Şeriye Sicil Kayıtlarına Göre 1748-1749 Yıllarında Konya’da Aile

dc.contributor.authorAltan, Mehmet
dc.contributor.authorİpçioğlu, Mehmet
dc.departmentSelçuk Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Bölümüen_US
dc.description.abstractŞer’iye sicilleri Osmanlı topraklarında meydana gelen içtimaî, hukukî ve iktisadî olayları gün yüzüne çıkarması açısından çok önemli belgelerdir. 1748 – 1749 yılını kapsayan 57 numaralı şer’iye sicilinde 672 adet belge bulunmaktadır. Bu belgeler Miras davaları, aile, vesayet, adlî olaylar, görevli tayinleri ve vergi vb. iktisadî ve sosyal olayları içermektedir. 57 numaralı şer’iye sicili kısa bir zaman dilimini kapsamasına rağmen dönemin Konya sosyal tarihine ait önemli ipuçları vermektedir. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda Osmanlı toplumunda ailenin önemli bir kurum olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Toplumda bekar sayısının çok az olduğu, yetişkin nüfusun hemen hepsinin evli olduğu nikah, mehir boşanma gibi konularda kadınların da erkekler kadar söz sahibi olduğu görülmektedir. İncelenen dönem Osmanlı Konya’sında çok evlilik yok denecek kadar azdır. Ailelerin ortalama dört çocuk yaptıkları görülmektedir.en_US
dc.description.abstractKadı Registers are very important documents revealed that legal and economic events occurring in the territory of the Ottoman. 57 numbered Kadi register have 672 units .These documents are cases of inheritance, family, guardianship, judicial events, appoint officers and taxes, etc.. includes economic and social events. 57 numbered kadı register is covering the significant clues of the social history of the Konya although a short period of time record the period . As a result of this study has been understood that in Ottoman society institution of the family is very important . And much less the number of bachelor in the community that nearly all of the adult population is married. Marriage, divorce, issues such as mahr women as men have a voice that can be seen. Screened almost negligible in Ottoman Konya no more marriage. Average of four children, their families has been understood. We do work on the subject have been covered by the book dates from 1748 to 1749 are the year. That we have examined the number of documents in the record book in 93 leaf 672 pieces. 152 of these documents constitutes one of the property sales. Document is followed by 80 cases with this heritage. Appointed guardian and kayyum, family law, outrage and shock, slave emancipation, tax collection, müderris, etc. Mufti. Appointed officials and al. topics are included. That we have examined the distribution of documents is as follows. Establishment of family life in Ottoman society, called to namzed engagement with the period after this period performed the wedding after wedding ceremony consists. Become a family enterprise providing the Marriage contract of the household is not enough for the wedding by doing his own men to build up a nest of male subjects was due bachelor say. Marriage preparation period in the kadi register form that a lot word of cutting and engagement with the case record is located. Records in question formed the terms of engagement of contract, the parties of their obligations, the obligations of the state from nezt shows the limits of its legal validity. In some cases as a process of engagement and commitment given by men during this time that is required to fulfill the engagement, otherwise than by girls has right to move is understood to give up. Mahr is entirely the woman's property, but shall be given to family. You can save as expressed therein. Women and their relatives to marry in exchange for a dowry Mahr is not obliged to prepare. To be paid not absolute Mehr marry. Payment will be made compulsory Zifaf. In case of divorce to women without Zifaf mehr half paid. Or parents because of the muhayyerlik puberty kefaet wedding abolished mehr do not have to be paid. In addition to women than to men nisbetle wide possibility to give the divorce in Islamic law mehr mehr particularly high müeccel eclipse of the right to divorce misuse is a significant obstacle to women and married a certain economic security and independence to provide the services that can be said. Yet a notable case in point is the proportion of leading women from twenty-four cases opened on one of the women. Contrary to general opinion, and the majority of women have joined the court in a document only through counsel women were divorced. Divorced him from the case on a mandate to belong to men. On the record that in our study in 57 numbered Konya şer'iye ,polygamous men were observed to be very small. Approximately 157 family with two married only six relevant documents are being found more than two who are married spouse has not been found. These rates also corresponds to 4%. Islam in certain circumstances be allowed to have broken the family unit. Divorce in Jewish practice adopted in the system difficult to divorce with her non-Christians will never accept a middle path is located between application has the appearance. Prophet of prophets wives and family unity and continue to be good to each other about the various orders and recommendations have been. The woman's husband in the divorce of freedom is observed. This divorce of the husband of the financial burden on the shoulders of all the divorce and her husband will be carefully considered before decisions are dating. At the same time not feeling up to men and women generally granted a divorce will not be abused, this approach also is very important in this subject. Indeed, her husband has the same freedom that the divorce rate is not reflected in the exercises. Women in divorce has a more limited authority. Divorce with the request (one sided) have almost negligible, usually due to lack of women to have children was revealed. Muhalaa 'if either of the spouses or with the mutual desire of women that one of the following cases will be done by displaying the request would occur because of, the woman's livelihood is not provided in sufficient degree, husband, wife - husband violated the relationship, if ikdidarsızsa, apostasy. Indeed, in these terms between men and women bring about inequality is annoying. But everywhere in otttoman teriroty for their traditions organized establishments, this inequality itself felt in daily life will not have a costume impersonation. In the majority of documents related to the divorce as a reason not to understand that Hüsn-i zendigânî shown. In this case the mutual understanding that muhalaa 'divorced. In this case, women often used right of Mahr. Yet as a reason for a divorce in the document is not shown anything in the case of her husband to go out of town (Diyar-ı Aher ) and do not come to much time on condition that his wife is to authorize divorce. This type of divorce, as was done acting my full view of women are not taking mahr. Because the divorce as a condition of their wives and other rights giving up of mahr is required. Yet documents in one neighborhood Ahmed Dede had wanted to divorce from the woman named Havva, and another for the rights of the response in giving up of mahr used has not received, plus 15 cents for divorce from former wife of Uveys fee is paid. To determine the number of children Şer'iye record is possible. That we have examined approximately 39 of the family in Konya şer'iye record number of children reached. The total number of 115 children were found. Five of the family is deemed to be childless. The average for families with children can be said to have four children. Only when there is a family of five boys, on a family's only daughter is. On eight of the family of the boy and girl has been found. At least one up to eight children are seen in children and childless families were encountered. Exceptions are those with many children of the Ottoman family. Those most replications, respectively one, two, three are children. Peasant families urban families, non-Muslims have very little in terms of number of children who are late. Girls are slightly more male children is also important to note. Within this framework, the classical period of Ottoman family does not find even the average of five people.en_US
dc.identifier.citationAltan, M., İpçioğlu, M., (2009). Şeriye Sicil Kayıtlarına Göre 1748-1749 Yıllarında Konya’da Aile. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21, 519-532.en_US
dc.institutionauthorİpçioğlu, Mehmet
dc.publisherSelçuk Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.ispartofSelçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectŞeriye Sicilien_US
dc.subjectKadı Sicilien_US
dc.subjectOttoman familyen_US
dc.subjectKadi Registeren_US
dc.subjectŞeriye Sicilen_US
dc.titleŞeriye Sicil Kayıtlarına Göre 1748-1749 Yıllarında Konya’da Aileen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Family in Konya in 1748 Between 1749 Years According to Kadı Registersen_US


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