“Gölgesizler” filmi ve edebiyat sinema ilişkisi üzerine
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Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
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Sinema çağdaş yaşamda önemi yadsınamayan bir sanat dalıdır. 20. yüzyılın hemen başında gelişmeye başlayan sinema, kendine özgü yapısının oluşturduğu yeni yeni çeşitliliklerle kitlelerin görsel işitsel duyularına yönelir. Sinema tarihi, sinemaya uyarlanmış birçok edebiyat yapıtıyla doludur. Bir edebiyat uyarlaması söz konusu olduğunda, yazar her ne kadar filmin çekim ekibi ile birlikte çalışsa da izlediği filmin artık kitapla bağları farklı bir boyuttadır. Yeni bir eser ortaya çıkmıştır. Edebiyat uyarlamalarının tamamında edebi dil yerini sinematografik bir dile bırakmıştır. Bu çalışmada edebiyat sinema ilişkisi Gölgesizler filmi özelinde incelenmiştir.
Cinema is part of today's modern life and modern culture. Art is a matter that can not be denied. From the very beginning of the 20th century, movies started to appear, create their own structure with its new range of new audio-visual sense of the masses will lead to. Cinema is full of many literary works in its history. Go to the cinema to watch the film begins to follow the situation of reading is based on going beyond. Council with the knowledge that the expression of two different art forms and subject to this approach inevitably leads to the difference. A literary adaptation is concerned, the author, although the film's shooting team work with if you watch the art of the film is no longer adapted is the work of art with the book ties broken not even if it beyond the new works have emerged. Literary adaptations of literary language in all places have left the cinematographic language. This study aims at investigating the relationship between litereture and cinema.
Cinema is part of today's modern life and modern culture. Art is a matter that can not be denied. From the very beginning of the 20th century, movies started to appear, create their own structure with its new range of new audio-visual sense of the masses will lead to. Cinema is full of many literary works in its history. Go to the cinema to watch the film begins to follow the situation of reading is based on going beyond. Council with the knowledge that the expression of two different art forms and subject to this approach inevitably leads to the difference. A literary adaptation is concerned, the author, although the film's shooting team work with if you watch the art of the film is no longer adapted is the work of art with the book ties broken not even if it beyond the new works have emerged. Literary adaptations of literary language in all places have left the cinematographic language. This study aims at investigating the relationship between litereture and cinema.
Url: http://josc.selcuk.edu.tr/article/view/1075000095
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sinema, Edebiyat, Cinema, Literature
Selçuk İletişim
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Can, A., Uğurlu, F. (2010). “Gölgesizler” filmi ve edebiyat sinema ilişkisi üzerine. Selçuk İletişim, 6, (3), 76-84.