Tarih-i Osmanî Encümeni Konya Şubesi’nin Açılışı ve Vali Arifi Paşa’nın Nutku

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Selçuk Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



Tarihi belge ve kaynakların araştırılması ve bunların yayın hayatına kazandırılması amacıyla ve tarihçiliği geliştirmek üzere Tarih-i Osmanî Encümeni 1909’da kurulmuştu. Tarih-i Osmanî Encümeni İstanbul’da kurulmuş, sonraki yıllarda şubeleri de tesis edilmişti. Encümenin şubelerinden biri, Konya’da Haziran 1911 tarihinde açılmıştı. Encümenin, Konya’da da şube açmış olması, tarih alanındaki çalışmalar kapsamında, Konya vilayetinin değerlendirildiğini ve vilayetin tarihsel ve kültürel zenginliğinin dikkate alındığını göstermektedir. Bu şubenin açılışında, Konya Valisi Arifi Paşa bir konuşma yapmıştır. Tarihi, bireysel olarak inceleyen tarihçi ve akademisyenlerin geçmişten günümüze ortaya koymuş oldukları bilimsel eserler bulunmaktadır. Diğer taraftan tarihin, bir grup tarafından sistemli ve koordineli bir şekilde incelenmesine, encümenin çalışmaları örnek gösterilebilir. Bu yönüyle, Tarih-i Osmanî Encümeni, tarihçilik alanında yapıla gelen çalışmaların önemli bir basamağını teşkil etmişti. Tarih-i Osmanî Encümeninin Konya şubesinin açılışı ve şube hakkında genel bilgilerle ilgili bir çalışmaya rastlanılmamış olup, konu hakkında bilgilere, Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi belgelerinden ve dönemin gazetelerinden ulaşılmıştır.
Historic Ottoman Committee was founded in Istanbul in 1909, but had branches. One of its branches was opened in June 1911 in Konya. This shows that Konya was taken into consideration and its historical and cultural richness. In opening ceremony of Konya branch Konya Governor Arifi Pasha gave a speech. Historic Ottoman Committee Konya branch was opened. There is an archive document about this. Accordingly, in Konya centre province, under presidency of Çelebi Efendi the branch was opened and the decision of appointment was sent to Konya in 20 June 1911. The branch was opened With the aim of investigating current artifacts and old historical structures. Official opening was carried out by committee members along governor of Konya. First meeting and discussions continued till thirty past ten. There are some treatises written by historians and scientist who investigate history separately. Besides, some investigations carried out systematically and in coordination were also available. From this aspect, Historic Ottoman Committee has an important part in these kinds of investigations. As the committee worked only for this aim, the pieces yielded by it were important. The committee, improved historiography by publishing historical documents and information, was founded in 1909. The information about Ottoman history can be reached from some works such as archive documents, annuals, writings in newspapers and magazines, and translations. Sources that supply important information about Ottoman Empire’s political, martial, social, economical, and cultural structure show us the different sides of historical events. The quantitative abundance of historical sources means wealth in terms of validating historical events and interpreting them. The recordings of otoman history were kept first during Fatih Sultan Mehmet period. During this period and later historiographers contributed historiography. Ottoman historiography shaped by depending on narrative historiography custom. The events were told in a story type and the events were put in order. Officially historiography started in XVIII. Century but we can see some former gannals or chronicle. During this time and later Peçevi, Nima, Lütfi Pasha, and Mahmut Celaleddin Pasha were among the people who wrote about Ottoman history. Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, on the other hand, lived in XIX. Century and besides working in areas such as education, politics, and law, he was also a historiographer. In Privy Council, he was appointed to write history by Mustafa Reşit Pasha. In his book Cevdet Pasha wrote the years between 1768 and 1826. Ismail Hakkı Uzunçarşılı heads the historiographers that research Ottoman History from the beginning. Uzunçarşılı studied Ottoman history as a whole, told the events until modernism, and left an important book. Ottoman modernism period, by the way, was examined by Enver Ziya Kemal. In final stage of Ottoman Empire, the aim of boosting historiography was tried to carry out by Historic Ottoman Committee. The foundation reason of Historic Ottoman Committee was explained by the committee itself. Accordingly, the benefits of knowing the past and historical events for a community were mentioned. It was mentioned that for communities who don’t know their ancestors and not interested in their honors and memories, it is difficult to develop a homeland sense and love. Also it was referred that the padishah of that time ordered writing a Ottoman history that fits the glory of the community. In this direction, Historic Ottoman Committee was constituted. On of the most important publication activity of Historic Ottoman Committee is magazine. The magazine was going to be published every other month. In the magazine, events that left out, papers, biological information and articles were going to be included. Committee’s first and most important plan was preparing a work that investigates the Ottoman history from the beginning. Historic Ottoman Committee continued his activities with president histriographer Abdurrahman Şeref Bey. Konown as the last historiographer Abdurrahman Şeref Bey was a teacher, manager, and education minister and wrote important books. During Abdurrahman Şeref Bey Term organizations were constructed in provinces and Konya was among them. In provinces and districts, Historic Ottoman Committee branches could be constituted with permission of committee. Branches were going to make historical investigations within the provinces, conserve classics, and give information about gathered historical information. The members of the branch were detected. It can be said that the members of the branch were also important people of that province. Among the members, there were some civil servants. Also, member from different professions such as doctors, pharmacists, and factory managers took place in the committee. Among the members there was the owner of Babalık Newspaper and editorial writer. Two members were minority appertain. Governor Arifi Pasha gave a speech in the opening. In his speech Governor Arifi Pasha the aim of Historic Ottoman Committee Konya branch and some general information about the mission can be found. One of these is that the branch was going to investigate not only Ottoman History but also the history of some beylics and states such as Seljukians, Karmanoğulları, Hamidoğulları, and Tekeoğulları. The common features of these beylics and states were that they were all related to Konya. Konya, the capital city of Seljukians, had an important role for the studies of committee. At that time Hamidoğulları was established in Beyşehir district. Karamanoğulları reigned in and around Karaman, and Tekeoğulları reigned in and around Antalya. Governor Arifi Pasha said that he is interested in history too and ready to help the committee. As a result, we see that samre method was applied to coose the members for both Historic Ottoman Committee and Konya branch. There were similarities between the centre and the branch in terms of people from education, some kinds of sivil servants as well as non-Muslims. As Konya was an important place for history, it had privileged position for committee’s studies. The states and beylics established around Konya were among historical investigations. It was understood from Governor Arifi Pasha’s speech that the committee was going to investigate not only Ottoman history but also general Turkish history. As aresult of importance attached to Konya because of its history, it is seen that both the city and the discipline of history were thought important by local authorities.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Tarih-i Osmanî Encümeni, Konya, Arifi Paşa, Çelebi Efendi


Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri





Taşer, S., (2012). Tarih-i Osmanî Encümeni Konya Şubesi’nin Açılışı ve Vali Arifi Paşa’nın Nutku. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 27, 297-304.