Ahmed Nedim Kasimi’nin öykülerinde I. ve II. Dünya Savaşı’nın Hint yarımadası’na etkilerinin yansımaları
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Ahmed Nedim Kasimi XX. Yüzyıl Urdu edebiyatının en üretken edebiyatçılarından biridir. Toplumcu gerçekçi bir yazar olan Ahmed Nedim Kasimi öykülerinde İlerici Yazarlar Akımı'nın ana temalarından biri olan savaş ve barış temalarını çokça işlemiştir. Hindistan, I. ve II. Dünya savaşının aktif katılımcılarından olmamakla birlikte İngiltere sömürgesi olması sebebiyle savaşa dâhil olmuş, bu iki savaştan aktif olan ülkeler kadar etkilenmiştir. Toplumsal gerçekleri göz ardı etmeyen, sorumlu bir edebiyatçı bilinciyle hareket eden Kasimi hayatın içinden seçtiği karakterler vasıtasıyla bu iki büyük savaşın ülkesinde meydana getirdiği maddi ve manevi tahribatı büyük bir ustalıkla öykülerinde ele almıştır. Ahmed Nedim Kasimi, doğduğu dönemde patlak veren Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nın uzun vadeli etkilerini gençlik yıllarında gözlemlemeyi başarmış ve eserlerinde trajik bir biçimde yansıtmıştır. İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın başladığı dönem, Hint Yarımadası'nda özgürlük taleplerinin arttığı, sosyalist devrimin ayak seslerinin duyulduğu bir dönemdi. İngiltere savaşın aktif ülkelerinden biri olduğu için savaşta gerek duyduğu asker ihtiyacını karşılamak amacıyla kendi kolonileri arasında bulunan Hindistan'ı bir oldubitti ile savaşa soktu. Bu iki savaş da Hint Alt Kıtası'nı derinden etkiledi. Ülke gerçeklerini göz ardı etmeyen edebiyatçılar da savaşın yol açtığı toplumsal acıları açıkça eserlerinde dile getirdiler. Kasimi de insanlık tarihini derinden etkileyen, emperyal güçlerin baskıları sonucu savaşa sürüklenen Hindistan'ın, dul kalan annelerin, yetim kalan çocukların ve sağ salim geri dönmeyi başarabilen psikolojik bunalıma girmiş askerlerin duygularına tercüman olmuştur
Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi is one of the most prolific writer of twentieth Century in Urdu litrature. Qasmi was a progressive realist writer as he reflected in his works, especially in his stories he has written a lot about peace and war themes which were Progressive Writers Movement’s main concerns at that time. India was not an active participant of neither First World War nor Second World War. However as a British Colony It became part of the war and It had been affected as if participated in both wars. Qasmi as a responsible writer who doesn't rule out his realities of his socities, in his stories by choosing appropriate characters he treated most proficiently the moral and material destructions of the World Wars to his country. Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi, was born while the First World War continues. He observed the long term effects of the war in his adolescence and he reflected these effects to his works dramatically. The period which The Second World War started, was the rising time of demands for freedom and the footsteps of the revolution were heard. Because of The Great Britain was the active member of the war, to provide the necessary soldier needs It involved his colony India into the war in a fait accompli policy. Both these World Wars influenced deeply the Indian sub continent. The writers who could not ignore the realities of their country mentioned these problems in their works
Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi is one of the most prolific writer of twentieth Century in Urdu litrature. Qasmi was a progressive realist writer as he reflected in his works, especially in his stories he has written a lot about peace and war themes which were Progressive Writers Movement’s main concerns at that time. India was not an active participant of neither First World War nor Second World War. However as a British Colony It became part of the war and It had been affected as if participated in both wars. Qasmi as a responsible writer who doesn't rule out his realities of his socities, in his stories by choosing appropriate characters he treated most proficiently the moral and material destructions of the World Wars to his country. Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi, was born while the First World War continues. He observed the long term effects of the war in his adolescence and he reflected these effects to his works dramatically. The period which The Second World War started, was the rising time of demands for freedom and the footsteps of the revolution were heard. Because of The Great Britain was the active member of the war, to provide the necessary soldier needs It involved his colony India into the war in a fait accompli policy. Both these World Wars influenced deeply the Indian sub continent. The writers who could not ignore the realities of their country mentioned these problems in their works
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ahmed Nedim Kasimi, I. Dünya Savaşı-Hindistan, II. Dünya SavaşıHindistan., Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi, First World War-India, Second World War-India.
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Durgun, R. (2014). Ahmed Nedim Kasimi’nin Öykülerinde I. ve II. Dünya Savaşı’nın Hint Yarımadası’na Etkilerinin Yansımaları. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 9(3), 583-599.