Urum Türkçesinin Türk Dili Sınıflandırmalarındaki Yeri
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Urumlar, Türkiye’de çok az tanınan Türk gruplarından biridir. Günümüzde Ukrayna’nın Donetsk bölgesi başta olmak üzere Kazakistan’ın Kentav şehrinde ve Gürcistan’da yaşamaktadırlar. Toplam nüfusları yüz binin üzerindedir Urumlar, Ruslar tarafından Greko-Tatar olarak adlandırılmıştır. Bu adlandırmadan dolayı Türk dili lehçe grupları arasında Kıpçak grubuna dahil olduğu düşüncesi hakimdir. Ancak Türk Dili sınıflandırmalarında Urum Türkçesine bugüne kadar yer verilmemiştir. Bu çalışmada Urum Türkçesinin ses özellikleri incelenmiştir. Dil sınıflandırmalarında, dillerin ses özellikleri sınıflandırmanın dayandığı temel noktalardandır. Urum Türkçesinin ses özellikleri incelendiğinde Oğuz grubu Türk lehçeleri ile alakası görülmüştür. Çalışmanın neticesinde Urum Türkçesinin Türk Dili sınıflandırmasındaki yeri tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Urum Türkçesinin Güney batı (Oğuz) grubuna dahil Türkçelerden biri olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
The Urums are one of the Turkish Groups which are known barely in Turkey. Nowadays, they live mainly in adjacent of Azovian Region which is in Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine in presentday. They also live in Kentav City of Kazakhstan and Tsalga Plateau of Georgia. Their population is more than one hundred thousand. The Urums have been named as Graeco-Tatars by Russian. Due to this nomenclature, their language is supposed that it is included in Kypchak Group between the dialect groups of Turkish Language. However, The Urum Turkish Language has not been mentioned in the classifications of Turkish Language so far. In this study, phonetic properties of Urum Turkish was examined. In the classifications of a language, phonetic properties are the basic point of these classifications. When the phonetic properties of Urum Turkish were analyzed, it was understood that it is related with Turkish Dialect of Oguz Group. In the end of this study, the place of Urum Turkish has been determined in the classifications of Turkish Language. In this study, it was concluded that Urum Turkish is one of the Turkish Languages which belongs to South-West Oguz Group.
The Urums are one of the Turkish Groups which are known barely in Turkey. Nowadays, they live mainly in adjacent of Azovian Region which is in Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine in presentday. They also live in Kentav City of Kazakhstan and Tsalga Plateau of Georgia. Their population is more than one hundred thousand. The Urums have been named as Graeco-Tatars by Russian. Due to this nomenclature, their language is supposed that it is included in Kypchak Group between the dialect groups of Turkish Language. However, The Urum Turkish Language has not been mentioned in the classifications of Turkish Language so far. In this study, phonetic properties of Urum Turkish was examined. In the classifications of a language, phonetic properties are the basic point of these classifications. When the phonetic properties of Urum Turkish were analyzed, it was understood that it is related with Turkish Dialect of Oguz Group. In the end of this study, the place of Urum Turkish has been determined in the classifications of Turkish Language. In this study, it was concluded that Urum Turkish is one of the Turkish Languages which belongs to South-West Oguz Group.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, Urum Türkçesi, Türk dili sınıflandırmaları, Urumlar, Urum Turkish, Classifications of Turkish Language, Urums
Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Uyanık, O., (2010). Urum Türkçesinin Türk Dili Sınıflandırmalarındaki Yeri. Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (27), 45-56.