Bir ceylanda (gazella gazella) generalize reaktif amiloidoz olgusu
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Bu raporda 1.5 yaşında, erkek bir dağ ceylanında saptanan generalize reaktif amiloidozis tanımlandı. Makroskobik incelemede karın boşluğundaki serozalarda hiperemi ve rumende ise kenarları kanamalı 7 cm çapında ülser belirlendi. Her iki böbreğin yüzeyinde 1-2 mm büyüklüğünde boz-beyaz renkte odaklar gözlendi. Mikroskobik incelemelerde böbreklerde glomerulus, tubulus ve akıtıcı kanal bazal membranları ve damar duvarlarında, dalakta foliküllerde, karaciğerde Disse aralığında ve ince barsaklarda lamina propriyada pembe renkte, homojen ve amorf yapıda birikimler gözlendi. Bu birikimlerin Kongo kırmızısı ile tuğla kırmızısı renkte boyandıkları, potasyum permanganat ile muamele edildikten sonra Kongo kırmızısı ile boyanmadıkları görülerek AA-amiloidoz (sekonder amiloidozis) olduğu kanısına varıldı. %10luk formaldehitte bulunan stok doku parçalarının Lugol ve sülfirik asitle muamele edilmeleri sonucunda amiloid birikimlerinin koyu mavi renkte oldukları gözlendi. Rumende ülserasyonla birlikte generalize amiloidoz saptanan bu olguda, amiloid birikimlerinin makroskobik olarak sadece taze dokularda değil formaldehit solüsyonunda tespit edildikten sonra da gösterilebileceğine dikkat çekilmiştir.
This report was described generalized amyloidosis in a male gazelle, 1.5 years old. In necropsy, hyperaemia on all the serosal surfaces in abdomen, a hemorrhagic ulcer, 7 cm in diameter, on mucosa of rumen, and whitish colored foci, 1-2 mm diameter, on the surfaces of both kidneys were present. Microscopically, there were homogenous pink depositions in the glomeruli, intertubular interstitium, tubular basement membranes and walls of blood vessel in kidney, lymphoid follicles in spleen, space of Disse in liver and lamina propria of the small intestine. These deposits were seen brick-red color stained with Congo red on tissue sections, but these were not stained with Congo red after treated with potassium permanganate. For this reason, AA (secondary) amyloidosis was evaluated. When stock tissue samples stored in 10% formalin were treated with Lugol and acid sulphuric, amyloid depositions were seen as dark blue. Generalized reactive amyloidosis with ulceration in the rumen was diagnosed. Amyloid deposits in the tissues are not only fresh tissue but also tissue stored formalin can be determined as a macroscopic.
This report was described generalized amyloidosis in a male gazelle, 1.5 years old. In necropsy, hyperaemia on all the serosal surfaces in abdomen, a hemorrhagic ulcer, 7 cm in diameter, on mucosa of rumen, and whitish colored foci, 1-2 mm diameter, on the surfaces of both kidneys were present. Microscopically, there were homogenous pink depositions in the glomeruli, intertubular interstitium, tubular basement membranes and walls of blood vessel in kidney, lymphoid follicles in spleen, space of Disse in liver and lamina propria of the small intestine. These deposits were seen brick-red color stained with Congo red on tissue sections, but these were not stained with Congo red after treated with potassium permanganate. For this reason, AA (secondary) amyloidosis was evaluated. When stock tissue samples stored in 10% formalin were treated with Lugol and acid sulphuric, amyloid depositions were seen as dark blue. Generalized reactive amyloidosis with ulceration in the rumen was diagnosed. Amyloid deposits in the tissues are not only fresh tissue but also tissue stored formalin can be determined as a macroscopic.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Veterinerlik, Generalize amiloidozis, Ceylan, Patoloji
Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özdemir, Ö., Hatipoğlu, F., Karaman, M. (2013). Bir Ceylanda (Gazella gazella) Generalize Reaktif Amiloidoz Olgusu. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(4), 713-716.