Hint edebiyatında feminizm ve Amrita Pritam’ın Muskrahit Ka Phançi adlı öyküsünün incelenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi
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Batıda siyasi bir hareket olarak ortaya çıkan feminizm, zamanla edebiyatı da etkisi altına alır. Hak arama arayısında olan kadınlar kendilerini en iyi ifade edebilecekleri alan olarak edebiyatı görürler. 1920’lerde Virginia Wolf ile baslayan edebiyatta feminist elestiri, 1960’lı yıllarda tüm dünyayı saran siyasi hareketlerle zirve noktasına ulasır. Batıdaki gelismelere paralel olarak edebiyatta feminist elestiri Hindistan edebiyatını da derinden etkiler. Ataerkil bir toplum olan Hindistanlı kadınların problemleri batıdaki hemcinslerinin problemlerine oranla daha fazla çesitlilik arz eder. Hintli kadınların Sosyal hayatta haklarını elde etme mücadelesinden öncelikle basa çıkmaları gereken bir kast sistemi ve katı gelenekler vardır. Yirminci yüzyılın baslarında egitim görmeye baslayan Hindistanlı kadınlar, erkek egemen toplumlarındaki hak arayısı çabalarını artırırlar. Sosyal hayatta kadın hakları konusunda yapılan düzenleme ve reformlar, kısa süre içinde meyvesini vermis, kadınlar edebiyat dünyasında da kendilerini göstermeye baslar. Her ne kadar Hint ve Urdu edebiyatında kadın haklarını savunan erkek yazarlar olsa, bu sorunların kadın gözüyle okuyucuya aktarılmasının daha etkili olacagı asikârdır. Batı edebiyatlarında oldugu gibi Urdu ve Hint edebiyatında da baslangıçta takma ya da erkek ismiyle yazın hayatına atılan kadınlar, zamanla kendilerine has bir yazın gelenegi olusturmayı basarırlar. Elestirmenler tarafından edebiyatta feminist elestiri ‘yazar olarak kadına yönelik’ ve ‘okur olarak kadına yönelik’ olmak üzere iki bölüme ayrılır. Biz bu çalısmamızda Hint edebiyatında feminist edebiyat elestirisinin öncü yazarlarından biri olan Amrita Pritam’ın Muskrahit ka Phançi adlı öyküsünü ‘yazar olarak kadına yönelik’ feminist edebiyat elestirisi kuramı baglamında incelemeye çalısacagız.
Having emerged as a political movement in the west, feminism also penetrated literature in time. Women seeking to get their rights saw literature as a field where they could express themselves best. The feminist criticism in literature, which began with Virginia Wolf in the 1920s, reached its culmination with political movements that shook the whole world in the 1960s. In parallel to the developments in the west, the feminist criticism in literature deeply affected the Indian literature. The problems experienced by women in India, which was a patriarchal society, exhibited more variation than those experienced by their counterparts in the west. Endeavoring to obtain their rights in social life, Indian women had before them the huge caste system and rigid traditions to tackle. Indian women who began to receive education in the early 20th century intensified efforts to seek rights in their male-dominated society. Regulations and reforms implemented in social life with regard to women’s rights bore fruit soon and women began to exert themselves in the field of literature, too. Although there were male writers in the Indian and Urdu literatures who defended women’s rights, it was obvious that presenting these problems to the readers through the female eyes would be more effective. Women in Indian and Urdu literatures who embarked on their literary careers under male pseudonyms as in the western literatures managed to establish a literary tradition of their own in the course of time. Feminist criticism in literature is divided into two by critics, namely ‘oriented to women as writers’ and ‘oriented to women as readers’. In this study, we will try to analyze a story by Amrita Pritam, one of the forerunners of the feminist literary criticism in Indian literature, entitled Muskrahit ka Phanchi within the context of the feminist literary criticism theory called ‘oriented to women as.
Having emerged as a political movement in the west, feminism also penetrated literature in time. Women seeking to get their rights saw literature as a field where they could express themselves best. The feminist criticism in literature, which began with Virginia Wolf in the 1920s, reached its culmination with political movements that shook the whole world in the 1960s. In parallel to the developments in the west, the feminist criticism in literature deeply affected the Indian literature. The problems experienced by women in India, which was a patriarchal society, exhibited more variation than those experienced by their counterparts in the west. Endeavoring to obtain their rights in social life, Indian women had before them the huge caste system and rigid traditions to tackle. Indian women who began to receive education in the early 20th century intensified efforts to seek rights in their male-dominated society. Regulations and reforms implemented in social life with regard to women’s rights bore fruit soon and women began to exert themselves in the field of literature, too. Although there were male writers in the Indian and Urdu literatures who defended women’s rights, it was obvious that presenting these problems to the readers through the female eyes would be more effective. Women in Indian and Urdu literatures who embarked on their literary careers under male pseudonyms as in the western literatures managed to establish a literary tradition of their own in the course of time. Feminist criticism in literature is divided into two by critics, namely ‘oriented to women as writers’ and ‘oriented to women as readers’. In this study, we will try to analyze a story by Amrita Pritam, one of the forerunners of the feminist literary criticism in Indian literature, entitled Muskrahit ka Phanchi within the context of the feminist literary criticism theory called ‘oriented to women as.
URL: http://sefad.selcuk.edu.tr/sefad/article/view/26
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hint Edebiyatı, Feminizm, Amrita Pritam, Indian literature, Feminism
Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Durgun, R. (2014). Hint edebiyatında feminizm ve Amrita Pritam’ın Muskrahit Ka Phançi adlı öyküsünün incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (31), 147-160.