Corporate reputation management and social media: an analysis on facebook accounts of the most valuable 5 brands in Turkey
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Günümüz rekabetçi ortamında markalar rakiplerinden farklılaşmak, iç ve dış paydaşlarının güven ve saygınlığını kazanmak için kurumsal itibarlarını yönetmeye ihtiyaç duymaktadırlar. Değişen ve gelişen bilgi iletişim teknolojileri ile birlikte markalar, kurumsal itibar yönetim faaliyetlerinde geleneksel mecralarla birlikte yeni iletişim teknolojilerini de kullanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda markalar ve paydaşları arasında iletişimden ziyade ilişki kurmayı amaçlayan; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, blog vb. sosyal medya araçları önem kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, dünyanın önde gelen marka değerlendirme kuruluşu Brand Finance tarafından açıklanan Türkiye'nin en değerli 100 markası (2014) arasında yer alan ilk 5 markanın (Türk Telekom, Akbank, Türk Hava Yolları, Türkiye İş Bankası ve Arçelik)Facebook hesaplarında yapmış oldukları paylaşımların kurumsal itibar yönetimi ile ilgisinin ne şekilde olduğunu ortaya koymak ve hangi amaçlarla kullandıklarını tespit etmektir. Çalışmanın yöntemi; Fombrun'un(2001) ortaya koyduğu çok boyutlu Kurumsal İtibar ölçüm modeli temelinde Gökdağlı'nın (2010) "Kurumsal İtibar Yönetimi Aracı Olarak Firmaların Web Sitelerinin Değerlendirilmesi" başlıklı yüksek lisans tezinde kullanmış olduğu unsurların yer aldığı gözlem formu referans alınarak uygulanan içerik analizi tekniğidir. Bu gözlem formu, ürün ve hizmetler, vizyon ve liderlik, çalışma ortamı, finansal performans, sosyal sorumluluk ve duygusal bağ ve kurumsal görsel kimlik faktörlerini içermektedir
In today's competitive world, brands need to manage their corporate reputation in order to gain the trust and prestige of their national and international shareholders so that they can make difference over their rivals. With changing and developing information and communication technologies, brands benefit from new communication technologies as well as traditional tools for reputation management. In this context, social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, blog etc, which aim to establish relations rather than communication between brands and their shareholders have gained more importance. The aim of this study is not only to show the relationship between reputation management and the Facebook shares of 5 of the most valuable 100 brands of Turkey (Türk Telekom, Akbank, Türk Hava Yolları, Türkiye İş Bankası ve Arçelik) according to Brand Finance which is one of the most leading brand assessment foundations in the world, but also to discover the aim of these companies for using Facebook accounts. The method of the study is content analysis technique implemented by taking as a reference the observation form in which there are items which Gökdağlı (2010) used in his graduate thesis called " The Assessment of Web-sites of Companies As a Tool for Corporate Reputation Management" based on multi-dimensional Corporate Reputation measurement model by Fombrun (2001). This observation form includes such factors as goods and services, vision and leadership, work atmosphere, financial performance, social responsibility, emotional connection and corporate visual identity
In today's competitive world, brands need to manage their corporate reputation in order to gain the trust and prestige of their national and international shareholders so that they can make difference over their rivals. With changing and developing information and communication technologies, brands benefit from new communication technologies as well as traditional tools for reputation management. In this context, social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, blog etc, which aim to establish relations rather than communication between brands and their shareholders have gained more importance. The aim of this study is not only to show the relationship between reputation management and the Facebook shares of 5 of the most valuable 100 brands of Turkey (Türk Telekom, Akbank, Türk Hava Yolları, Türkiye İş Bankası ve Arçelik) according to Brand Finance which is one of the most leading brand assessment foundations in the world, but also to discover the aim of these companies for using Facebook accounts. The method of the study is content analysis technique implemented by taking as a reference the observation form in which there are items which Gökdağlı (2010) used in his graduate thesis called " The Assessment of Web-sites of Companies As a Tool for Corporate Reputation Management" based on multi-dimensional Corporate Reputation measurement model by Fombrun (2001). This observation form includes such factors as goods and services, vision and leadership, work atmosphere, financial performance, social responsibility, emotional connection and corporate visual identity
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Erciyes İletişim Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Altunbaş, H., Diker, E. (2015). Corporate Reputation Management And Social Media: An Analysis on Facebook Accounts of the Most Valuable 5 Brands in Turkey. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 4(2), 40-54.