Deneysel nekrotizan enterokolit modelinde ağızdan verilen immünglobülin G' nin etkisi
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Amaç: Deneysel olarak oluşturulan nekrotizan enterokolit (NEK) modelinde, ağızdan verilen immünglobulin G’nin sıçan barsağında koruyucu etkisini araştırdık. Gereç ve Yöntem: 40 yenidoğan sıçan 10’arlı gruplar halinde 4 gruba ayrıldı. Kontrol (K) grubu anne yanında bırakılırken, NEK (N), sham (S) ve tedavi (T) grubu anne sütü almadan, annesinden ayrı olarak 36C’de ve % 60’lık nemde beslenme ve bakım sağlanmak üzere inkübatöre yerleştirildi. K grubundaki sıçanlar anne sütü ile beslendi. N grubundaki denekler doğar doğmaz, anne sütü almadan annelerinin ayrılarak formula mama ile beslendi. T grubundaki sıçanlara hiç anne sütü almadan formula mamaya ilaveten 1200 mg/kg/gün 6 doz olarak ağızdan saf Ig G verildi. S grubundaki deneklere hiç anne sütü almadan mamaya ek olarak 0.1 ml /kg/gün immunoglobülin çözücüsü olan distile su verildi. Tüm gruplardaki sıçanlar 4. gün tartılarak sakrifiye edildi. Laparatomiden sonra ileoçekal valvin 1 cm yukarısından 2 cm’lik bağırsak segmenti histopatolojik inceleme için, geri kalan 10 cm’lik kısmı biyokimyasal inceleme için çıkartıldı. H&E boyama ile histopatolojik, ARC (Apoptosis Repressor With CARD) Ab-1 apopitozis kiti kullanılarak immunohistokimyasal, Tümör nekrozis faktör alfa (TNF-?) ve İnterlökin altı (IL-6) bakılarak biyokimyasal inceleme yapıldı. Bulgular: N, S ve T gruplarında mortalite oranı K gruplarına göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu (P0.038). K grubunda diğer gruplara göre anlamlı ağırlık artışı tespit edildi (P0.000). Histopatolojik değerlendirmede K grubunda villus hasarı, transmural nekroz ve apoptozisin, N, S ve T gruplarından anlamlı olarak az olduğu görüldü (P0.000). Apopitozisin de K grubunda, N, S ve T gruplarından anlamlı olarak az olduğu görüldü (P0.001). Doku IL-6 ve TNF-? seviyelerinin K grubunda, S, N ve T gruplarından anlamlı olarak az olduğu (P0.05), ayrıca N, S ve T grupları arasında anlamlı farklı olmadığı saptandı (P0.05). Sonuç: Ağızdan verilen saf IgG’nin deneysel NEK modelinde, biyokimyasal ve histopatolojik olarak intestinal yıkımı azaltmadığı ve NEK’i önlemediği gösterildi.
Aim: Investigation of the protective effect of oral immunglobulin(Ig) G on rat intestinum in experimental necrotizing enterocolitis model. Materials and Methods: 40 newborn rats were devided into 4 groups each containing 10 rats. While control (C) group was fed by breast, the rats in necrotizing enterocolitis (N), sham (S), and treatment (T) groups were settled into incubators at 36ºC and 60 % humidity and fed, but not by breast. The rats in group C were breast fed. The rats in N group were fed with Formula as soon as they were born. The rats in T group were fed with Formula and 1200 mg/kg/day oral Ig A with 4-hour intervals. The rats in S group were fed with Formula and 0.1 ml/kg/day distilled water which is solvent of Ig. The rats in all groups were weighed and sacrified on fourth day. 2 cm intestinal segment from proximal of ileocaecal valve was used for histopathologic examination, another 10 cm intestinal segment for biochemical examination. After laparotomy, H&E was used for histopathological examination and apoptosis repressor with card Ab-1 citt for immunohistochemical examination. Biochemical parameters such as TNF-&#945;, and IL-6 were evaluated. Results: The rate of mortality in N, S, and T groups was significantly higher than groups C (P0.038). Significant weight increase in group C was significantly higher than N, S, and T groups (P0.000). Histopathologic parameters such as villus injury, transmural necrosis in group C were found to be significantly decreased compared with N, S, and T groups according to scoring system (P0.000). Apoptosis in group C was found to be significantly decreased compared with N, S, and T groups according to scoring system (P0.001). IL-6 and TNF-&#945; levels were identified to be significantly decreased in group C compared with N, S, and T groups (P<0.05). There was no significant difference among N, S, and T groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: Pure IgG given orally was not identified to decrease intestinal damage and to prevent NEC in experimental NEC model both biochemically and histopathologically.
Aim: Investigation of the protective effect of oral immunglobulin(Ig) G on rat intestinum in experimental necrotizing enterocolitis model. Materials and Methods: 40 newborn rats were devided into 4 groups each containing 10 rats. While control (C) group was fed by breast, the rats in necrotizing enterocolitis (N), sham (S), and treatment (T) groups were settled into incubators at 36ºC and 60 % humidity and fed, but not by breast. The rats in group C were breast fed. The rats in N group were fed with Formula as soon as they were born. The rats in T group were fed with Formula and 1200 mg/kg/day oral Ig A with 4-hour intervals. The rats in S group were fed with Formula and 0.1 ml/kg/day distilled water which is solvent of Ig. The rats in all groups were weighed and sacrified on fourth day. 2 cm intestinal segment from proximal of ileocaecal valve was used for histopathologic examination, another 10 cm intestinal segment for biochemical examination. After laparotomy, H&E was used for histopathological examination and apoptosis repressor with card Ab-1 citt for immunohistochemical examination. Biochemical parameters such as TNF-&#945;, and IL-6 were evaluated. Results: The rate of mortality in N, S, and T groups was significantly higher than groups C (P0.038). Significant weight increase in group C was significantly higher than N, S, and T groups (P0.000). Histopathologic parameters such as villus injury, transmural necrosis in group C were found to be significantly decreased compared with N, S, and T groups according to scoring system (P0.000). Apoptosis in group C was found to be significantly decreased compared with N, S, and T groups according to scoring system (P0.001). IL-6 and TNF-&#945; levels were identified to be significantly decreased in group C compared with N, S, and T groups (P<0.05). There was no significant difference among N, S, and T groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: Pure IgG given orally was not identified to decrease intestinal damage and to prevent NEC in experimental NEC model both biochemically and histopathologically.
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Çocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi
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Yurtçu, M., Aydoğdu, B., Toy, H., Gürbilek, M., Günel, E. (2008). Deneysel nekrotizan enterokolit modelinde ağızdan verilen immünglobülin G' nin etkisi. Çocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi, 22(2), 52-57.