Konya Merkez Geleneksel Kadın İç Giyimleri ile Çağdaş Kadın İç Giyimlerinin Giysi Konforu Açısından Karşılaştırılması

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Selçuk Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



Doğumla birlikte başlayan örtünme ihtiyacı, zaman içerisinde estetik gayesiyle çeşitlenmiş ve farklı giysi grupları oluşmuştur. İç giyim, dış giyim, üst giyim, özel amaçlı giyim olarak sınıflandırılan bu giysiler arasında, sağlığı koruyan, dış giyime iyi bir görünüm kazandıran iç giyim ise günümüzde olduğu gibi geçmişte de önemli bir yere sahipti. Türk kültürünün önemli örneklerini oluşturan, sanatsal özellikteki geleneksel giysiler arasında, Konya iline ait kadın iç giyimleri de yansıttıkları özellikler bakımından seçkin konumdadır. Ancak, geleneksel ve çağdaş kadın iç giyimleri giysi konforu açısından önemli özellikler sergilerken, üst ve dış giyimdeki değişimin iç giyime de yansımasıyla, geçmişte kullanılanlar ile günümüzde kullanılanlar arasında farklılıklar olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu farklılıkların giysi konforu açısından belirlenmesi ve karşılaştırılması amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada betimsel yöntem kullanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında beş adet Konya merkez geleneksel kadın iç giyimi, beş adet çağdaş kadın iç giyimi ele alınmış ve kullanılan malzeme, renk, uygulanan model ve kesim, üretim yöntemi ve dikiş tekniği, süsleme tekniği gibi ergonomik özellikler gözlem fişleri aracılığı ile incelenmiş, fotoğraflarla görsel olarak belgelenmiştir. Giysilerin ergonomik özellikleri dikkate alınarak tablolar oluşturulmuş, gözlem fişlerinden elde edilen bilgiler tablolara aktarılmıştır. Tablolardan elde edilen veriler ışığında sonuca ulaşılmaya çalışılmış ve bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Clothing, which protects human body from natural effects and provides an aesthetic view, changed by the social, economical, technological progress, is the way of using clothes (Çağdaş, 2002; 1). Underwear, which has had unique examples from the times Turks lived in Central Asia until now, has an important place in Turkish outerwear (Çağdaş ve Özkan, 2005; 182). Underwear, protects physical health of the body, relieves mental concerns and worries, aims to provide better look to the clothing and is worn under other clothes and next to the skin (Çileroğlu, 2006; 37). It is important that underwear should allow to move comfortably, keep the body temperature and be made by the cloth which absorbe sweat (Bayraktar, 1996; 1). When traditional women underwear forms are analyzed, it is seen that living and working conditions of the region were taken into consideration (Aslan ve Çelik, 2008; 314). From past until now women underwear has varied in time. It is known that this variety shows parallelism with the other clothes and a fitting cloth makes it compulsary to wear a bra or corset with regard to the physical feature. Hence, new underwear types reveal and naming of these underwear changes as well due to this variety (Çağdaş, Barışeri ve Kelleci, 1996; 9). Traditional women underwear ,which has an elite state in Turkish culture, shows significant properties in terms of materials used, colour, model-cutting, production method and sewing techniques and also attraction techniques. In the aspect of these properties, significant changes in contemporary women underwear stand out. In order to define changes, provide ergonomic harmony and movement flexibility, the purpose of usage of the cloth and the properties of the materials used and physical features of human the human body must be known very well. Underwear which is worn next to skin, made of cotton and silk in the past, artificial and synthetic today is a clothing type which is used to protect body health and give an aesthetic view to cloth (Ademoğlu, Baymış ve Badem, 1996; 20). If underwear is not selected carefully it afflicts outerwear. An harmony between an underwear which is not suitable for physical features or well-designed and an ergonomic outerwear. It is known that traditional women underwear is weaved with natural materials such as silk, wool, cotton or silk-wool, silk-cotton mixtures and underwear was weaved plain and patterned (Umay, 1986; 8). The clothes in the traditional style are naturally coloured and usually beige. Monocolor line exist on the edge of cloth, varying 1-1,5 cm. These lines are also naturally coloured (Çağdaş ve Ceranoğlu, 2009; 159). When the model-cutting examined, it is seen that patterns were not used for production in traditional style and a practically easy way has been followed. Haute Couture production has been made and both hand-made and machine sewing were also applied. It is also a positive side for sewing techniques which are strong and non-taking off easliy and available to wash (Çağdaş, Barışeri ve Kelleci, 1996; 9). Fine lacing has been used in traditional women underwear of Turkish culture and it is also in limits of ergonomy. The subjects, being selected for the attraction, are being exhibited depending on the forms of materials, where will be used and the application technique (İlker, Tuncay ve Önoğlu, 1997; 28). Naturalist and anti-naturalist styles and also the style close to natural have been observed (Barışta, 1985; 235). Traditional women underwear which has a significant role in Turkish culture, has a great variety of cloth types. Women have more different physiologic, psychologic and sociologic features than men and kids. Thus, women clothing varies in several aspects, comparing with men and kids clothing. Naturally, this difference is being seen on the clothes and shows the difference between the types of them. The difference in the clothing types also affect the materials used, colour, model-cutting, production method and sewing techniques and also attraction techniques (Çağdaş, 2002; 1). Underwear market in the day, presents the contemporary designs which are suitable for everybody in each age group and section and consisting with world fashion trends. The purpose of this study is to examine the changes between traditional women underwear such as drapped cloth, vest, shirt, princess seaming, underpants and contemporary women underwear such as undershirt, body, bra, combinations, slip, in the aspects of materials used, colour, model-cutting, production method, sewing technique and attraction technique. In this scanning model research, the literature about the subject has been scanned, personal contacts with references have been made. The universe of this research consists of traditional underwears in Turkish clothing and universal contemporary women underwear. Five traditional, five contemporary women underwear are taken isn this research’s subject. Drapped shirt, vest, shirt, princess seaming, underpants from traditional women underwear and undershirt, body, bra, combinations, slip were examined in ergonomic aspect. Ergonomic properties of traditional and contemporary underwears such as materials used, colour, model and cutting, production method and sewing techniques, attraction techniques analyzed with observation labels and visually documented with photographs. Tables were made by the ergonomic properties taken into account and filled with the information obtained from observation labels. By the collected data it is tried to be concluded, traditional and contemporary women underwear were compared and some recommendations were made. Underwear should give the body physically free movement. It is very important that women underwear should be suitable for bodies, not limit the movements, have the comfortable and useful features. Thus, traditional and contemporary women underwear were examined through the type of cloth, material, colour, applied model and cutting techniques, production and sewing techniques, selected subjects for attraction, attraction techniques and compatibility with the body, in order to determine the features about clothing comfort.


Anahtar Kelimeler

İç Giyim, Giysi, Giysi Konforu, Geleneksel, Çağdaş, Underwear, Clothing, Clothing Comfort, Traditional, Contemporary


Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri





Çağdaş, M., Bor, A., (2013). Konya Merkez Geleneksel Kadın İç Giyimleri ile Çağdaş Kadın İç Giyimlerinin Giysi Konforu Açısından Karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30, 61-80.