Vüs’at O. Bener’in Dost-Yaşamasız adlı kitabındaki öykülerin kurgusal coğrafyası
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Sadece edebi değil; tarihî, sosyolojik, politik veya coğrafî özellikleriyle incelendiğinde edebi eserlerin pek çok farklı cephesi ortaya konulabilir. Özellikle kurgusal türlerde yazarın biyografisi ile anlatının kurgusal dünyası arasındaki paralellikleri ve kurgusal coğrafya ile gerçek coğrafya arasındaki izdüşümleri ortaya koymak, edebiyat incelemelerine önemli katkılar sağlayacaktır. Bu çalışmada 1952 ve 1957’de yayınlanmış Dost ve Yaşamasız adlı öykü kitaplarında yer alan toplam 32 öyküden hareketle Vüs’at O. Bener’in öykücülüğünde mekânın kurgu içerisinde yeri ve bu ögenin olay örgüsü, kişiler, zaman ve anlatıcı gibi anlatı bileşenleri ile olan ilişkileri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Kurgusal coğrafya ile yazarın biyografik coğrafyası arasındaki paralelliklerin ortaya konulmasında disiplinler arası yöntemlerden de yararlanılan çalışmada, öykülerde kullanılan otobiyografik ögelerin sadece yazarın öz yaşamından birtakım kesitler ve hatıralarla sınırlı kalmadığı; yaşanılan coğrafyaların da kurgusal dünyaya mekânsal zemin oluşturduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
When literary works are analyzed not only as literary characteristics but also as sociological, political and linguistic geography, it can be betrayed its many different aspects. Especially, in fictional kinds; betraying the parallelism between author’s biography and narration’s fictional world and the projections between fictional linguistic geography and real geography will contribute to literature analysis considerably. In this work, it was tried to betray the place of the location in the fiction and its relations with the narration components as the story line, people, time and the narrator hence 32 stories in his Dost and YaĢamasız books published in 1952 and 1957. It was come to the conclusion that in this work which was benefited from the methods among disciplines in the betraying of the parallelism among fictional, biographic and physical geographies, the autobiographical items which the author used in his stories are not only limited with some sequences and memories from his private life but also his geographies which he lived, composed a spatial basic for the fictional world.
When literary works are analyzed not only as literary characteristics but also as sociological, political and linguistic geography, it can be betrayed its many different aspects. Especially, in fictional kinds; betraying the parallelism between author’s biography and narration’s fictional world and the projections between fictional linguistic geography and real geography will contribute to literature analysis considerably. In this work, it was tried to betray the place of the location in the fiction and its relations with the narration components as the story line, people, time and the narrator hence 32 stories in his Dost and YaĢamasız books published in 1952 and 1957. It was come to the conclusion that in this work which was benefited from the methods among disciplines in the betraying of the parallelism among fictional, biographic and physical geographies, the autobiographical items which the author used in his stories are not only limited with some sequences and memories from his private life but also his geographies which he lived, composed a spatial basic for the fictional world.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kurgusal Coğrafya, Edebi Coğrafya, Otobiyografik Ögeler, Fictional Geography, Literary Geography, Autobiographical Items
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Solak, Ö. (2011). Vüs’at O. Bener’in Dost-Yaşamasız Adlı Kitabındaki Öykülerin Kurgusal Coğrafyası. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 6(4), 789-804.