An Unusual Mechanism of Delayed Intracerebral Hemorrhage After Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting: Case Report
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Bu olgu sunumunda ventriküloperitoneal şant cerrahisinden 7 yıl sonra geç gelişen bir intraserebral hemoraji olgusunu sunuyoruz. 7 yaşında erkek hasta acil servise ani başlayan baş ağrısı ve kusma şikayetleri ile başvurdu. Bilgisayarlı beyin tomografi incelemesi,ventriküler katater etrafında intraserebral hemoraji varlığını gösteriyordu. Hastanın öyküsü,labaratuvar bulguları ve radyolojik incelemelerinde intraserebral hemorajiye neden olabilecek kafa travması, kanama diyatezi, vasküler malformasyon ve intratümoral hemoraji saptanmadı. Bu vakada intraserebral hemorajiye yol açan tahmini mekanizma, çocuğun büyüme döneminde boyun bölgesinde gerilmiş olan şant tüpü nedeni ile ventriküler kataterin gerilmesi ile oluşan serebral dokunun kontüzyonuydu.
We present a case of delayed intracerebral hemorrhage that developed seven years after initial ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery. A seven-year-old boy was admitted to emergency when he experienced sudden headache and vomiting. Computed tomography (CT) scanning showed an intracerebral hemorrhage around the ventricular catheter that cannot be explained by known predisposing factors such as head trauma, coexisting bleeding disorder, occult vascular malformation, and intratumoral hemorrhage. The presumed mechanism in this case is that the ventricular catheter caused contusion of cerebral tissue because the shunt tube at the neck had stretched during the growing up of the child.
We present a case of delayed intracerebral hemorrhage that developed seven years after initial ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery. A seven-year-old boy was admitted to emergency when he experienced sudden headache and vomiting. Computed tomography (CT) scanning showed an intracerebral hemorrhage around the ventricular catheter that cannot be explained by known predisposing factors such as head trauma, coexisting bleeding disorder, occult vascular malformation, and intratumoral hemorrhage. The presumed mechanism in this case is that the ventricular catheter caused contusion of cerebral tissue because the shunt tube at the neck had stretched during the growing up of the child.
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Nörolojik Bilimler
Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish)
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