1923–1950 Döneminde Türkiye'de Nüfusu Arttırma Gayretleri ve Mecburi Evlendirme Kanunu (Bekârlık Vergisi)
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İki bölümden oluşan bu çalışmanın giriş kısmında devletin yönetim kadrosunda yer alanların nüfusun attırılması ihtiyacı ile ilgili görüşlerine yer verilmektedir. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde 1923-1950 döneminde Türkiye’de nüfusu arttırmak için yapılan doğrudan ya da dolaylı yasal düzenlemeler ve gösterilen çabalar ele alınmaktadır. Bunların belli başlı olanlarını şu şekilde sıralamak mümkündür: 18 Mart 1926 tarihli Memurlar kanunu. Çok çocuklu hâkimlere yardım edilmesi ile ilgili 12 Haziran 1937 tarih ve 3253 sayılı kanun. 12 Haziran 1929 tarih ve 1525 sayılı halk arasında ‘yol vergisi olarak bilinen’ şose ve köprüler hakkındaki kanun. 6 Mayıs 1930 tarih ve 1593 sayılı genel sağlık kanunu. Bu bölümde ayrıca belediyeler kanununda yer alan sağlığın korunması ve nüfusun arttırılması girişimleri, gizli nüfusun kayıt altına alınması ile yurt dışından gelecek nüfusun iskânı da değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde Türkiye’de ‘ Bekârlık Vergisinin’ nasıl gündeme geldiği ve gelişmelerin nasıl devam ettiği ele alınmaktadır. Burada verginin ilk defa vatan savunması için genç nüfusa aşırı ihtiyaç duyulduğu Milli Mücadele yıllarında gündeme geldiği vurgulandıktan sonra. I. Meclise Canik (Samsun) Milletvekili olarak katılan Hamdi Bey’in ilk bekârlık kanunu teklifini 19 Ekim 1920’de TBMM’ye sundu. Onu Erzurum Milletvekili Salih Efendi’nin 22 Şubat 1921’deki teklifi izledi. Her iki teklifin I. maddesine göre TBMM Hükûmeti’nin kontrolü dâhilinde bulunan yerlerde evliliğin başlangıç yaşı 18 sonu 25’tır. 25 yaşını doldurup da mazeretsiz olarak evlenmeyenler bekârlık vergisi ile mükellef olacaklardı. O dönemde her iki teklif de yasalaşmadı. Ancak konu 1950’ye kadar hiç gündemden düşmedi. Milli Mücadele’den sonra Anadolu’da nüfus çok azalmıştı. Bu nedenle Cumhuriyet’in ilanından sonra nüfusu arttırmak için çeşitli arayışlara girildi. Bu arayış içinde Yozgat Milletvekili Süleyman Sırrı Bey ilki 1929 yılında olmak üzere 1932, 1940 ve 1944 yıllarında Meclise bekârlık vergisi için kanun teklifleri sundu. Süleyman Sırrı Bey teklifini sunarken bundan beklediği faydaları şu şekilde açıklamıştı: ‘Çok çocuklu fakir ailelere yardımda bulunmak için bekârlardan vergi alınmasını teklif ettim. Teklifim bekârları evlenmeğe mecbur etmek değil Sadece onları evlenmeğe teşvik ve çok çocuklu ailelere belli ölçülerde de olsa destek sağlamak içindir’. Konu meclis tutanaklarından halkın gündemine de yansıdı. Gazetelerde vergi tasarısı günlerce tartışıldı. Anketler düzenlenerek halkın ve aydınların görüşlerine yer verildi. Tartışmalar kimine göre bir hayaldi. Onlara göre Türkiye’de zaten insanlar yeteri kadar erken yaşlarda evleniyor ve nüfus artışını sağlayacak kadar da çocuk dünyaya geliyordu. Asıl sorun doğan çocukların yaşatılamaması idi. Bu yüzden bekârlık vergisi koymak yerine doğan çocukların yaşatılması için önlem alınması gerektiğini ileri sürüyorlardı. Buna karşılık kanun tasarısının hayata geçirilmesi için uygun zamanın beklenmesi gerektiğini savunanlar, bekârlardan alınacak verginin çocuk ve anne sağlığı ile çok çocuklu aileler için harcanacağını ileri sürmüşlerdi. Süleyman Sırrı Bey’in teklifi birkaç defa reddedilmesine rağmen 1949 yılında dolaylı şekilde de olsa ‘gelir vergisi’ kanununun 90. Maddesi ile bekârlık vergisi ‘bekârlık zammı’ adi ile yasallaştı.
This study consists of two parts. At the beginning of this article, the views of the Turk- ish governing elites of the time have been briefly introduced. They claimed that the popu- lation needed to be raised. The first part of the study reviews the political efforts that were undertaken to regulate and raise the population of Turkey. Some of the most impor- tant regulations are; 18 March 1926 of the Law of Officer. The law which states that the judges having more than one child should be assisted dated to June 12, 1937, Law No. 3253. The law dated to 12 June 1929, No 1525, the law about the 'road tax, known as the law on highways and bridges. The law with No: 1593 and dated to May 6, 1930 which is about general health law. You can also find the topics; protection of health and efforts to raise the population, located in Municipality Law in this section. In addition to that, hous- ing of the people emigrated from other countries is discussed. At the second part of the study, 'Bachelor Tax' in Turkey has come into question, and how the developments con- tinued is discussed. This part starts with highlighting the need of rise in the young popu- lation for defending homeland is firstly noticed in the National Struggle. After that Hamdi Bey who participated First Assembly as Canik (Samsun) deputy, submitted his first pro- posal about bachelor law to the Parliament on October 19, 1920. This is followed by Er- zurum deputy Salih Efendi's proposal on February 22, 1921. In both proposals first arti- cle it is claimed that the earliest starting point of a marriage could be 18 and the latest marriage age could be 25 in places that are controlled by the government. The people who passed the age of 25 without any excuse were obliged to pay bachelor tax. At that time, neither of the propositions was accepted. However, the issue did not fall from the political agenda until 1950. Population was very low after the National Struggle in Ana- tolia. Therefore, after the proclamation of the Republic numerous efforts were made to increase the population. During this tries, Yozgat deputy Süleyman Sırrı Bey submitted four proposals. The first proposal was submitted in 1929 and the others were submitted in 1932, 1940 and 1944. Süleyman Sırrı Bey explained this four proposals like that; "I of- fered a tax to be taken from the bachelors to help the families who have more than one child. My offer does not include forcing bachelors to marry. Rather my offer only aims to encourage the marriage and helping the families." After discussed in parliament, the topic added to public agenda. Survey about the topic had been debated in the newspapers for long days. These surveys were conducted to learn the views of intellectuals and public opinions in general about the topic. According to some people, debate was a dream. According to them, enough people in Turkey were already married at an early age, and population growth was enough to keep the children to come into the world. The real problem was to make new born children to stay in the life. For this reason they insisted that the precautions should be taken to make the children live, instead of taking bachelor tax. However the ones, who stated that the government should wait until the right time, thought that the taxes taken from bachelors could be used to help the families who have more than one child. Süleyman Sırrı Bey's proposal which was dismissed several times before finally accepted as a part of the 'income tax law's Article 90th, which was making the bachelor taxes legal, which was enacted in 1949.
This study consists of two parts. At the beginning of this article, the views of the Turk- ish governing elites of the time have been briefly introduced. They claimed that the popu- lation needed to be raised. The first part of the study reviews the political efforts that were undertaken to regulate and raise the population of Turkey. Some of the most impor- tant regulations are; 18 March 1926 of the Law of Officer. The law which states that the judges having more than one child should be assisted dated to June 12, 1937, Law No. 3253. The law dated to 12 June 1929, No 1525, the law about the 'road tax, known as the law on highways and bridges. The law with No: 1593 and dated to May 6, 1930 which is about general health law. You can also find the topics; protection of health and efforts to raise the population, located in Municipality Law in this section. In addition to that, hous- ing of the people emigrated from other countries is discussed. At the second part of the study, 'Bachelor Tax' in Turkey has come into question, and how the developments con- tinued is discussed. This part starts with highlighting the need of rise in the young popu- lation for defending homeland is firstly noticed in the National Struggle. After that Hamdi Bey who participated First Assembly as Canik (Samsun) deputy, submitted his first pro- posal about bachelor law to the Parliament on October 19, 1920. This is followed by Er- zurum deputy Salih Efendi's proposal on February 22, 1921. In both proposals first arti- cle it is claimed that the earliest starting point of a marriage could be 18 and the latest marriage age could be 25 in places that are controlled by the government. The people who passed the age of 25 without any excuse were obliged to pay bachelor tax. At that time, neither of the propositions was accepted. However, the issue did not fall from the political agenda until 1950. Population was very low after the National Struggle in Ana- tolia. Therefore, after the proclamation of the Republic numerous efforts were made to increase the population. During this tries, Yozgat deputy Süleyman Sırrı Bey submitted four proposals. The first proposal was submitted in 1929 and the others were submitted in 1932, 1940 and 1944. Süleyman Sırrı Bey explained this four proposals like that; "I of- fered a tax to be taken from the bachelors to help the families who have more than one child. My offer does not include forcing bachelors to marry. Rather my offer only aims to encourage the marriage and helping the families." After discussed in parliament, the topic added to public agenda. Survey about the topic had been debated in the newspapers for long days. These surveys were conducted to learn the views of intellectuals and public opinions in general about the topic. According to some people, debate was a dream. According to them, enough people in Turkey were already married at an early age, and population growth was enough to keep the children to come into the world. The real problem was to make new born children to stay in the life. For this reason they insisted that the precautions should be taken to make the children live, instead of taking bachelor tax. However the ones, who stated that the government should wait until the right time, thought that the taxes taken from bachelors could be used to help the families who have more than one child. Süleyman Sırrı Bey's proposal which was dismissed several times before finally accepted as a part of the 'income tax law's Article 90th, which was making the bachelor taxes legal, which was enacted in 1949.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, bekârlık vergisi, nüfus, anket, meclis, gelir vergisi, bachelor tax, Population, survey, assembly, income tax
Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Semiz, Y., (2010). 1923–1950 Döneminde Türkiye'de Nüfusu Arttırma Gayretleri ve Mecburi Evlendirme Kanunu (Bekârlık Vergisi). Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (27), 423-469.