Sığırların Bakteri̇yoloji̇k Et Muayenesi̇ Örnekleri̇nde Termofi̇li̇k Campylobacter Türleri̇ni̇n İzolasyon ve İdenti̇fi̇kasyonu
2004 Ocak
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmayla, Eylül 2000-Şubat 2001 tarihleri arasında Ankara'da bir mezbahadan alınan 100 adet sığıra ait bakteriyolojik et muayenesi ömeklerinde termofilik Campylobacter türlerinin izolasyon ve identifikasyonu yapılarak insidensi, biyotip dağılımı ve insan sağlığı açısından oluşturabileceği potansiyel riskin saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Termofilik Campylobacterlerin izolasyon ve identifikasyonunda Gıda ve İlaç Dairesi (Food and Drug Administration-FDA) tarafından önerilen metod kullanılmıştır. Analiz bulgulan sonucunda, her birinden 8 adet bakteriyolojik et muayenesi ömeği alınan 100 adet sığının 65'inden (% 65.0) termofilik Campylobacter türleri izole edilmiştir. 65 sığınn 60'ında (% 92.30) C. jejuni predominant Campylobacter türü olarak bulunurken 4 sığırda (% 6.15) C. coli, 1 sığırda (% 1.53) C.,lan saptanmıştır. Izolatların % 51.19'unun C. jejuni biyotip 1, % 35.71'ini C. jejuni biyotip 2, % 7.14'ünü C. jejuni biyotip 3, % 2.38'ini C. coli biyotip 1 ve 2, % 1.19'unu C. lari biyotip 1 oluşturmaktadır. Sonuç olarak mezbahada kesilen sığırların bakteriyolojik et muayenesi ömeklerinde önemli düzeyde termofilik Campylobacter izole ve identifiye edilmiştir. Mezbahalarda kesim hijyenine uyulması, soğuk zincirin sürekliliği, çapraz kontaminasyonun önlenmesi, işleklerde çalışan personelin eğitiminin sürekliliği Campylobacter kaynaklı halk sağlığı sorunlarını önlemede öncelikle göz önünde tutulması gerekenlerdir.
In this study, by thermophilic Campylobacters were isolated and identified from bacteriological meat samples belong to a total of 100 cattle samples taken from a slaughterhouse in Ankara between the date of September 2000 to February 2001, it was aimed to determine the incidence and the distribution of biotypes of Campylobacters and the potential risk of contamination in human health. It was used the method adviced from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the isolation and identification of thermophilic Campylobacters. According to the analysis result of 8 bacteriological meat samples taken from each of 100 cattle, thermophilic Campylobacter species were isolated from 65 cattle (65 %). C. jejuni was found to be the predominant species in 60 out of 65 cattle (92.30 %) whereas C. coli in 4 (6.15 %), C. lari in 1 (1.53 %) cattle. It was formed that C. jejuni biotype 1 at 51.19 %, C. jejuni biotype 2 at 35.71 %, C. jejuni biotype 3 at 7.14 %. C. coli biotype 1 and 2 at 2.38 % and C. lari biotype 1 at 1.19 % from isolated. As a conclusion; Campylobacter was isolated and identified at higher level bacteriological meat inspection samples of slaughtering cattle. Therefore, slaughtering hygiene, continumity of cold-chain, prevent the cross-contamination and personel training in establishments were previously considered that prevent the public health problems, caused Campylobacter.
In this study, by thermophilic Campylobacters were isolated and identified from bacteriological meat samples belong to a total of 100 cattle samples taken from a slaughterhouse in Ankara between the date of September 2000 to February 2001, it was aimed to determine the incidence and the distribution of biotypes of Campylobacters and the potential risk of contamination in human health. It was used the method adviced from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the isolation and identification of thermophilic Campylobacters. According to the analysis result of 8 bacteriological meat samples taken from each of 100 cattle, thermophilic Campylobacter species were isolated from 65 cattle (65 %). C. jejuni was found to be the predominant species in 60 out of 65 cattle (92.30 %) whereas C. coli in 4 (6.15 %), C. lari in 1 (1.53 %) cattle. It was formed that C. jejuni biotype 1 at 51.19 %, C. jejuni biotype 2 at 35.71 %, C. jejuni biotype 3 at 7.14 %. C. coli biotype 1 and 2 at 2.38 % and C. lari biotype 1 at 1.19 % from isolated. As a conclusion; Campylobacter was isolated and identified at higher level bacteriological meat inspection samples of slaughtering cattle. Therefore, slaughtering hygiene, continumity of cold-chain, prevent the cross-contamination and personel training in establishments were previously considered that prevent the public health problems, caused Campylobacter.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Termofilik Campylobacter, Et Muayenesi, Sığır, Thermophilic Campylobacter, Meat Inspection, Cattle
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Elmalı, M., (2004). Sığırların Bakteri̇yoloji̇k Et Muayenesi̇ Örnekleri̇nde Termofi̇li̇k Campylobacter Türleri̇ni̇n İzolasyon ve İdenti̇fi̇kasyonu. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 20(1), 39-44.