Yerel televizyon izleme alışkanlıkları ve motivasyonlar: Konya örneği
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Günümüzde televizyon izleme alışkanlıkları ve motivasyonları ile ilgili çalışmalar giderek önemini artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmalar genelde ulusal televizyonlar üzerine yoğunlaşmakta yerel düzeydeki araştırmalar sınırlı kalmaktadır. Ancak ülkemizdeki yerel televizyonların sayısı ve izleyicilerinde belirgin bir artış görülmektedir. Bu artış ise, yerel televizyon izleme alışkanlık ve motivasyonları konusuna eğilmeyi gerektirmektedir. Böylesi bir ihtiyaçtan ortaya çıkan bu çalışma da, kullanımlar ve doyumlar yaklaşımı temel alınarak Konya’daki yerel televizyon izleme alışkanlık ve motivasyonları araştırılmıştır. Konya merkez ilçeler ve mahallelerde yaşayan yerel televizyon izleyicisi 553 katılımcıdan, alan araştırması ile elde edilen verilere göre; insanların televizyon izlemelerinde 3 motivasyon belirlenmiştir. Bunlar önem sırasına göre; Boş Zamanları Değerlendirme-Rahatlama ve Eğlence, Rehberlik ve Sosyal Etkileşim ile Bilgi Arama faktörleridir. Katılımcıların cinsiyeti, eğitimi, mesleği ve medeni durumu; televizyon izleme motivasyonlarını ve televizyon izleme süresini belirleyen temel değişkenler konumundadır.
Academic studies on the habits of watching TV and their motivations have been increasing their importance day by day. These sort of studies are usually focusing on national TV channels and similar studies on local Tv channels are rather limited. However, the number of local TV cahannels and their audience have been observed to be increased recently in our country. So this meaningful increase deserves to be paid a great deal of attention. In this study which emerged from that kind of need, the habits of watching local TV channels and motivations behind them on the people living in the city of Konya were strictly researched on the basis of the approach of “uses and satisfactions.” In this work, people’s habits of watching local TV channels and their motivations were researched at full length. According to the data which were obtained from 553 participants who live in the central townships and surrounding districts of Konya through a field survey, those people’s three important motivations in watching local TV channels were clearly determined. They are subsequently as follows: Filling their free time with a useful activity, relaxing and entertainment; Guidence and social interaction with Factors of looking for information. At the end of the survey it was obviously understood that the basic factors which affect the motivation and duration of watching TV are the participants’ gender, level of education, occupation and marital status.
Academic studies on the habits of watching TV and their motivations have been increasing their importance day by day. These sort of studies are usually focusing on national TV channels and similar studies on local Tv channels are rather limited. However, the number of local TV cahannels and their audience have been observed to be increased recently in our country. So this meaningful increase deserves to be paid a great deal of attention. In this study which emerged from that kind of need, the habits of watching local TV channels and motivations behind them on the people living in the city of Konya were strictly researched on the basis of the approach of “uses and satisfactions.” In this work, people’s habits of watching local TV channels and their motivations were researched at full length. According to the data which were obtained from 553 participants who live in the central townships and surrounding districts of Konya through a field survey, those people’s three important motivations in watching local TV channels were clearly determined. They are subsequently as follows: Filling their free time with a useful activity, relaxing and entertainment; Guidence and social interaction with Factors of looking for information. At the end of the survey it was obviously understood that the basic factors which affect the motivation and duration of watching TV are the participants’ gender, level of education, occupation and marital status.
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