Stratejik Yönetim Sürecinde Ürün Stratejilerinin Kullanımı ve Önemi

dc.contributor.authorSağır, Mehmet
dc.departmentSelçuk Üniversitesi, Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları, Turizm Rehberliği Bölümüen_US
dc.description.abstractToplam kalite yönetiminin işletmelerde yaygın olarak kullanılması, aynı sektörlerde kaliteleri pek de farklı olmayan bir sürü rakibi ortaya çıkarmıştır. Böylece sorun yeni bir boyut kazanmıştır. Bundan sonra sorun, toplam kalite felsefesinin rekabette pazar payını artırmaya tek başına yeterli olup olamayacağıdır. Mesela, bankanıza toplam kalite hizmeti veren danışmanlık firması, aynı hizmeti neden rakip bankaya da vermesin? Rakipler de kaliteli hizmet veren bankalar olduklarına göre, müşterinin rakibe değil, size gitmesi için onlardan ne gibi üstünlüğünüz kalır? Böylece, yepyeni şeyler yapmak zorunluluğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu durumda, ya mevcut pazar payını artıracak yada pazar payı yerine farklı çalışmalarla işletmeyi hedefine ulaştıracak yöntemler bulmak bir zorunluluk olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu da günümüzde strateji sayesinde elde edilmektedir. Strateji, geleceğe dönük öngörüler yapmak değil, sağlıklı öngörüler doğrultusunda geleceği yönlendirebilmektir. Rekabet ortamının etkili bir şekilde hüküm sürdüğü pazarlarda, işletmelerin başarısı şüphesiz kendilerini, ürün ve hizmetlerini rakiplerinden farklılaştırmalarına ve tüketici gözünde farklılık yaratarak talep edilebilirliklerin artırmalarına bağlıdır. İşletmelerin üretmiş oldukları ürünler, rekabet koşullarına uyum sağlamada son derece önemlidir. Ürün, işletme yöneticileri ile tüketiciler ve potansiyel tüketiciler arasında köprü vazifesi yapmaktadır. Başarılı bir ürün geliştirme süreci ise, müşteriyi anlamaktan, onun durumunu, ihtiyaçlarını ve isteklerini bilmekten geçmektedir İşletmelerde üretim faaliyetleri, seçilen temel ve rekabetçi stratejilerin uygulanmasına destek veren alt stratejilere sahip olmalıdır. Amaç, işletmenin yaşamını sürdürmesine ve rekabet üstünlüğü sağlamasına yöneliktir. Üretim ve operasyon bölümü de, işletmenin varlığını sürdürebilmesi rekabet üstünlüğü elde edebilmesi için kendi alt, işlevsel stratejilerini geliştirmek zorundadır İşletmenin, iş çevresi rekabet stratejileri olan maliyet liderliği, farklılaştırma ve odaklanmış stratejilerinin uygulanmasında başarılı olabilmesi için, üretim bölümünde kalite, tasarım, kapasite, kuruluş yeri ve işyeri planlanması, stok kontrol sistemi, üretim ve iş akışı planlaması, bakım onarım gibi konularda etkili kararların alınması ve işlevsel alt grup stratejilerinin geliştirilmesi gerekir. Rekabetçi stratejilerin uygulanmasına olanak veren, işletmenin yaşamını sürdürmesine rekabet üstünlüğü elde etmesine yönelik kendi alt stratejilerinin olması işletmeler için bir zorunluluk olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır.en_US
dc.description.abstractSince their existing, the aim of all people becomes common on a point. Therefore, people formed organizations, assembling together, in order to realize their common aims. Consequently, it is possible to say that the concept “organization” dated to the early history of humanity. To say that the organizations consist of people assembling together to realize their collective aims are to define the organization in its simplest sense. However, that a group consisting of individuals is able to realize the collective aims requires to exist a process, starting with planning and ending with auditing. The situation under consideration gained a different dimension, with being expressed as a managerial theory by the scientists in the early 1900s. Managerial theory has been considered from different point of views since over 100 years. When we generally look at it, we encounter three periods; classical, neo-classical and modern management approach. The concept management has begun to gain a strategic value as time passes and this brought them into position including each decision and activity made by enterprises. With beginning of strategic management to be valid for each sub activity of enterprises, the strategies to be applied in major activities gained importance. At present days, the acute competitive conditions are experience, for enterprises, the importance of strategic management became undisputable. In order to be able to obtain a competitive superiority, enterprises are obliged to build their activities on the particular strategies. The enterprises remained in the position of choosing strategic approaches concerning the product and production and began to implement them. The subject matter of this study is also to research whether they applied these strategies or not. How much they paid attention to the strategies related to the product and production, one of the main operating strategies applied by enterprises, also became the subject of this study. When some comments are made on the concept strategy, generally, plan, tactics; policy, and preparation process comes into mind. Even though this is accepted true from one aspect, it does not fully meet the concept strategy. Therefore, it needs specifying the differences between them. Plan is a set of decisions identified in order to achieve the aims in the planning process. Plan is the decisions, ways and instruments we accepted, which let us know what to do how and where, describes for us to be able to reach the results and aims we expected to implement them in a suitable way. The concept plan generally includes the concepts such as strategy, policy, method, and program as well. That the organizations fit into the rapid change experienced only becomes possible thanks to their having a long termed vision and determining and implementing the necessary strategies. Strategy is to get the results we have wanted and desired. Strategies, as is in the same as plans, are made with the given information or in an extremely uncertain environment, where the information is so inadequate. In establishing strategies, the environment where the enterprise takes place must be considered. Strategy, analyzing the environment continuously, is a process of identifying the targets, planning the activities, and reallocating the necessary equipment for these, in order to provide a competitive superiority for enterprise and to be able to orientate the enterprise in this direction. A number of reason interacting to each other such as that the structures of enterprise becomes complex, the continuous changes experienced in the environment of enterprise, increase in uncertainty, the growing competitive press, that the rate of technological change is in higher level, the changes in sociopolitical and legal areas, and change in the characteristics of market and customer made the organizational structure of enterprises and continuity of their successes difficult. Enterprises are obliged to response the change in time and appropriately and to provide the organizational adaptation in this direction. The concept “strategic management” is the body of rules and activities towards developing the effective strategies, implementing, and inspecting them by evaluating their results. Strategic management has a great impotence, especially in terms of small enterprises in growing process. However, as a result of such an approach, the enterprises of interest will be able to reach an achievement, acquiring their competitive advantages to be able to satisfy the needs of market. Strategic management is a part of general management. Enterprise aim to be applied the stages such as planning, organizing, and coordinating in the management. In this meaning, strategic management remains in the interest area of top management in hierarchical structure of enterprise. Strategic management process comprise the stages of data and information collecting, analysis, strategies, strategic decision and choosing, and finally, of applying, executing, and inspecting. In the first phase of strategic management process, the teams to realize the task are formed. Then, analyzing the factors shaping strategy of enterprise, the vision, mission, and aims of enterprise are determined. By forming the strategies containing long termed decisions of enterprise, one proceeds the phase of strategically implementation. In the phase of strategically inspection, the final step of strategic management process, it is followed in what measure the identified strategies are realized. In the markets, where the level of competition prevails, the success of enterprise depends on their differentiating themselves and their product and services from their competitors and increasing their becoming demandable, creating a difference in the eyes of consumers. Hence, in order for enterprises to be able fit into the competitive conditions, they have five main strategies they pursue. These are product strategy, production strategy, marketing strategy, growing strategy, and growing strategy. The products produced by enterprises are extremely important in adapting the competitive conditions. Product strategies are the most important function of the firms. The product strategies are formed so that they can transmit the character of a certain product and its benefit for the consumer. Strategies concentrate on properties the product has and what they can do from the functional point of view. That the enterprise has the properties distinguishing the other products from its own products is a main thought underlying this strategy. Companies give a great importance to make a change in the product and service or to form product and service groups for product and service in today’s environment, where the technological improvement are rapidly experienced and the competition gains and acceleration in the increasing rate. On the contrary, through the innovations made on the existing products, the improvements formed according to the customer’s expectation and the properties of competitive product are begun to be used widely. Expending the set of product is a positive approach in meeting the needs of customer as well as in responding the differentiated expectations of the customers in different market sections. The primary objectives of enterprises are to offer the product and services to the consumer in the most economical way. Enterprises must produce the output the market needs in the desired amount, time and quality in such a way that it will provide maximum profit for them. Process and technology, material, equipment, the needs of buildings, their diameters, places, the number of staff required and skills to be used the production and presentation of the product and service of the firm and the necessary production programs to realize the goals of sale are defined as production strategies. In developing the production strategy, the major analyses, which are necessary to be carried out, are: 1.Identifying and evaluating the constant and variable production cost for each product; 2. evaluating the necessary time for material supply and real production; 3. evaluating the purchaser’s relationships in terms of accessibility and service cost; and 4. evaluating the quality control. These are obliged to be their own sub strategies, which make the competitive strategies possible, and are toward surviving of enterprise and acquiring the competitive superiority. Today, the fact that enterprises are open systems is an indisputable situation. Therefore, now that success of system depends on the sum of successes that the subsystems forming it have or the successes in the activities realized by the subsystems such as marketing, production, supply, and so on, then the situation is also the same for enterprise. For example, one of the most important elements for enterprises is to make a production in the lowest costs and transmit it to the customers in the shortest costs. So, they will be able to realize the desire of customers to find the product, which is their expectations, and in desirable quality, in the lowest price and the place they want. In the information age, in which the globalization increase rapidly, the enterprises must form the strategies and implement these strategies in order to catch the competitive superiority against their competitors i.e. to obtain the competitive superiority. In order to form the strategy of enterprise, first of all, it is necessary for the basic enterprise strategies to exist. When the enterprises have the strategies in their subunits in this direction, they will acquire the competitive superiority.en_US
dc.identifier.citationSağır, M., (2010). Stratejik Yönetim Sürecinde Ürün Stratejilerinin Kullanımı ve Önemi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24, 311-321.en_US
dc.institutionauthorSağır, Mehmet
dc.publisherSelçuk Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.ispartofSelçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectİşletme Stratejien_US
dc.subjectStratejik Yönetimen_US
dc.subjectÜrün Stratejisien_US
dc.subjectÜretim Stratejisien_US
dc.subjectBusiness Strategyen_US
dc.subjectStrategic Managementen_US
dc.subjectProduct Strategyen_US
dc.subjectProduction Strategyen_US
dc.titleStratejik Yönetim Sürecinde Ürün Stratejilerinin Kullanımı ve Önemien_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Use and Importance of Product Strategies in The Process Of Strategic Managementen_US


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