Kronik Hastalığı Bulunan Adolesanlarda Sürekli Öfke ve Öfke İfade Tarzı ile İlişkili Faktörler
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AMAÇ: Kronik hastalığı olan ergenlerde sürekli öfke ve öfke ifade tarzı ile ilişkili faktörleri belirlemek. YÖNTEM: Araştırmaya 2008 yılında Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi’nde daha önce diyabet, lösemi, kronik böbrek yetmezliği tanısı konulmuş ve izlenmekte olan 10-19 yaş arası 68 ergen alındı. Veri toplama aracı olarak, “demografik bilgi formu” ve “Sürekli Öfke-Öfke Tarz Ölçeği” kullanıldı. BULGULAR: Araştırmaya 33’ü erken adolesan (%48,5), 23’ü orta adolesan (%33,8) ve 12’si de geç adolesan (%17,7) olmak üzere toplam 68 ergen katıldı. Sürekli Öfke puan ortalaması 23,17,2, İçte Tutulan Öfke puan ortalaması 15,95,1, Dışa Vurulan Öfke puan ortalaması 17,05,8, Kontrol Altına Alınmış Öfke puan ortalaması 19,65,9 olarak hesaplandı. Anne-babanın tutumu, hastalığının tedavisi hakkındaki bilgi düzeyi ve okul başarı durumu ile öfke düzeyi arasında anlamlı ilişki bulundu. SONUÇ: Kronik hastalığı olan ergenlerde, anne-baba tutumunun iyileştirilmesi, ergenin çalışması/ okul başarısının yükseltilmesi ve hastalığının tedavisi hakkında bilgilendirilmesinin öfke kontrolüne yardımcı olabileceği kanaatine varıldı.
AIM: To identify factors associated with trait anger and anger expression style in adolescents with chronic disease. METHODS: The study was included 68 adolescents aged between 10-19 years, who were admitted to the clinic in a university hospital in 2008 after being diagnosed with diabetes, leukemia and chronic kidney failure. As a means of pooling data, “Demographic Questionnaire” and “The State-Trait Anger Scale” were used. RESULTS: Of 68 adolescents participating into the research, 33 were early adolescents (48.5%), 23 were middle adolescents (33.8%) and 12 were late adolescents (17.6%). Mean scores were calculated as 23.1±7.2 for trait anger, as 15.9±5.1 for anger kept-in, as 17.0±5.8 for anger kept-out, and as 19.6±5.9 for anger control. There were significant relationships between the anger status of adolescents, and attitude of parent, employment of the adolescent, knowledge level of the adolescents about the treatment of their diseases and school performance level. CONCLUSION: It has been concluded that improving parental attitudes, employment of the adolescent, rising in school performance, and informing adolescents about the treatment of their diseases might help to control anger in adolescents with chronic diseases.
AIM: To identify factors associated with trait anger and anger expression style in adolescents with chronic disease. METHODS: The study was included 68 adolescents aged between 10-19 years, who were admitted to the clinic in a university hospital in 2008 after being diagnosed with diabetes, leukemia and chronic kidney failure. As a means of pooling data, “Demographic Questionnaire” and “The State-Trait Anger Scale” were used. RESULTS: Of 68 adolescents participating into the research, 33 were early adolescents (48.5%), 23 were middle adolescents (33.8%) and 12 were late adolescents (17.6%). Mean scores were calculated as 23.1±7.2 for trait anger, as 15.9±5.1 for anger kept-in, as 17.0±5.8 for anger kept-out, and as 19.6±5.9 for anger control. There were significant relationships between the anger status of adolescents, and attitude of parent, employment of the adolescent, knowledge level of the adolescents about the treatment of their diseases and school performance level. CONCLUSION: It has been concluded that improving parental attitudes, employment of the adolescent, rising in school performance, and informing adolescents about the treatment of their diseases might help to control anger in adolescents with chronic diseases.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genel ve Dahili Tıp, Öfke, Öfke Kontrolü, Ergen, Kronik Hastalık, Chronic Disease, Anger, Anger Control, Adolescents
TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bodur, S., İnfal, S., Kurt, A. S., (2010). Kronik Hastalığı Bulunan Adolesanlarda Sürekli Öfke ve Öfke İfade Tarzı ile İlişkili Faktörler. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 9(6), 645-650.