Calcified intracranial hydatid cyst: Case report
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Bu çalışmada; 26 yaşında, çiftlik işleri ile uğraşan, asemptomatik intrakraniyal hidatik kisti olan bir olgu sunulmaktadır. Kafa travması nedeni ile yapılan radyolojik incelemelerde kalsifiye intrakraniyal hidatik kist saptanan hasta cerrahi tedavi ile kitlenin tamamen çıkartılması sonrası nörolojik defisiti olmadan taburcu edildi. İntrakraniyal hidatik kistlerin kalsifikasyonu oldukça nadirdir. Bilgisayarlı beyin tomografisi ve kraniyal magnetik rezonans incelemeleri operasyon öncesi tanı için oldukça önemlidir. Radyolojik incelemeler esnasında membran detaşmanının, kist duvarında kalsifikasyonun ve kist içi membranların varlığı hidatik kist varlığına işaret eder. (Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2011; 35: 220-3)
We present a 26-year-old patient who did farming related work had an asymptomatic intracranial hydatid cyst. A calcified intracranial cystic mass was found on radiological investigations and the patient underwent surgery. The mass was totally excised. The histopathology result reported a hydatid cyst. There were no postoperative complications. Calcification is quite rare in cerebral hydatid cyst. The computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging provide information that is especially useful for preoperative diagnosis. Observing membrane detachment and daughter cysts during these investigations is pathognomonic. The presence of calcification in the cyst wall and intracystic membranes indicated hydatid cyst (Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2011; 35: 220-3)
We present a 26-year-old patient who did farming related work had an asymptomatic intracranial hydatid cyst. A calcified intracranial cystic mass was found on radiological investigations and the patient underwent surgery. The mass was totally excised. The histopathology result reported a hydatid cyst. There were no postoperative complications. Calcification is quite rare in cerebral hydatid cyst. The computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging provide information that is especially useful for preoperative diagnosis. Observing membrane detachment and daughter cysts during these investigations is pathognomonic. The presence of calcification in the cyst wall and intracystic membranes indicated hydatid cyst (Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2011; 35: 220-3)
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genel ve Dahili Tıp, Parazitoloji
Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
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Köktekir, E., Erdem, Y., Gökçek, C., Karatay, M., Yılmaz, A., Bayar, M. A., Sümer, S. (2011). Calcified Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: Case Report. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi, 35(4), 220-223.