Assessment of 5556 applications submitted to the rights of patient unit of a university hospital

dc.contributor.authorDurduran, Yasemin
dc.contributor.authorOkka, Berrin
dc.contributor.authorBodur, Said
dc.contributor.authorDindas, Hamide
dc.departmentSelçuk Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: The first step in assessing applications and the practice of the rights of patient in hospitals is the rights of patient unit. The practices the patients are not satisfied with have to be determined in great detail in order to increase the patient satisfaction. This study was carried out to explicate the applications of the patients or their relatives to the rights of patient unit. Methods: Study design: This descriptive archive study was carried out in Konya (Turkey) in April-June 2011. Setting: In the study, the applications made to the Rights of Patient Unit of Meram Medical Faculty of Selcuk University were examined. Participants: 5556 applications made in January-2006 and March-2011 were examined. Intervention(s): Register books the applications were registered in, complaint box forms, letters of applications, and the contents of the files comprising online applications were evaluated. The data were transcribed to verse forms prepared for this purpose. Main Outcome Measure(s): Independent variables of the study were demographic features; and dependent variables were the department/person to whom the complaints were brought, the complaints, and the way they were responded. Statistics: The data were coded and assessed on electronic environment. The applications were expressed in a number of ways; however, they were summed up under 10 main topics. In descriptions the percentages were used, and in comparisons chi-square was used. Results: The number of applications submitted to the rights of patient unit tended to increase. 51% of the application forms 31% of which were submitted by women were made via complaint boxes and 31% directly. 59% of the applicants were from the metropolis center, and the remaining were from long-distance. 85% of the applications were complaints, 15% were suggestions, demands, and thanks. The first three of the application cases consisted of the communication problems by 19% rate, hitch in the service by 15% rate, and disapproval of physical conditions by 13%. 41% of the applications were about persons and 59% about institutions and service procedures. The personnel complained about the most were the physicians by 41% (P<0.001). The rate of the personal applications increased every year (P<0,001). While the rate of suggestions and thanks decreased, the rate of applications about the hitch in the service increased. Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, the level of expectations of the patients and their relatives from hospitals is increasing. It can be concluded that the patients with similar problems behave more self-confidently. Increasing the communication skills and acquainting the patients with the contents of the patient rights may decrease the complaints.en_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectRights of patientsen_US
dc.subjectthe rights of patient uniten_US
dc.titleAssessment of 5556 applications submitted to the rights of patient unit of a university hospitalen_US
