İdari Yargılama Usulünde Davanın Taraflarında Değişme
2004 Haziran
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İdari bir dava açıldıktan sonra, gerçek kişinin ölmesi, tüzel kişiliğin sona
ermesi, dava konusunun bir üçüncü kişiye devredilmesi gibi çeşitli nedenlerle
davanın taraflarında değişme söz konusu olabilir. İdari yargılama usulünde davanın taraflarında meydana gelen değişme konusu, Cumhuriyet döneminin temel kanunlarından biri olan ve aynı zamanda
idari uyuşmazlıkların çözüm usulünü de gösteren 669 sayılı şûrayı Devlet
Kanunu‟nun 243. maddesinde, “esnayı muhakemede veya badelhüküm efrattan
olan tarafın vefatı veyahut zat ve sıfatca tebeddülü halinde Usulü Muhakemesi
Hukukiye Kanunu ahkâmı tatbik olunur” şeklinde düzenlenmiştir. Ardından
konu, 669 sayılı Kanunu yürürlükten kaldıran 3546 sayılı Devlet şûrası Kanunu‟nun3
veya karardan sonra ferdlerden olan tarafın ölümü veya zat ve sıfatça değişiklik
vukuu halinde usule aid kanunların umumi hükümleri tatbik olunur” şeklinde
düzenlenmiştir. Görüldüğü gibi her iki kanunda da konu, Hukuk Usulü
Muhakemeleri Kanununa yapılan atıfla çözümlenmiştir. Ancak 3546 sayılı
Kanunun 53. maddesi bir süre sonra 4904 sayılı Kanunla4 değiştirilerek, davanın
taraflarında meydana gelen değişme konusunda Hukuk Usulü Muhakemeleri
Kanununa yapılan atıf kaldırılmış ve yalnız öleni ilgilendiren dava dilekçelerinin idari Yargılama Usulünde Davanın Taraflarında Değişme 144 iptal edileceği hükmü getirilmiştir: “Yargılama sırasında ölüm ve herhangi bir sebeple davacının kişiliğinde veya niteliğinde değişiklik olur ise davayı
kovuşturma hakkı kendisine geçen kimsenin doğrudan doğruya veya tebliğ
üzerine Danıştaya başurmasına kadar dava dosyası saklı tutulur. şu kadar ki
münhasıran öleni ilgilendiren dava dilekçesi iptal edilir”. Konu, 1961 Anayasası
dönenimde çıkartılan ve 3546 sayılı Kanunu yürürlükten kaldıran 521 sayılı Danıştay Kanunu‟nun 5
93. maddesinde bugünküne benzer bir şekilde yer almıştır.
After an administrative lawsuit has been filed, the death of the natural person for various reasons, such as transferring the subject of the case to a third party, The parties to the case may change. The subject of the change in the parties of the case in the administrative procedure, which is one of the basic laws of the Republic period and at the same time Council numbered 669, which also shows the resolution method of administrative disputes, Article 243 of the Law states that “in the case of judgment or badelhüküm from the people. Procedural Procedure in case of death or change in person and title of the party The provisions of the Law of Jurisprudence shall be applied”. Next The issue is related to the Law No. 3546 Council of State, which repealed Law No. 6693. or death of a party or change in person and title after the decision in case of occurrence, the general provisions of the procedural laws shall apply. edited. As can be seen, in both laws, the subject is Legal Procedure. It has been resolved by reference to the Code of Procedure. However, number 3546 After a while, Article 53 of the Law was amended by Law No. 49044 and Civil Procedures on the change in the parties The reference to the Law was abolished and it was stipulated that the petitions concerning only the deceased would be annulled: “If there is a change in the personality or quality of the plaintiff during the trial, due to death or any reason, the case will be dismissed. directly or by notification of the person who has the right to prosecute The case file is kept confidential until the application is made to the Council of State. as much as The petition of action, which exclusively concerns the deceased, shall be cancelled. Subject, 1961 Constitution 5 of the Council of State Law No. 521, which was enacted during the period and repealed the Law No. 3546. It was included in Article 93 in a similar way to today.
After an administrative lawsuit has been filed, the death of the natural person for various reasons, such as transferring the subject of the case to a third party, The parties to the case may change. The subject of the change in the parties of the case in the administrative procedure, which is one of the basic laws of the Republic period and at the same time Council numbered 669, which also shows the resolution method of administrative disputes, Article 243 of the Law states that “in the case of judgment or badelhüküm from the people. Procedural Procedure in case of death or change in person and title of the party The provisions of the Law of Jurisprudence shall be applied”. Next The issue is related to the Law No. 3546 Council of State, which repealed Law No. 6693. or death of a party or change in person and title after the decision in case of occurrence, the general provisions of the procedural laws shall apply. edited. As can be seen, in both laws, the subject is Legal Procedure. It has been resolved by reference to the Code of Procedure. However, number 3546 After a while, Article 53 of the Law was amended by Law No. 49044 and Civil Procedures on the change in the parties The reference to the Law was abolished and it was stipulated that the petitions concerning only the deceased would be annulled: “If there is a change in the personality or quality of the plaintiff during the trial, due to death or any reason, the case will be dismissed. directly or by notification of the person who has the right to prosecute The case file is kept confidential until the application is made to the Council of State. as much as The petition of action, which exclusively concerns the deceased, shall be cancelled. Subject, 1961 Constitution 5 of the Council of State Law No. 521, which was enacted during the period and repealed the Law No. 3546. It was included in Article 93 in a similar way to today.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İdari Yargı, dava, Administrative jurisdiction, case
Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kaya, C., (2004). İdari Yargılama Usulünde Davanın Taraflarında Değişme. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1-2), 143-166.