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  • Öğe
    Hayvansal Dokularda Oksi?tetrasi?kli?n (OTC) ve Tetrasiklin (TC)'in Fluorometrik Tayini ve Sitrik Asidin (OTC)'nin Emi?lmesindeki Etkisi
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Acet, Ahmet; Nizamlıoğlu, Mehmet
    In this study, 55 broiler chickens which have been provided from the poultry-house of the Veterinary Faculty of University of Selçuk were used. Plasma, white muscle, red muscle, liver and kidney tissues, following the oral administration of the antibiotic tetracycline (TC), oxytetracycline (OTC) alone or with citric acid, were determined in broiler chickens. The fluorometric method was used for the determination of the OTC and TC residues in the tissues and plasma. The emission maxima of OTC and TC were at 500 nm and the exitation maxima were at 400 nm. The levels of OTC and TC in all the tissues were found to be between 0.041 and 2.86 ppm, 0.003 and 0.116 ppm respectively.
  • Öğe
    Türkiye'de Klinik Olarak Sağlıklı Koyunlardan I?zole Edilen Koyun Adenovirus Tip 3 (OA) Üzerinde Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Öztürk, Feridun
    A cytopathogen virus isolated by means of MDBK (Madin Darby Bovine Kidney) and primary lamb kidney tissue cultures from the faeces of clinically healthy sheep brought to Meat and Fish Organization Ankara. Isolated virus was also able to multiply in cattle originated cells besides the sheep originated ones and the type of its nucleic acid was DNA. According to measurements made by electronmicroscope its length was about 100 milimicron. It was resisted against fat soluables such as ether and chloroform and also trypsin enzyme. It lost infectiousness at 56°C in 120 minutes and at 60°C in 30 minutes. In between 3.0 and 4.0 pH degrees its infectiousness estimated to be decreased. It gave heamagglutination with rat erythrocytes and no clinical symptoms estimated in rabbit, quinea pig and mice, but neutralizing antibodies were estimated in rabbit and quinea pig. Neutralisation estimated with OA, by means of cross neutralisation. It is concluded that the isolated virus was ovine adenovirus type 3 (OA) in accordance to the characteristics mentioned above.
  • Öğe
    Hayvansal Dokularda Anti?bi?yoti?k Kalıntılarının Agar Di?ffüzyon Tekni?ği? ile Tayi?ni?
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Acet, Ahmet; Ateş, Mehmet; Erganiş, Osman
    After oxytetracyline (20 mg/kg) and tetracycline (50 mg/ kg) were given orally to the broiler chickens, antibiotic residues in tissues were determined by agar diffusion technique. Bacillus cereus (ATCC 11778) was used as a sensitive strain. Petri dishes punched at 8 mm in diameter were incubated at 37°C overnight. A total of 124 tissues was tested. The oxytetracycline and tetracycline residues that have been found in tissues were respectively 0.32-2.56 µg/gr and 0.080-0.240 g/gr. The limites of the test strain sensitivity were determined 0.04 pg and 0.01 g levels for oxytetracycline and tetracycline respectively.
  • Öğe
    Akkaraman Koyunları ve Kıl Keçi?leri?nde Kalp ve Kalp Arteria'ları Üzeri?nde Karşılaştırmalı Çalışmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Tıpırdamaz, Sadettin
    This study was made on the hearts of 38 Akkaraman sheep and 38 ordinary goats. The heart is located between the second and fifth intercostal spaces in Akkaraman sheep and between the third and sixth intercostal spaces in ordinary goats. Sterno pericardiac ligaments are attached to the sternum at the levels of the sixth and seventh costal cartilages in Akkaraman sheep and ordinary goats respectively. The weights of the hearts are 160.93 -4.65, 148.75 12.5 gr in Akkaraman sheep and in ordinary goats respectively. Ordinary goats have a cartilage and os cordis but Akkaraman sheep have a single os cordis inside fibrous ring surrounding ostium aortae. The heart is supplied by the right and left coronary arteries which arise from origine of the aorta. Right coronary arteries are much smaller than the corresponding left artery in Akkaraman sheep and ordinary goats.
  • Öğe
    Konya Bölgesi?ndeki? I?shalli? Buzağılardan I?zole Edi?len E. Coli?'leri?n, Bi?yoki?myasal, Anti?bi?yoti?klere Duyarlılık ve Bulaşıcı Tip Plazmi?d (R-Faktör) Taşıma Özelli?kleri?ni?n I?ncelenmesi?
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Ateş, Mehmet; Sezen, İ. Yavuz; Erganiş, Osman; Çorlu, Mehmet
    In this study, some biochemical characteristics, different antibiotics resistance states and R-factor transmissibility of 51 E. coli strains isolated from calves with diarrhea up to one week age were examined. Biochemical characteristics of the strains were found to be as follows: The rates for glucose, lactose, mannitol dulsitol, arabinose and adonitol fermentation tests were 100 %, 100%, 100%, 54.9 %, 98.1 % and 21.6 % respectively and the rates for urease production, citrate utilization, tryptophane deaminase, H&S, indol and motility tests were 100 %, 0.0 %, 0.0%, 0.0 %, 100%, 0.0 %, 96.1 % and 80.4% respectively. It was observed that only one of the whole strains (1.96 %) possessed a hemolytic activity. According to the results of disk diffusion method, antibiotic resistance rates of E. coli strains were determined as follows 70.5 % for tetracyline, 86.2% for oxytetracycline and neomisin, 98.1 % for erytromisin, 54.9% for ampisilin, 49.0% for streptomisin, 23.4 % for chloramphenicole and 5.9% for nalidixic acide. Of the strains 94.1 per cent were resistant to more than 3 antibiotics. The rates of R plasmid transmission of the strain were found to be 27.1 per cent.
  • Öğe
    Effect of Combined Application of Ivermectin and Praziquantel on Oxidative Stress and Selected Biochemical Parameters in Sheep
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2023 Mart) Arslan, Mustafa Sedat; Yazar, Enver; Canbar, Rahmi; Uslu, Muhittin
    Aim: Purpose of this research was to determine the combined effect of the oral administration of ivermectin and praziquantel on the oxidative status, liver and kidney function parameters in healthy sheep. Materials and Methods: Ivermectin + praziquantel tablets at the recommended dose (1 tablet/sheep) were administered orally to 18 Anatolian Merino sheep, and blood samples were obtained before administration (day 0) and at 24-hour intervals for 4 days thereafter. Plasma 8-hydroxy2-deoxyguanosine, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase levels were measured with commercial kits using an ELISA reader. Serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels were measured in an autoanalyzer. Results: While the plasma 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine levels in the first 2 days were higher than the values on the 3rd and 4th days (p<0.05), statistical fluctuations were observed in the plasma glutathione peroxidase levels (p<0.05). An increased level of blood urea nitrogen was present on day 3 compared to day 0 (p<0.05). Conclusion: It can be stated that the recommended dose of ivermectin + praziquantel does not cause oxidative stress and has no significant effect on their liver and kidney function parameters in healthy sheep.
  • Öğe
    Yem ve Yem Maddeleri?nde Aflatoksi?n, Okratoksi?n A ve Zearalenon Kalıntılarının Kromatografi?k Yöntem ile Araştırılması
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1989 Ocak) Acet, H. Ahmet; Demet, Ömer; Traş, Bünyamin
    This investigation was conducted to determine the levels of aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in feeds and feedstuffs obtained from various regions of Turkey. Samples were analysed by thin layer chromatography. In this method, mycotoxins were extracted with chloroform from materials and then tranfered through the sep-pak cardrige coloumn to elute the mycotoxins residues. Mycotoxins were found in the nine samples of a hundred materials analysed. Aflatoxin B, in two samples, ochratoxin A in five samples and zearalenone in three samples were determined. The average concentrations of aflatoxin B?, ochratoxin A and zearalenone were 3.75., 12 and 6,6 microgram/kg respectively. The detectable limits were 1 microgram/kg for aflatoxin, 2 microgram/kg for ochratoxin A and 4 microgram/kg for zearalenone. According to results, the levels mycotoxins determined in the samples will not cause an extremely cases, however would make residue problems with consumption of these feeds by the animals for a long periods.
  • Öğe
    Zeranol'un Kuzularda Kan Değerleri? ve Bazı Kan Metaboli?tleri? Üzeri?ne Etki?si?
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1989 Ocak) Eksen, Mursayettin; Acet, Ahmet; Durgun, Zafer; Keleştimur, Haluk
    Zeranol (resorcylic acid lactone, Ralgro) is one of the most widely-used growth agents in beef cattles and lambs in our country. Forty-five male lambs of Konya Merino were used in trial. The effects of Zeranol on haematological values and some blood metabolites were investigated. This study was made as three groups. There were fifteen male lambs in each group. Group I (Control), Group II and Group III were respectively, control (no implanted), 12 mg Zeranol implanted and twice 12 mg Zeranol implanted at forty days intervals. This trial was continued on ninety days. Blood samples were taken at fifteen days intervals. Implantation had no significant effect on haematological values of lambs. It was determined that the limits of variation of red blood cell (RBC) count of Group I, Group II and Group III were respectively; 785.-10.31 x10, 6.86-10.22 x10 and 8.15-10.80 x10/mm³. Group III had lower white blood cell (WBC) count than Group I and Group II up to sixtyth days, but after that they had higher than other groups. Implanted lambs had lower mean haemoglobin (Hb) concentration than control lambs. The sedimantation rate of stored blood (ESR) was generally found the similar pattern among groups. The ammonia nitrogen values from blood metabolites which had been analysed were higher in implanted than in control lambs but the serum urea nitrogen values were generally lower. The serum total protein values were approximetaly same in all groups.
  • Öğe
    Sero-Epidemiology of the Rhodococcus Equi in Horses in Eastern Kazakhstan
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2023 Haziran) Uslu, Ali; Sayin, Zafer; Balevi, Aslı; Ilban, Aysegul; Erganis, Osman; Yerken, Kassymov; Bauyrzhan, Otarbayev; Yerbol, Ismagulov; Gulnaz, Ilgekbayeva
    Amaç: Bu çalışma Doğu Kazakistan'daki yetişkin atlarda Rhodococcus equi (R. equi) sero-prevalansını değerlendirmek için tasarlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Eylül ve Kasım 2021 tarihleri arasında doğu Kazakistan’da bulunan üç bölgede (Zhambyl, Almatı, Doğu Kazakistan) 311 attan serum toplandı ve virülent R. equi'ye karşı oluşmuş olan antikorların varlığı enzim bağıntılı immünosorbent test (ELISA) ile tespit edildi. Bulgular: R. equi'nin doğu Kazakistan’da bulunan at popüslayonlarında ki seroprevalansı 2021 yılında %93,6 olarak bulundu. En yüksek seroprevalans Vap A oranı Zhambly Bölgesi'nde (%98,02), en düşük ise Doğu Kazakistan Bölgesi'nde (%88,89) görüldü. Bu bölgeden alınan örnekler toplam örneklerin %69,8'ini oluşturmakta olup, %3,84'ü vapA seronegatiftir. R. equi’nin Doğu Kazakistan'da endemik enfeksiyona sebep olduğu tespit edildi.. Öneri: Bu, R. equi'nin Kazakistan'da epidemiyolojisi hakkında bilgi sağlayan ilk sero survey çalışmasıdır. Serolojik bulgular klinik vakalar ve tay tavlalarında bakteri izolasyonu ile desteklenmelidir. Doğu Kazakistan'da R. equi'ye karşı koruma ve kontrol programları uygulanmalıdır.
  • Öğe
    Tek Tırnaklılarda Equine Sarcoi?d Olayları
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Çiftçi, M. Kemal; Metin, Nursal; Özer, Harun
    In equides 13 cases of equine sarcoides were investigated macrospically and microspically. These cases were obtained from one horse, tree mules and nine donkeys.
  • Öğe
    Albendazol'un Koyunlardaki? Mi?de-Barsak Nematodları, Dictyocaulus Filaria ve Moniezia Türleri?ne Karşı Etki?si?
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Dik, Bilal; Gülbahçe, Suphi
    Activity of albendazole was determined against gastrointestinal nematodes, D. filaria and Moniezia spp, in naturally infected twenty one sheep. They were divided into four groups. Albendazole was administered to the first, second and third groups at the rates of 3.8 mg, 7.5 mg and 10 mg/kg respectively. Fourth group was kept as a control. It was showed that albendazole was 100 % effective on the gastrointestinal nematodes and Moniezia spp. at all doses in faecal examinations made at the 4 th and 11 th days. Efficacy of albendazole 3.8 mg, 7.5 mg and 10 mg/kg doses against D. filaria was 99 %, 100 % and 98 % respectively at the 4 th day after treatment. D. filaria larvae were not found in the faeces of all terated sheep at the 11 th day.
  • Öğe
    Bi?r I?nek Vagi?nasinda Fi?brosarkom Olgusu
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Çiftçi, M. Kemal; Deveci, Hüseyin; Tirmukan, Hüseyin
    A tumour determined in vagina of a cow was removed surgically. It was detected that it was a fibrosarcoma as a result of histopatological examination of the tumour. It did not show any sign related to the recurrence of tumour in cow 9 months after the operation.
  • Öğe
    Bayticol Pour-On'un Keneler Üzeri?ne Etki?si?yle I?lgi?li? Saha Çalışmaları
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Cantoray, Rifat; Dik, Bilal
    Dans ce travail on a etudié l'activité du Bayticol contre les tiques du boeuf infecte naturellement. L'experience a été appliqué edans les conditions rurales. La solution de Bayticol deja pret à 1 % a été versée tout au long du dos des animaux comme dose 1 mg. par kg. avec une seule application. L' essai a été fait sur 20 boeufs. De plus cinq boeufs a été separés comme temoins. A la fin de ce travail on a vu que le resultat etait tres efficace contre les tiques des boeufs. En plus on a observé la tolerence parfaite des animaux au Bayticol.
  • Öğe
    Konya Yöresi? Tavuklarında Nematod ve Cestodların Yayılışı Üzeri?ne Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Dik, Bilal; Güçlü, Feyzullah; Gülbahçe, Suphi; Cantoray, Rifat
    Dans ce present travail on a etudie l'epidemiologie des cestodes et nematodes chez lez poules. Pour cela de janvier 1987 à janvier 1988 on a examiné au mikroscope 751 examples coprologiques preleves dans 28 poulaillers qui contenaient au total 88 370 poules. Dans 225 echantillons (30.36 %) d'excrements on a trouvé des oeufs appartenant à differentes especes de parasite au contraire dans ceux des 516 echantillons restants (69.64 %) on n'a trouvé aucun oeuf d'helmint. A'la fin de ces examens, autotal on a decouvert sept especes d'helmint l'un (C. infundibulum), les autres nematod (A. galli, T. tenuis, Subulura sp., S. avium, H. gallinae, Capillaria sp.). Pendant des etudes coprologiques on a trouvé une epidemiologie d'oeuf d'ascaris en proportion de 25%. En dehors de cela on a trouvé l'epidemiologie d'autres especes de nematod en proportion de 0.13-3.64 %. On a observé seulement deux cas (%. 0.27) de C. infundibulum.
  • Öğe
    Farklı Enerji? Kaynaklarının Broylerlerde Besi? Performansı, Abdominal Yağ Birikimi ve Karaciğer Yağlanması Üzerine Etkisi II. Karaciğer Yağlanmasına Etkisi
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Tuncer, Şakir Doğan; Aştı, Reşat; Coşkun, Behiç; Erer, Hüdaverdi; Tekeş, Mehmet Ali
    This study was carried out to investigate the effects of different energy sources used in broiler diets on occurence of fatty liver syndrome. Four hundred male and 400 femal dayold Arbro 7 were randomly distributed by sex into sixteen pens with each pen containing 50 chicks. In eight experimental rations, 1. Corn (M); 2. Sunflower oil (2.5%) (AY); 3. Sunflower oil (5%) (AY); 4. Fish oil (2.5%) (BY); 5. Fish oil (5 %) BY); 6. Animal fat (2.5%) (HY); 7. Animal fat (5%) (HY); 8. Wheat+Sunflower oil (3%) (BAY) were used as supplemental or based energy sources. Each ration was fed to one male and one female group. Thus, sixteen groups were set up and experiment was ended at the 56th day. At the 56th day of the experiment, the highest liver weights and liver fat percentages of the male chickens were found in BY, and BY, fed fish oil. On the other hand, the highest liver weight was found in BY, and the highest percentage of liver fat was observed in BY, in the females. At the end of the experiment, in macroscopic investigation of livers of the male and female chickens fed fish oil were yellowish pale, swollen and crispy. In microscobic investigation of the livers in the same groups, the excessive amounts of lipid infiltrations were seen in the cytoplasma of paranchymal cells. Simiral observation was found in the livers of female chickens fed corn. There were the excessive amounts of lipid infiltrations in M and BAY in males and in HY, and BAY females, but the lipid level was less than the above groups. By contrast, the lesser amounts of lipid infiltrations were observed in the liver paranchymal cells of the chickens fed the rations supplemented vegetable or animal fat. As a result, because of the best effect on the reduction of fat level obtained with supplementing various levels of sunflower oil, it is suggested that the vegetable oil be used in broiler rations as an energy substitute of some part of corn. On the contrary, fish oil used in broiler rations increased liver fat accumulation and caused fishy smell in meat.
  • Öğe
    Koksi?di?ostati?kleri?n Etki? Şeki?lleri? ve Onların Broiler Yemleri?ne Katılmalarında Meydana Gelen Problemler
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1985 Ocak) Sezen, İsmail Yavuz; Greuel, Edmund
    Wenn wir die Wirkungsweise der oben genannten Stoffe nochmal zusammenfasen, sind die drei Punkte bei dem Zusatz dieser Produkte in das Broilerfutter sehr wichtig. 1- Die Wirkungszeit und der Angriffszeitpunkt von Coccidiostatika im endogenen Entwicklungszyklus von Coccidienoozysten. 2- Coccidiostatische und coccidiozide Eigenschaften. 3- Therapeutische Eigenschaften Bei der Broilermast wird die Immunitätsentwicklung gegen Coccidien nicht vor Auge gehalten, sondern werden die Coccidiostatika und Coccidiozide verwenden, die auf den biologischen Entwicklungszyklus von Coccidien wirken, denn durch die Wirkung dieser Substanzen auf die zweite Schizontengeneration wird die Entwicklung der Parasiten und auf Grund der Invasion von Cocciden entstandene Gewichtsverluste verhindert. Bei der Broilermast ist das Ziel, mit weniger Gewichtsverlust in der kürzesten Zeit Schlachttiere produzieren. Nach dem Zusatz von Coccidiostatika, wenn man keine Coccidiose feststellt, haben diese Produkte einen grossen Vorteil. Coccidiostatika, die heute den Markt beherschen und echte profilaktische Eigenschaften haben, wirken auf die erste biologische Entwicklungszeit der Parasiten. Manchmal entstehen Resistenzen gegen Coccidiostatika, sogar auch Kreuzresistenzen. Wenn die Wirkungsstoffe mit den anderen chemisch verwandt sind, und gegen einen resistent ist, ist gegen den anderen auch resistent. Man muss immer solchen möglichen Resistenzfall vor Auge halten, deswegen sollen die Coccidiostatika unter dem Rotationsverfahren geweschselt werden. Die in das Broilerfutter zugesetzten Coccidiostatika müssen folgende Eigenschaften haben: breites Wirkungsspektrum, Verhinderung der Mortalität und Morbidität, angenehmen Geschmack für Tiere, keine negative Wirkung auf die Befruchtung und Schlupfen, keine toksische Wirkung, keine Rückstandsbildung in Fleisch und Ei, schnelle Ausscheidungseigenschaften aus dem Körper, Verträglichkeit von Tieren und Menschen, leichte Aufbewahrung und leichte Mischung mit anderen Komponenten ermöglichen, im Geflügel leicht feststellbar sein und bei der Entwicklung der Immunität bei den frei lebenden Tieren keine negative Wirkung zeigen.
  • Öğe
    Elazığ ve Çevresi? Keçi?leri?nde Pneumonie'leri?n Yayılışı Üzeri?ne Patoloji?k I?ncelemeler
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Çiftçi, M. Kemal; Metin, Nursal; Özer, Harun
    Lungs taken from goats were examined for pneumonia. Macroscopically, pneumonia was found in 66 of 2784 lungs. It was recognized fibrinous pneumonia in 28 lungs (42 %), catarrhal-purulent bronchopneumonia in 15 lungs (23%), interstitiel pneumonia in 14 lungs (22%), verminous pneumonia in 8 lungs (12 %), also pulmonary adenomatosis was found in a case (1%). This is a first report in goats in Turkey.
  • Öğe
    Esmer Irkı Danalarda Thei?leri?a Annulata ile Deneysel Olarak Oluşturulan Thei?leri?osi?s Üzeri?nde Patoloji?k Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Çiftçi, M. Kemal; Dumanlı, Nazir
    This study was made to inestigate the macroscopical and microscopical changes in calves which died and were slaughtered compulsorily from experimental theileriosis. In this study four splenectomized calves aged 6 to 8 months were used. In the necropsy of the calves, the findings observed are these; faded mucose, jaundice in the connective tissue, hemorrhages in the kidneys, heart, mucose and serosa, enlargement in hte lymph nodes and liver, fullness in the urinary and gall bladders, oedema in the lung, ulcerations and hemorrhages in the abomasum, aboundant bloody and gelatinous exudate in the abdominal cavity. In the histopathological examination, the following findings were seen; hemorrgahes and necrosis with inflamatory reactions in lymph nodes, necrosis and ulcers in the abomasum, bronchopnumonia and oedema in the lung, interstitial nephritis in the kidneys, increase in the number of lymphocytes in the bone marrow and brain vessels, slight hemorrhages and hypremia in the brain and menings, cell filtration and hemorrhages in the tymus.
  • Öğe
    Konya Tarım I?şletmesi?ne Ai?t Sığırlarda Sığır Adenovirus Ti?p, Tip 1, Ti?p 2 Ve Ti?p 3'ün Seroloji?k Olarak Saptanması
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Öztürk, Feridun; Toker, Asuman
    This study was carried out to determine serologically the bovine adenovirus (BAV) type 1, type 2 and type 3 infections on 214 cattle blood sera in Konya Agricultural Institution. The blood sera collected from 214 cattle were subjected to micro serum neutralization test, initially by diluting 1/10, then by diluting them two times and by comparing BAV type 1, type 2 and type 3 viruses with the ratio of 100 DKID 50/0.05 ml. Based on the results the neutralizing antibodies were found in 153 sera against BAV type 1, in 179 sera against BAV type 2 and in 191 sera against BAV type 3. These findings pointed out that the adenovirus infections which are one of the significant breeding diseases were prevalent in cattle in Konya Agricultural Institution.
  • Öğe
    I?shalli? Neonatal Buzağıların Prognozu ve Tedavi?si?
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Kocabatmaz, Mehmet; Aslan, Veysi; Sezen, Yavuz; Nizamlıoğlu, Mehmet
    In this investigation, it was studied on 50 neonatal calves with diarrhea. As soon as the calves arrived to clinic the blood samples were taken from the jugular vein in order to determine the following blood parameters: packet cell volume (hematocrit %), leukocyte number, differential leukocyte count %, sedimentation rate, serum urea, Na, K, Inorganic P and total protein. Especially, the increase in PCV (Hematocrit %). leukocyte number and serum urea were much pronounced in the blood of calves. To decide about prognosis and the treatment of the calves, these measurerements are taken into consideration. The analysis of these blood parameters was carried out before the treatment and during the treatment period. The treatment of animals consisted of subcutaneous infusion of a isolayt solution mixed with hyaluornidaes (50-150 ml isolayt + 15-45 I.U. hyaluronidase per kg of body weight). On the other hand, the application of the effective antibiotics were administered orally (chloramphenicol; 30 mg/kg). and intramuscular (Gentamycine; 5 mg) kg) based on the results of an antibiogram carried out on facces. Three calves died but the other 47 calves were returned to their health.