Cinnah'ın Hindistan birliğine olan inancını kaybedişi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
M. Ali Cinnah, siyasete atıldığı ilk yıllarda, Hindu-Müslüman her iki toplum üyelerinin ortak bağımsız bir ülke modeli geliştirebileceğine ve bunun Hindistan Ulusal Kongresi aracılığıyla mümkün olabileceğine inanmıştır. 1906'da Müslüman kimlik mücadelesi, siyasi ve ekonomik haklarının elde edilmesi talebinin bir sonucu olarak kurulan Müslüman Cemiyeti yerine Müslüman olmasına rağmen 1920'ye kadar Hindistan Ulusal Kongresl'nln aktif bir üyesi olmayı seçmesinin temelinde de Hindistan Kongresi'nin politik gücüne inanması ve ulusçuluğu yatar. Ancak 1916'da Kongre-Lig Paktı'ndan sonra üyelerinin çoğu Hindu olan Kongrede Müslüman çıkarlarının gözetileceğine olan inancını kaybetmeye başlar. Bunun birçok nedeni olmasına rağmen en önemlilerinden biri 1917'de Britanya Hükümeti'nin Hindulara kendi kendilerini yönetmeleri hakkını vereceklerine dair bildiri yayınlaması üzerine Hinduların İngilizlerin emperyalist oyunlarına alet olmalarıdır. Bir diğeri Kongre ve Lig arasındaki kültürel, dinsel ve siyasi farklılıklann körüklenmesldlr. Ayrıca Ulusal dayanışma problemleri de önemli nedendir.
in the beginnlng of his primary years in politlcs M.Ali Cinnah believed that each society Hindu and Muslims may develop a common independent country model. According to him this fıght may have just been was by the Indian National Congress. in 1906 Mus/ims estabfished Musfim League. in this way, they could get their own identification, their own economic and politics rights. Although he was a Muslim, he preferred lndian Nationaf Congress because of its po/itic power and he took part in this congress as an affedive member until 1920. After Congress-League Agreement in 1916, he began to lose his belief to this Congress most of whose members were Hindu. Because he reafized that these members wouldn't defend Muslims rights. Afthough he hada /ot of reasons of losing his belief to this congress, the most important one was the self-deception of Hindu's to Britain imperialism (in 1917 Brltain published a declaration on their own) The other one was the increase of differences in culture, religlon and politlcs. Between the Congress and League and the other one was the problem in national solidarity.
in the beginnlng of his primary years in politlcs M.Ali Cinnah believed that each society Hindu and Muslims may develop a common independent country model. According to him this fıght may have just been was by the Indian National Congress. in 1906 Mus/ims estabfished Musfim League. in this way, they could get their own identification, their own economic and politics rights. Although he was a Muslim, he preferred lndian Nationaf Congress because of its po/itic power and he took part in this congress as an affedive member until 1920. After Congress-League Agreement in 1916, he began to lose his belief to this Congress most of whose members were Hindu. Because he reafized that these members wouldn't defend Muslims rights. Afthough he hada /ot of reasons of losing his belief to this congress, the most important one was the self-deception of Hindu's to Britain imperialism (in 1917 Brltain published a declaration on their own) The other one was the increase of differences in culture, religlon and politlcs. Between the Congress and League and the other one was the problem in national solidarity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
M. Ali Cinnah, Hint yarımadası, Bağımsızlık hareketi, Indian peninsula, Independence movement
Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Edebiyat Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özenç, N. (2006). Cinnah'ın Hindistan birliğine olan inancını kaybedişi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Edebiyat Dergisi, (16), 225-236.