Jejunal Divertikülozis
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Amaç: Akut komplikasyonların tanısmdaki gecikmenin mortalite ve morbiditede belirgin artışa neden olması nedeni ile jejunal divertikülozisli bir olgunun sunulması amaçlandı. Olgu sunumu: Yaklaşık 1 yıldır devam eden inatçı karın ağrıları olan 72 yaşında bir kadın hastanın yapılan üst GIS endoskopisinde midede leiomyom saptandı. Operasyon esnasında yapılan eksplorasyonda 50 cm'lik jejunal segmentte multipl jejunal divertikül tespit edildi. Leiomyom için hastaya antrektomi ve gastroenterostomi uygulandı. Jejunal divertikül için ek cerrahi girişim yapılmadı. Sonuç: Genellikle asemptomatik olarak seyreden, akut komplikasyonların varlığında ve operasyon esnasında tespit edilen jejunal divertikülozisli olgularda komplikasyonlar gelişmediği sürece cerrahi tedavi önerilmemektedir.
Objective: In the patients with upper gastrointestinal diverticules, delay in the diagnosis of acute complications may lead to a significantly worse- prognosis. Case report: This report concerns with the clinical findings of a patient with jejunal diverticulosis. A 72-year-old female patient with one-year history of persistent abdominal pain underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, which showed a leiomyoma in the stomach. During laparotomy, multiple diverticules were found within a 50-cm segment of jejunum. Antrectomy for leiomyoma was perfopmed, however, the jejunal segment with diverticules was left intact. Conclusion: For asymptomatic upper gastrointestinal diverticules, we do not recommend surgical resection unless acute complications develop.
Objective: In the patients with upper gastrointestinal diverticules, delay in the diagnosis of acute complications may lead to a significantly worse- prognosis. Case report: This report concerns with the clinical findings of a patient with jejunal diverticulosis. A 72-year-old female patient with one-year history of persistent abdominal pain underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, which showed a leiomyoma in the stomach. During laparotomy, multiple diverticules were found within a 50-cm segment of jejunum. Antrectomy for leiomyoma was perfopmed, however, the jejunal segment with diverticules was left intact. Conclusion: For asymptomatic upper gastrointestinal diverticules, we do not recommend surgical resection unless acute complications develop.
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Güler, A., Erikoğlu, M., (2003). Jejunal Divertikülozis. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 13(1), 21-23.