Pazarlama iletişiminde global pazarlama stratejisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Dünya ekonomisindeki büyüme yavaşlığı, korumacılıkta yaşanan değişim, devlet müdahalelerinin azalması, girişimciliğin desteklenmesi, rekabet avantajlarının değişmesi ve ortak bir tüketim kültürünün yaygınlaşması firmaları yeni arayışlara itmiştir. Ticari bir ürünün bütün sınırları aşıp, başarıyla satılabilmesi “global pazarlama anlayışı” içinde ele alınmıştır. Global pazarlama yaklaşımı; temel pazarlama ilkelerinin dünya çapında uygulanması, global ürün ise; her pazardaki tüketicinin tatminine göre farklı dizayn edilen ürün olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu tanımlardan da anlaşılabileceği gibi, global endüstrideki firmalar, pazarlama iletişimi stratejilerini; tüketici istek ve ihtiyaçlarını global kalite standartlarına uygun olarak standartlaştırılmış mal ve hizmetlerle karşılamak için geliştirileceklerdir.
The decrease of the growing speed of world economy, the changes experienced in preservation, the decrease of the government interferences, supporting of enterprising, changing of competi-tion culture forced the campanies to seek new opportunities. Marketing a new product success-full after surpassed all the obstacles was taken into considerationin the global marketing approach. Global marketing approach can be defined as the worl wide application of the basic marketing principles, and global product can be defined as the product which was designed för the satis-faction of different customers who are at different markets. As can be understood from these def-initions, the companies which take place in global industry, will develop their marketing commu-nication strategies to offer products and services which were standardised according to global quality standarts: to meet the customers' demands and needs.
The decrease of the growing speed of world economy, the changes experienced in preservation, the decrease of the government interferences, supporting of enterprising, changing of competi-tion culture forced the campanies to seek new opportunities. Marketing a new product success-full after surpassed all the obstacles was taken into considerationin the global marketing approach. Global marketing approach can be defined as the worl wide application of the basic marketing principles, and global product can be defined as the product which was designed för the satis-faction of different customers who are at different markets. As can be understood from these def-initions, the companies which take place in global industry, will develop their marketing commu-nication strategies to offer products and services which were standardised according to global quality standarts: to meet the customers' demands and needs.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Global pazarlama, Pazarlama iletişimi, Pazarlama iletişimi stratejisi, Global marketing, Marketing communication, Marketing communication strategy
Selçuk İletişim
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Scopus Q Değeri
Otay, F. (2001). Pazarlama iletişiminde global pazarlama stratejisi. Selçuk İletişim, 1, (4), 99-106.