Pamuklu kumaşların buruşmazlık açısının iyileştirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu tez kapsamında pamuklu kumaşlarda buruşmazlık açısını iyileştirmek amacıyla, silikon yağı olarak düşük amin sayılı reaktif aminoetil aminopropil fonksiyonel polidimetilsiloksan kullanılmıştır. Emülgatör olarak literatürlerden farklı olarak ilk kez Tridesil Alkol 5 Etoksilat ve Tridesil Alkol 8 Etoksilat kullanılarak amino fonksiyonel silikon emülsiyonu hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan silikon emülsiyonunun pH, raf ömrü testi, kırılma indisi tayini, FT-IR spektroskopisi ve Partikül Boyut Analizi yapılmıştır. Silikon emülsiyonu yaygın olarak kullanılan pad-dry-cure metoduna göre 20g/L, 40g/L ve 60g/L olmak üzere üç farklı konsantrasyonda %100 pamuklu kumaşa uygulanmıştır. Emülsiyon uygulanan pamuklu kumaşın kurutma sıcaklığı ve süresi 120 °C 'de 5 dakika, fikse edilme sıcaklığı ve süresi ise 170°C 'de 3 dakikadır. Amino fonksiyonel silikon emülsiyonunun uygulandığı kumaşlarda kalitatif tuşe testi, FT-IR spektroskopisi, SEM analizi ve buruşmazlık açısı tayini (WRA) yapılmıştır. FT-IR spektroskopisi değerleri incelendiğinde üretilen amino fonksiyonel silikon emülsiyonunun %100 pamuklu kumaşa bağlandığı kanıtlanmıştır. SEM görüntüleri incelendiğinde pamuklu ham kumaş yüzeyi buruşuk, kıvrımlı ve sert yüzey olarak gözlemlenmiştir. Emülsiyon uygulandıktan sonra ise daha düzgün ve pürüzsüz bir yüzeyin gözlemlenmesi amino fonksiyonel silikon emülsiyonunun pamuklu kumaşa bağlandığının kanıtıdır. Pamuklu kumaşın buruşmazlık açısı tayini (WRA), üretilen silikon emülsiyonu kumaşlara uygulandıktan sonra kurutulmuş ve 170 °C 'de 3 dakika fikse edildikten sonra yapılmıştır. Buruşmazlık açısı ölçümü kumaşların atkı ve çözgü yönlerinde ayrı ayrı ölçülerek belirlenmiştir. Buruşmazlık açısı ölçümü sonucunda konsantrasyon arttıkça buruşmazlık açsının arttığı gözlemlenmiştir.
In this thesis, an emulsion was prepared by using reactive aminoethyl aminopropyl functional polydimethylsiloxane silicone oil in order to improve the wrinkle recovery angle of cotton fabrics. Different from the literatüre, amino functional silicone emulsion was prepared for the first time by using as emulsifiers Tridecyl Alcohol 5 Ethoxylate and Tridecyl Alcohol 8 Ethoxylate. The prepared silicone emulsion was performed pH, refractive index, FT IR Spectroscopy and Particle Size Analysis. The silicone emulsion was applied to 100% cotton fabric according to the commonly used pad-dry-cure method at three different concentrations; 20g/L, 40g/L and 60g/L. Applied to cotton fabric that drying temperature and time is 5 minutes at 120 °C, fixation temperature and time is 3 minutes at 170 °C. Qualitative touch test, FT IR spectroscopy, SEM analysis and wrinkle recovery angle (WRA) were performed on cotton fabric which amino functional silicone emulsions was applied. When the FT IR spectroscopy values were examined, it was proven that the amino functional silicone emulsion produced was bonded to %100 cotton fabric. When the SEM images were examined, raw cotton fabric surface was observed as wrinkled, curved and hard surface. Observing a smoother and smoother surface after the emulsion is bonded to cotton fabric. Wrinkle recovery angle (WRA) of cotton fabric was made after the silicone emulsion produced that applied to the fabric fixation temperature at 170 °C and 3 minutes. Wrinkle recovery angle measurement was determined weft and warp directions of cotton fabric measuring by separately. As a result of wrinkle recovery angle measurement was observed that wrinkle recovery angle increased as concentrations increased.
In this thesis, an emulsion was prepared by using reactive aminoethyl aminopropyl functional polydimethylsiloxane silicone oil in order to improve the wrinkle recovery angle of cotton fabrics. Different from the literatüre, amino functional silicone emulsion was prepared for the first time by using as emulsifiers Tridecyl Alcohol 5 Ethoxylate and Tridecyl Alcohol 8 Ethoxylate. The prepared silicone emulsion was performed pH, refractive index, FT IR Spectroscopy and Particle Size Analysis. The silicone emulsion was applied to 100% cotton fabric according to the commonly used pad-dry-cure method at three different concentrations; 20g/L, 40g/L and 60g/L. Applied to cotton fabric that drying temperature and time is 5 minutes at 120 °C, fixation temperature and time is 3 minutes at 170 °C. Qualitative touch test, FT IR spectroscopy, SEM analysis and wrinkle recovery angle (WRA) were performed on cotton fabric which amino functional silicone emulsions was applied. When the FT IR spectroscopy values were examined, it was proven that the amino functional silicone emulsion produced was bonded to %100 cotton fabric. When the SEM images were examined, raw cotton fabric surface was observed as wrinkled, curved and hard surface. Observing a smoother and smoother surface after the emulsion is bonded to cotton fabric. Wrinkle recovery angle (WRA) of cotton fabric was made after the silicone emulsion produced that applied to the fabric fixation temperature at 170 °C and 3 minutes. Wrinkle recovery angle measurement was determined weft and warp directions of cotton fabric measuring by separately. As a result of wrinkle recovery angle measurement was observed that wrinkle recovery angle increased as concentrations increased.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Buruşmazlık açısı, Silikon emülsiyonu, Silikonlar, Silicone emulsions, Wrinkle recovery angle, Crease-free angle
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Balcı, S. M. (2021). Pamuklu kumaşların buruşmazlık açısının iyileştirilmesi. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.