Seyyid Burhaneddin Muhakkık-ı Tirmizi'nin Maarif'inde Nefsle İlgili Mütalaalar
2021 Şubat
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Soyu Hz. Hüseyin’e dayandığı için “Seyyid” ve “Hüseynî” nisbelerinin yanında, Cenâb-ı Hakk’ın izniyle kalplerdeki sırlara vukufiyeti veya Şems-i Tebrîzî’nin Konya’ya gelişini Mevlana’ya önceden haber vermesi dolayısıyla “Seyyid-i Sırdân”, Mevlana tarafından anıldığı üzere “Burhâneddîn, Burhân-ı Dîn, Burhân” ve tahkik ehli bir sûfî olduğunu belirten “Muhakkık” lakaplarıyla anılan Seyyid Burhâneddin Muhakkık-ı Tirmizî’nin Maârif adlı eseri, çoğunluğu Farsça, kısmen de Arapça bir eserdir. Eserin muhtevasında; Seyyid Burhâneddin’in tasavvufi sohbetleri, seyri sülûk ve marifetullah konularının veciz sözlerle anlatımı; Hakîm Senâyî, Ferîdüddîn-i Attâr ve Nizâmî-i Gencevî’den şiirler ile Hasan-ı Basrî’den Bâhâüddin Veled’e kadar meşhur sûfîlerin görüşleri yer almaktadır. Tasavvufta nefis terbiyesi; nefsin isteklerini azaltarak onun beden üzerindeki hakimiyetini kırmak ve bu suretle sultani ruhun hükümranlığına imkan sağlamaktır. Ruh-ı sultani, Cenâb-ı Hakk’ın insana kendi zatından nefhettiği ruhtur ki, insanı diğer canlılardan ayıran hususiyet budur. Emir âleminden olan bu ruhun beden ile beraberliği, insanı müspet davranışlara yöneltir. Bunun zıddı olan hayvani ruh ise, insanın hayatiyetini devam ettirmesini sağlayan biyolojik yapıya hükmeden latif bir güçtür ki, ona “can” veya “nefis” de denmektedir. Bedeni hareket ettiren, konuşturan, her türlü faaliyetinin icra ve ifasını sağlayan bu ruh, ölümle beraber bedeni terk eder. Halk âleminden olan ve davranışların başlangıç noktasını teşkil eden bu ruh, terbiye edilmediği takdirde, ruh-ı sultaninin aksine, insan üzerinde menfi tasarruflarda bulunabilmektedir. Seyyid Burhâneddin, Maârif’te, insanın nefsinin isteklerinden kurtulmasının çok zorlu bir mücadele gerektirdiğine dikkat çekerken nefis terbiyesi üzerinde ehemmiyetle durur. Ona göre insanı tehdit eden bütün tehlike ve afetlerin kaynağı “nefis”tir ve nefsine hakim olamayan insan her iki dünya saadetinden de mahrum kalır. Seyyid Burhâneddin; nefsin merhalelerinden, daha çok “emmâre” ve “mutmainne”den bahseder, “nefs-i mutmainne” mertebesine “nefs-i emmâre”nin isteklerine boyun eğmemek sayesinde erişilebileceğini ve kurtuluşun ancak bu şekilde mümkün olabileceğini açıklar. Bu çerçevede, sürekli kötülüğü emreden nefs-i emmâre hakkında Maârif’te bazı teşbih ve mecazlara rastlanır. Maârif’te nefsin benzetildiği başlıca unsurları; kendisiyle ölesiye mücadele edilmesi gereken bir düşman, Kur’an-ı Kerim’de bir kıssada zulmün sembolü olarak takdim edilen Câlût, binek vasıtası, hırsız ve canavar yahut köpek olmak üzere toplam beş grupta toplayabiliriz. Bu makalede; Seyyid Burhâneddin’nin nefse bakışı ve nefis terbiyesine dair görüşleri üzerinde durulacak, Maârif’te yer alan nefse dair teşbih ve mecazlar açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır.
The book titled Maârif (Knowledge/education) by Seyyid Burhâneddin Muhakkık-ı Tirmizî is mostly in Persian and partly in Arabic. The author is referred to as “Seyyid” and “Hüseynî” by virtue of his lineage being traced back to Hüseyin (prophet Muhammad’s grandson), as well as by other attributes such as “Seyyid-i Sırdân”, so called because he was able to reach out to secrets within hearts by permission of God Almighty or “Burhâneddîn, Burhân-ı Dîn, Burhân” so called by Rumi because he informed him beforehand about the arrival of Şems-i Tebrîzî to Konya, and finally the nickname “Muhakkık” as he was a sufi mystic interested in exploration of the soul. The book contains Seyyid Burhâneddin’s conversations in Sufism, explanations of seyr-i sülûk and marifetullah in laconic terms, poems by Hakîm Senâyî, Ferîdüddîn-i Attâr and Nizâmî-i Gencevî, and views of famous Sufis from Hasan-ı Basrî to Bâhâüddin Veled. In Sufism, nafs training (self-cultivation) involves reducing the desires of the nafs and breaking its dominance over the body, and thus enabling the domination of the sultanic spirit. Sultanic spirit is the spirit that Almighty God has inflicted on man from himself, which is the characteristic that distinguishes man from other living things. The union of this spirit, which is from the divine (Creator’s) realm, with the body leads people to positive behaviors. The animal spirit, which is the opposite of this, is a graceful force dominating the biological structure that enables man to continue his life, which is also called "soul" or "nafs". This spirit, which moves the body, makes it speak, and ensures the execution and performance of all its activities, leaves the body with death. This spirit from the realm of creatures constitutes the starting point of behavior and can have negative dispositions on people, unlike the sultanic spirit, if it is not disciplined. Seyyid Burhaneddin, in Maarif, emphasizes self-cultivation (training of nafs) while drawing attention to the fact that it takes a very arduous struggle to conquer the desires of one's soul. According to him, the source of all dangers and disasters that threaten man is the "nafs", and a person who cannot control himself is deprived of the happiness of both worlds. Seyyid Burhaneddin talks about the stages of the nafs, and especially "emmâre" and "mutmainne", and explains that the level of "nafs-i mutmainne" can be reached by not submitting to the wishes of the "nafs-i emmare" and that salvation is only possible in this way. In this framework, there are some similes and metaphors in Maârif about the nafs-i emmâre, which constantly commands evil. The main elements that the nafs is likened to in Maârif can be collected in five groups: an enemy who must be fought to the death, Câlut, who is presented as a symbol of oppression in a parable in the Qur'an, a passenger vehicle, a thief and a beast or dog. This article will dwell on Seyyid Burhâneddin’s view of nafs and his ideas concerning the training of nafs. In addition, it will attempt to explain the similes and metaphors regarding nafs in Maârif.
The book titled Maârif (Knowledge/education) by Seyyid Burhâneddin Muhakkık-ı Tirmizî is mostly in Persian and partly in Arabic. The author is referred to as “Seyyid” and “Hüseynî” by virtue of his lineage being traced back to Hüseyin (prophet Muhammad’s grandson), as well as by other attributes such as “Seyyid-i Sırdân”, so called because he was able to reach out to secrets within hearts by permission of God Almighty or “Burhâneddîn, Burhân-ı Dîn, Burhân” so called by Rumi because he informed him beforehand about the arrival of Şems-i Tebrîzî to Konya, and finally the nickname “Muhakkık” as he was a sufi mystic interested in exploration of the soul. The book contains Seyyid Burhâneddin’s conversations in Sufism, explanations of seyr-i sülûk and marifetullah in laconic terms, poems by Hakîm Senâyî, Ferîdüddîn-i Attâr and Nizâmî-i Gencevî, and views of famous Sufis from Hasan-ı Basrî to Bâhâüddin Veled. In Sufism, nafs training (self-cultivation) involves reducing the desires of the nafs and breaking its dominance over the body, and thus enabling the domination of the sultanic spirit. Sultanic spirit is the spirit that Almighty God has inflicted on man from himself, which is the characteristic that distinguishes man from other living things. The union of this spirit, which is from the divine (Creator’s) realm, with the body leads people to positive behaviors. The animal spirit, which is the opposite of this, is a graceful force dominating the biological structure that enables man to continue his life, which is also called "soul" or "nafs". This spirit, which moves the body, makes it speak, and ensures the execution and performance of all its activities, leaves the body with death. This spirit from the realm of creatures constitutes the starting point of behavior and can have negative dispositions on people, unlike the sultanic spirit, if it is not disciplined. Seyyid Burhaneddin, in Maarif, emphasizes self-cultivation (training of nafs) while drawing attention to the fact that it takes a very arduous struggle to conquer the desires of one's soul. According to him, the source of all dangers and disasters that threaten man is the "nafs", and a person who cannot control himself is deprived of the happiness of both worlds. Seyyid Burhaneddin talks about the stages of the nafs, and especially "emmâre" and "mutmainne", and explains that the level of "nafs-i mutmainne" can be reached by not submitting to the wishes of the "nafs-i emmare" and that salvation is only possible in this way. In this framework, there are some similes and metaphors in Maârif about the nafs-i emmâre, which constantly commands evil. The main elements that the nafs is likened to in Maârif can be collected in five groups: an enemy who must be fought to the death, Câlut, who is presented as a symbol of oppression in a parable in the Qur'an, a passenger vehicle, a thief and a beast or dog. This article will dwell on Seyyid Burhâneddin’s view of nafs and his ideas concerning the training of nafs. In addition, it will attempt to explain the similes and metaphors regarding nafs in Maârif.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Maârif, nefs-i emmâre, ruh-ı hayvani, terbiye, ruh-ı sultani, benzetmeler, very commanding nafs, animal spirit, training, nafs at peace, sultanic spirit, metaphors
Selçuklu Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Köroğlu, N. S., (2021). Seyyid Burhaneddin Muhakkık-ı Tirmizi'nin Maarif'inde Nefsle İlgili Mütalaalar. Selçuklu Araştırmaları Dergisi, (15), 271-292. doi: 10.23897/usad.1067869