Torasik Outlet Sendromu: Radyolojik Bulguları (2 Olguda)
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Torasik outlet sendromunun semptom ve bulguları non-spesifikdir. Tanıda anamnez, fizik muayenede uygulanan prokovatif testler ve EMG veya somatosensoriyal evoked potansiyel bulguları rol oynamakla birlikte radyolojik yöntemler de tanı ve etyolojiyi belirlemede ve tedavi seçiminde tamamlayıcıdır. Burada torasik outlet tanısı almış 2 olgu nedeniyle tanıda radyolojik yöntemlerin kullanımı (direkt grafi, MR angiografi ve 3 boyutlu BT) ve bulguları hakkında bilgi verdik.
The signs and symptoms of the Thoracic Outlet Syndrome are non-specific. History, provocative tests employed in the clinical examination, electromyelography or findings of the somatosensorial evoked potential have great value for diagnosis. Radiologic imaging is a complementary procedure in making the diagnosis, demonstrating the etiologies and surgical planning. We discussed the possible use of the imaging workup (conventional graphy, MR angiography and 3D CT) in the diagnosis and radiologic findings of the thoracic outlet syndrome.
The signs and symptoms of the Thoracic Outlet Syndrome are non-specific. History, provocative tests employed in the clinical examination, electromyelography or findings of the somatosensorial evoked potential have great value for diagnosis. Radiologic imaging is a complementary procedure in making the diagnosis, demonstrating the etiologies and surgical planning. We discussed the possible use of the imaging workup (conventional graphy, MR angiography and 3D CT) in the diagnosis and radiologic findings of the thoracic outlet syndrome.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak, Burun, Boğaz, Torasik outlet sendromu, anjiografi, MRG, 3 boyutlu BT, Thoracic outlet syndrome, three dimensional CT, MRI and angiography
Toraks Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Emlik, D., Kıreşi, D., Ödev, K., Sunam, G. S., (2008). Torasik Outlet Sendromu: Radyolojik Bulguları (2 Olguda). Toraks Dergisi, 9(2), 84-86.