maximal accumulation at a distance of 1.6 km from the source. The ratio of high- and low-molecular weight PAHs content in soils of monitoring sites was taken as an index of environmental soil contamination. The high-molecular weight PAHs concentration prevailed in monitoring sites soils situated in direction of predominant winds from NEPS, while the concentration of low-molecular weight PAHs prevailed in the monitoring sites soils situated around NEPS. Soil properties also influenced PAHs accumulation. Polyarenes content in Haplic Chernozems and Haplic Chernozems (Stagnic) was higher versus Fluvisols. This study provides the understanding and model the fate of PAHs in regional technogenic landscape. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Effects of zeolite, gypsum and sulfuric acid applications on ammonia volatilization from chicken fresh manure
    Volatile ammonia, which emanate from chicken fresh manure significantly contributes to the atmospheric nitrogen pollution, adversely poultry performance and decreasing of manure's fertilizer value. Nowadays, the proliferation of organic wastes is attributed to the scaling up of poultry farms, and these organic wastes generate a plethora of ammonia losses, which in turn jeopardize atmospheric quality. These organic residues with regard to their use as nutrient source and soil conditioners in agricultural areas is considered one of their recycling ways and their fertility value is contingent on the extent of plant nutrients which lies in organic fertilizers obtained from these organic wastes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of zeolite, sulfuric acid and gypsum applications on nitrogen losses as ammonia gas (NH3) from chicken fresh manure. The experiment was carried out in a closed system under laboratory condition whereby two different concentrations (1 and 2%) of zeolite, gypsum and sulfuric acid were separately applied to 250g of chicken fresh manure based on oven dry weight. The prepared samples were left to the incubation for 6 days and then daily and total nitrogen losses as NH3 were measured by vacuuming at certain intervals. The experimental results showed that the addition of zeolite, gypsum and sulfuric acid at the rate of 1% substantially decreased the nitrogen losses in gas form by 32%, 53.31% and 52.29% respectively, while the application of zeolite, gypsum and sulfuric acid at the rate of 2% significantly reduced losses by 54.23%, 58.87% and 62.09% respectively.
  • Öğe
    Determination of antioxidant activity, phenolic compound, mineral contents and fatty acid compositions of bee pollen grains collected from different locations
    (RESEARCH INST POMOLOGY FLORICULTURE, DIV APICULTURE, 2019) Özcan, Mehmet Musa; Al Juhaimi, Fahad Y.; Babiker, Elfadil E.; Uslu, Nurhan; Ceylan, Durmuş Ali; Ghafoor, Kashif; Özcan, Mustafa Mete; Dursun, Nesim; Ahmed, Isam A. Mohamed; Jamiu, Fadimu Gbemisola; Alsawmahi, Omer N.
    The objective of the present work was to investigate the influence of locations on bioactive propertiest, phenolic compounds and mineral contents of bee pollens. The oil content of pollen grains changed between 3.50% (Alanya) and 6.85% (Russia-Perm Region). The highest total phenolic content (720 mg/100g) and antioxidant activity values (81.4%) were observed in pollens obtained from the Russia-Perm Region and Alanya districts, respectively. Additionally, the highest carotenoid was found in a pollen sample collected from Karaman (Sanveliler) (98.6 mg/g). The major phenolic compounds were (+)-catechin (66.75-337.39 mg/100g) and quercetin (61.2-1221.7 mg/100g) in all pollen samples. The pollen samples were observed to be a significant source of potassium (3846-6287 mg/kg), phosphorus (2947-5010 mg/kg), calcium (1022-2424 mg/kg) and sulfur (1744-2397 mg/kg). All of the analysis results were significantly affected by supplying locations. The antioxidant activity values of pollens were found partly similar and varied depending on locations. The content of saturated fatty acid (palmitic) was high (20-30%) in the tested pollen samples but did not exceed the content of linoleic acid.
  • Öğe
    Combined boron toxicity and salinity stress—An insight into its interaction in plants
    (MDPI, 2019) Pandey, Anamika.; Khan, Mohd Kamran.; Hakki, Erdogan Esref.; Gezgin, Sait.; Hamurcu, Mehmet.
    The continuously changing environment has intensified the occurrence of abiotic stress conditions. Individually, boron (B) toxicity and salinity stress are well recognized as severe stress conditions for plants. However, their coexistence in arid and semi-arid agricultural regions has shown ambiguous effects on plant growth and development. Few studies have reported that combined boron toxicity and high salinity stress have more damaging effects on plant growth than individual B and salt stress, while other studies have highlighted less damaging effects of the combined stress. Hence, it is interesting to understand the positive interaction of this combined stress so that it can be effectively employed for the improvement of crops that generally show the negative effects of this combined stress. In this review, we discussed the possible processes that occur in plants in response to this combined stress condition. We highly suggest that the combined B and salinity stress condition should be considered as a novel stress condition by researchers; hence, we recommend the name "BorSal" for this combined boron toxicity and high salinity state in the soil. Membrane-bound activities, mobility of ions, water transport, pH changes, transpiration, photosynthesis, antioxidant activities, and different molecular transporters are involved in the effects of BorSal interaction in plants. The discussed mechanisms indicate that the BorSal stress state should be studied in light of the involved physiological and molecular processes that occur after B and salt interaction in plants.
  • Öğe
    Boron application affecting the yield and fatty acid composition of soybean genotypes
    (CZECH ACADEMY AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, 2019) Hamurcu, Mehmet.; Arslan, Derya.; Hakki, Erdogan E.; Ozcan, M. Musa.; Pandey, Anamika.; Khan, Mohd Kamran.; Gezgin, Salt
    The effects of different boron (B) dosages (0, 2 and 12 mg B/kg) were determined on four soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars, namely 13935, Turksoy, ME 3399 and Deficiency. B contents of the dried plant samples, dry weight, total oil, biomass, seed yield (g/pot), seed protein contents and seed fatty acid compositions were estimated. The seed protein content and shoot dry weight of soybean cultivars increased and decreased with B supply, respectively. The seed oil of cv. Turksoy had the highest ratio of stearic and oleic acids under 2 mg B/kg treatment. The highest total oil content under 12 mg B/kg treatment was observed in cv. Deficiency with 8% higher total oil content. The ratio of saturated fatty acids to unsaturated fatty acids decreased in cvs. 13935 and ME 3399, and increased in cvs. Turksoy and Deficiency at B treatments. Seeds oil of cvs. 13935 and ME 3399 showed the highest a-linolenic acid levels under 2 mg B/kg and 12 mg B/kg soil treatment, respectively. The study revealed that high concentrations of boron had a diminishing effect on seed yield (except cv.Turksoy), increasing effect on protein content and variable effect on saturated and unsaturated fatty acid compositions. This specifies the involvement of boron in the formation of seed protein and fatty acids in soybean. However, detailed research is required to understand the mechanisms behind the process.
  • Öğe
    Effect of selenium application on selenium and macro-micro nutrients content of grain maize in Turkey
    (2018) Delıboran, Aise; Işık, Yılmaz; Aslan, Hasan; Nacar, Abdullah Suat; Kara, Hatice; Harmankaya, Mustafa; Gezgin, Sait
    Selenium is essential for both humans and animals, and must be taken with nutrients in sufficientamount. Concentration of selenium in the food for both human and animal is desired between 100-1000 ?gkg-1. This study conducted field experiments on the Harran Plateau to investigate; the effect of soilapplications in form of selenite on maize grain yield and Se content; the efficiency of soil application; therelationship between Se content in maize grain and Se application rate; and the effect of Se fertilisers onmacronutrients and other micronutrients in grain maize. In this study, DKC 5783 F1 which is grownintensively in the area as a grain maize variety, sodium selenite was used as selenium source with eightlevels (0-5-10-15-25-50-75-100 g Se ha-1). Sodium selenite was applied to the soil in liquid form beforesowing. Sodium selenite application didn’t affect the total Ca, Mg, S, Zn, B, Mo and Se content of grain,but it affected N, P, K, Fe, Cu and Mn content, statistically.