Adli Rapor Düzenlemede Uygulamalı Eğitimin Önemi
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Hekimlerin asli görevlerinden birisi de hukukun adli kabul ettiği tıbbi olgulara rapor düzenlemektir. Bu çalışmada, adli olguyla karşılaşma olasılığı yüksek hekim gruplarından acil servis çalışanı hekimlere adli rapor yazımının temel esasları ile ilgili teorik ve uygulamalı eğitim vererek, verilen eğitimin etkinliğini araştırmak amaçlandı. Bu amaçla, Konya Adli Tıp Şube Müdürlüğü'nde Cumhuriyet Savcılıkları ve Mahkemeler tarafından gönderilen adli raporlar, bire bir incelenmek suretiyle, adli rapor yazımı hususunda uygulamalı eğitim verildi. Eğitimin etkinliğini değerlendirmek için en fazla adli rapor tanzim eden Konya Numune Hastanesi arşivinden, eğitim öncesinde ve sonrasındaki iki aylık dönemlerde yazılan adli raporlar incelendi ve uygulamalı eğitimin etkinliği araştırılmaya çalışıldı. Eğitim öncesi dönemde toplam 1631 rapor içerisinde 201 (%12.3) raporda, eğitim sonrası dönemde ise toplam 1256 rapor içerisinde 1062 (%84.6) raporda yaralanmanın "basit tıbbi müdahale ile giderilebilecek ölçüde hafif olup-olmadığı" kavramının doğru yorumlandığı tespit edildi. Ülkemizde, başta acil servisler olmak üzere, sık adli rapor düzenleyen birimlerde çalışan hekimlere, adli raporlarda kullanılan kavramlar, tespit edilen bulguların bu kavramlara göre yorumlanması ve rapor yazımında travma skorlaması ile ilgili uygulamalı eğitim verilmesinin, yanlış rapor düzenlenmesini önemli ölçüde azaltacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.
One of the basic duties of doctors is to prepare medical reports for legally accepted as forensic cases. Emergency Service doctors have high percentage of facing forensic cases.We organised theoretical and practical training courses to doctors in Emergency Services for the basis of writing forensic reports. In this study we aimed to find out the efficacy of these training programs. For this purpose all the forensic reports which sent from prosecutors and the courts to Konya Forensic Medicine Council were one by one investigated and thus a practical training program in order to write proper forensic reports was given. In order to find out the efficacy of this training program reports obtained from the archives of Konya Numune Hospital where highest number of forensic reports are prepared were investigated before and after two months of period of the training program. It is confirmed that prior to the training program in 201 (%12.3) reports and after the training program in 1062 (%84.6) reports the correct comments of the concept were obtained on the cases whether it can be cured with a simple medical care or not. It is concluded that the number of incorrect reports would be significantly reduced if a certain practical education including the terminology used in forensic reports and to comment according to obtained results is given to doctors working in Emergency Services.
One of the basic duties of doctors is to prepare medical reports for legally accepted as forensic cases. Emergency Service doctors have high percentage of facing forensic cases.We organised theoretical and practical training courses to doctors in Emergency Services for the basis of writing forensic reports. In this study we aimed to find out the efficacy of these training programs. For this purpose all the forensic reports which sent from prosecutors and the courts to Konya Forensic Medicine Council were one by one investigated and thus a practical training program in order to write proper forensic reports was given. In order to find out the efficacy of this training program reports obtained from the archives of Konya Numune Hospital where highest number of forensic reports are prepared were investigated before and after two months of period of the training program. It is confirmed that prior to the training program in 201 (%12.3) reports and after the training program in 1062 (%84.6) reports the correct comments of the concept were obtained on the cases whether it can be cured with a simple medical care or not. It is concluded that the number of incorrect reports would be significantly reduced if a certain practical education including the terminology used in forensic reports and to comment according to obtained results is given to doctors working in Emergency Services.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Adli Tıp, Adli rapor, adli tıp, eğitim, Forensic report, forensic medicine, education
Adli Tıp Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Demirci, Ş., Günaydın, G., Doğan, K. H., Aynacı, Y., Deniz, İ., (2007). Adli Rapor Düzenlemede Uygulamalı Eğitimin Önemi. Adli Tıp Dergisi, 21(1), 10-14.