The development of organic egg production in Turkey
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. Amaç: Bu çalışmada, organik yumurta üretiminin nasıl yapılacağına dair, uygun coğrafi konum, kafes, tavuk ırkları ve işletme idaresi için çeşitli yaklaşımlar ve öneriler verilerek saha çalışması yapılmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Organik yumurta tavukçuluğunun hangi şartlarda yapılması gerektiğine yönelik bilgi araştırması yapıldı. Aynı zamanda saha çalışması için ticari bir firmada mevcut olan kümeslerden birine 3000, diğerine 1500 olmak üzere toplam 4500 adet yumurta tavuğu pilici (ISA Brown) konularak, organik yumurta üretimi yapıldı. Bulgular: Tavukların verim dönemleri boyunca yumurta verimlerinin %59.92-77.21, günlük yem tüketimlerinin 120135 g/gün, yemden yararlanma oranlarının 2.85-3.27, yumurta ağırlıklarının ise 55.34-66.19 g arasında değiştiği tespit edildi. 78. hafta sonunda ise mortalite oranının %16.96 olduğu görüldü.Öneri: Hem organik yumurta tavukçuluğunun, hem de diğer organik üretimlerin en kısa zamanda ülke genelinde yayılmasına, geliştirilmesine önderlik edilmelidir.
Balevi T, Coskun B, Gurbuz E. The development of organic egg production in TurkeyAim: In this study, several approaches and suggestions were adopted regarding how to establish organic egg production, selection of suitable geographical location, dimension of cage and poultry breeds, finally leading to management of the unit and field trial were executed or considered. Materials and Methods: A research was conducted, about any circumstances in which organic egg poultry should be done. In addition, in a commercial company, organic egg production has been made by 4500 ISA Brown-laying hens which were placing 3000 and 1500 layers in two seperate coops. Results: During the production period of the layers, egg production, daily feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and egg weights were determined 59.92-77.21%, 120-135 g/day, 2.85-3.27 and 55.34-66.19%, respectively. At the end of 78 week of age, mortality was 16.96%.Conclusion: A leadership on both organic layer farming and other types of organic production in near future is of importance for becoming them more common throughout the country.
Balevi T, Coskun B, Gurbuz E. The development of organic egg production in TurkeyAim: In this study, several approaches and suggestions were adopted regarding how to establish organic egg production, selection of suitable geographical location, dimension of cage and poultry breeds, finally leading to management of the unit and field trial were executed or considered. Materials and Methods: A research was conducted, about any circumstances in which organic egg poultry should be done. In addition, in a commercial company, organic egg production has been made by 4500 ISA Brown-laying hens which were placing 3000 and 1500 layers in two seperate coops. Results: During the production period of the layers, egg production, daily feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and egg weights were determined 59.92-77.21%, 120-135 g/day, 2.85-3.27 and 55.34-66.19%, respectively. At the end of 78 week of age, mortality was 16.96%.Conclusion: A leadership on both organic layer farming and other types of organic production in near future is of importance for becoming them more common throughout the country.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Balevi, T., Çoskun, B., Gürbüz, E. (2016). The Development of Organic Egg Production in Turkey. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 32(1), 36-40.