9. Sınıf Fizik Ders Kitabının Eğitsel, Görsel, Dil ve Anlatım Yönünden İncelenmesi

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Araştırma, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nca (MEB) hazırlanan ve ilgili eğitim yılında da okutulmakta Ortaöğretim 9. sınıf fizik ders kitabının; eğitsel, görsel, dil ve anlatım yönünden değerlendirilmesi amacı ile 2006-2007 Eğitim-Öğretim yılında yapılmıştır Araştırmada tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Farklı iki araştırmada geliştirilen ve kullanılan ölçeklerden yararlanılarak 46 soruluk kitap değerlendirme ölçeği hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan ölçek kamuya bağlı farklı liselerde görev yapan ve farklı mesleki kıdeme sahip 61 fizik öğretmenine dağıtılmış, bu ölçeğe göre kitabın değerlendirilmesi kendilerinden istenmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin analizi SPSS 15.0 programı ile yapılmış, t–testi, Anova ve Tukey testi uygulanmıştır. Anlamlılık düzeyi p 0,05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. M.E.B ’lığınca hazırlanan 9. sınıf fizik ders kitabı öğretmenlerin değerlendirmelerine göre eğitsel, görsel, dil ve anlatım yönünden 5 üzerinden ortalama 3,60 puan almıştır. Oysa kitap değerlendirme ölçütlerine göre bu puanın en az 4,5 olması gerekir. Bu nedenle incelenen kitabın öğretmenlerin beklentisini karşılayacak nitelikte olmadığı anlaşılmıştır. Ders kitaplarının program geliştirmeci ve rehber öğretmen görüşlerinden yararlanılarak, alanında uzman kişiler tarafından yazılması, fizik kitapları içindeki konular işlenirken günlük yaşam ile ilişkilendirilmesi ve yaşam temelli işlenmesi önerilmiştir. Ayrıca 2007 fizik öğretim programına göre M.E.B’ lığınca hazırlanan ve 2008 yılında okutulmaya başlanan 9. sınıf ders kitabının 2010 yılında başka araştırmacılar tarafından incelendiği araştırma bulguları bu araştırma bulguları ile karşılaştırılmıştır.Bu son araştırma bulguları, öğretmenlerin ders kitabına verdikleri ortalama puana göre kitabı yeterli düzeyde bulduklarını, fiziksel özellikler, etkinlikler ve görseller alt boyutları için ders kitabını iyi olarak nitelendirdiklerini, içerik, anlatım ve dil öğretimsel destek ile düzenleme alt boyutlarında ise yeterli olarak değerlendirdiklerini göstermiştir.Bu durum kitap basımlarında giderek iyileşme görülmesi açısından sevindiricidir.
Textbooks are common sources that can be used by both teachers and students. Textbooks which are the most important tools in order to provide students to get the qualities aimed within curriculum are the mostly used ones among visual tools present in the period of education (Demirel, 1999; Demirel and Kıroğlu, 2005;Ünal and Ada, 1999). The significant properties that distinguish textbooks from other books are as follows; they are subject-oriented, information is systematically presented, suitable for the levels of students and the subjects in the content are limited with curriculum. Textbooks are particularly important for teachers. The main quality of a good textbook is its consistency with curriculum (Morgil and Yılmaz, 1999). In addition to this, it’s important since it has the properties of a good organized learning material, it is supported by visual elements, it’s in a form to be benefited in a short time and it provides continuity in learning (Toprak, 1993). Visual elements provide students to learn better as well as make the things learned permanent (Idin, 2000). Recently, studies, which investigated and examined the textbooks with a critical approach used for formal and non-formal education in educational institutions for the aim of getting down to a fine art, have been frequently met (Coşkun and Kuglin, 1996; Göze,1999; Çepni, Ayvacı and Keleş, 2001; Aycan, Kaynar, Türkoğuz and Arı, 2002; Ünsal and Güneş, 2002); Ünsal and Güneş 2003; Güzel, Oral and Yıldırım, 2009; Kavcar, Şengören and Tanel (2010); Aydın, 2010; Tanel, Şengören, Yıldırım Benli and Kavcar (2010); Şengören et al., 2010). During the recent years, investigation of textbooks came into prominence as a case study of the researches in the field of education. The answers for the questions “How should be a good physics textbook?, How suitable are today’s physics textbooks for the aimed targets?, What should be expected from physics textbooks? are very important in terms of presenting the quality of physics education in secondary education. For this reason, performing this research named as “Investigation of 9th class Physics Textbook used in 2007 from Educational, Visual, Language and Expression point of view” is important in terms of education. Aim: This research was performed in order to investigate 9th class physics textbook prepared by Ministry of National Education and used in 2007 from educational, visual, language and expression point of view by using textbook evaluation scale. Method: Survey method was used in this research. Survey study is a kind of research which is carried out in order to determine present situation. Answers are searched for the questions such as “What is the present situation of the event or problem that is desired to be researched?” and “Where are we?”. In such researches, the range of the sample is kept rather wide. The simplest way of obtaining a wide sample is questionnaires. For this reason, questionnaires are used in survey studies. More quantitative data are collected by the help of questionnaires. It’s aimed to get generalizations by statistical solutions of quantitative data (Cepni, 2010). Population: The system of the research constituted of physics teachers working at high schools I Konya city. The number of physics teachers working at public schools of Konya city center and its districts was 266. Sample of the research: The sample constituted of physics teachers working for 9th classes of some high schools in central districts of Konya city. It was paid attention in sample selection that the schools were in different quarters and in a wide range. Totally 61 physics teachers from 22 high schools were desired to evaluate 9th class physics textbook from educational, visual, language and expression point of view according to the prepared likert type scale. Data Collecting System and Analysis of the Data: In the research, the scale which will be used by making a survey was prepared. For this aim, a scale including 46 questions was prepared by benefiting from 75-question scale developed by Çepni, Ayvacı and Keleş (2001) and 22-question scale developed by Yağbasan et al. (2005). This prepared scale constituted of 5 point likert type 46 questions. The reliability coefficient of the scale was performed with Cronbach Alpha reliability analysis and Alpha value of the sacle was found as 0.78. This value being close to 1 indicated that the scale was reliable. This prepared scale was distributed to 61 physics teachers from 22 selected high schools, the required information was given and they were desired to evaluate 9th class physics textbook, instructed by Ministry of National Education in 2007 and the authors of which were (Kalyoncu, Çakmak, Öksüzoğlu, Ceran, İmamoğlu and Kurtoğlu, 2006), according to this scale from educational, visual, language and expression point of view. After one week, the scales were collected from teachers. The teachers were desired to answer the questions in the scale by selecting one out of 5 choices. In this scale, grading is done in the way where 5 means “Absolutely agree”, 4 means “Agree”, 3 means “Not decided”, 2 means “Not agree” and 1 means “Absolutely not agree”. In the evaluation of the scale, 230 points were taken as a basis. Any physics textbook evaluated according to the scale can take at least 46 and at most 230 points from educational, visual, language and expression point of view. The points of the same textbook investigated by 61 physics teachers from different high schools and having different professional seniority were analyzed by using SPSS 15.0 statistical program and t-test, Anova and Tukey tests were applied. The level of significance was accepted as P 0.05. Findings: In this section of the research, the data collected from 61 physics teachers by using physics textbook evaluation scale are presented in tables and discussed. Discussion:. In this research, 61 teachers (92%) answered affirmatively to the question “The textbook is prepared in accordance with the curriculum indicated in the education program” which is present in the 9th class physics textbook evaluation scale . 61 teachers (90%) answered affirmatively to the 13th question “Definitions are made related with figure, graph and schemes . The question “The language used is fluent and in an integrity of opinion” was answered affirmatively by 61 teachers (79%) . The teachers participated in this research gave 69.04 out of 100 points to the educational design of 9th class physics textbook, 75.08 points to its visual design, 73.34 points to its language and expression. The teachers found its educational design more unsuccessful than its visual design, language and expression. 9th class physics textbook was given average 165.48 out of 230 points according to the prepared scale and this corresponds to 71.95 out of 100 points. It’s necessary for a book to take 90 out of 100 points in order to be evaluated as successful according to Ministry of National Education Council of Education and Morality. When this evaluation scale was taken into consideration, 9th class physics textbook was found as inadequate by the teachers participated in the research from educational, visual, language and expression point of view. In a similar research which investigated 9th class physics textbook prepared according to 2007 physics education program, Şengören et al. (2010) found opposite results. The findings of the research which was performed with 150 physics teachers indicated that the teachers found the textbook as adequate according to the average point given to it by them, qualified the textbook as good in terms of physical properties, activities and visual sub-dimensions and evaluated it as adequate in content, expression and arrangement with language educational support sub-dimensions. This situation is important since it indicates that last textbook which was prepared according to 2007 physics education program was better than the previous 9th class physics textbook. In this research, 9th class physics textbook evaluations of teachers did not differ in terms of their professional seniority, genders and types of schools where they work. Similarly, Şengören et al. (2010) determined in their research that the opinions of teachers about last 9th class physics textbook prepared according to 2007 physics education program did not differ significantly according to their professional seniority, genders, types of schools and the districts where their schools are. The findings of these two researches were in accordance with each other. Results and suggestions: In this research which investigated 9th class physics textbook from educational, visual, language and expression point of view, prepared likert type scale was applied to 61 9th class physics teachers in 22 different high schools in Konya. As a result of the research, following results were obtained; 1. The teachers participated in this research gave 69.04 out of 100 points to its educational design. 2. Approximately 75.08 points were given to its visual design. 3. Approximately 73.34 points were given to its language and expression. 4. The teachers found its educational design more unsuccessful than its visual design, language and expression. 5. Difference in professional seniority of teachers, types of schools where they work and their genders did not make a difference in the evaluation of the textbook. 6. 9th class physics textbook was given approximately 165.48 out of 230 points according to the prepared scale and this corresponds to 71.95 out of 100 points. It’s necessary for a book to take 90 out of 100 points in order to be evaluated as successful according to Ministry of National Education Council of Education and Morality. In that case, when this evaluation scale was taken into consideration, 9th class physics textbook was found as inadequate by the teachers participated in the research from educational, visual, language and expression point of view. 7. The textbook was found as adequate just by two teachers according to the examined criterion. Following suggestions can be according to the results of the research. 1. While discussing the subjects in physics textbooks, they should be correlated with daily life and should be discussed as life based. 2. Textbooks should be written by experts in their fields and by benefiting from the opinions of program developer and counselor. 3. The variations in programs should not be made suddenly, should be made after long researches and pilot applications. 4. Environmental conditions should be taken into consideration while preparing textbooks and they should fulfill the expectations of teachers and students. 5. Textbook should be prepared as a training set by supporting it with teacher’s guide book, student’s workbook and even with technological equipments (CD, transparency, etc.) including adaptation of subjects in the textbook with daily life. By this way, teaching nonphysical concepts of physics to the students more easily and permanently. 6. The conceptual information of textbooks should be brought to the fore as well as their operational information after examining the structure of student selection examination which is a cause of concern for students. 7. While writing textbooks, attention should be given for readability of writings and comprehensibleness of figures, pictures and visual elements in the textbook. 8. In subject area textbook investigation lecture present in the program of Education Faculties, introduction of basic elements and criteria necessary for a reference book selection of teacher candidates should be regarded. 9. The results of this study may contribute to the studies of Council of Education and Morality in this subject. They may also help to the teachers who will select a physics textbook.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Fizik Eğitimi, Ders Kitapları, Ortaöğretim, Kitap İnceleme, Physics Education, Textbooks, Secondary Education, Book Review


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Adıbelli, S., Güzel, H., (2011). 9. Sınıf Fizik Ders Kitabının Eğitsel, Görsel, Dil ve Anlatım Yönünden İncelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26, 201-216.