Millî Mücadele’de Batı Anadolu Kongrelerinde alınan mali kararlar
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Mütareke döneminde Kuvâ-yı Milliyelerin ihtiyaçlarının sağlıklı bir şekilde karşılanabilmesi için Batı Anadolu’da Balıkesir, Nazilli ve Alaşehir kongreleri toplanmış ve özellikle Alaşehir Kongresinde, Batı Anadolu’daki direnişi tek bir merkezden idare etmek maksadıyla fevkalade önemli kararlar alınmıştır. Batı Anadolu’da gerçekleştirilen kongrelerde Heyet-i Merkeziyeler oluşturulup, Menzil Müfettişlikleri kurulmuştur. Bu müfettişlikler mali meselelerde büyük sorumluluklar üstlenmişlerdir. Kongrelerde, Kuvâ-yı Milliye birliklerinin yeme-içme, giyimkuşam, silah ve mühimmat noktasında desteklenmesi yönünde önemli kararlar alınmış ve bu kararların titizlikle uygulanmasına çalışılmıştır. İhtiyaçların düzenli bir şekilde karşılanabilmesi için halktan mal ve para bağışı (ayni ve nakdi teberrû) taleplerinde bulunulmuştur. Kuvâ-yı Milliye birliklerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya dönük bu talepler, vatandaşlar tarafından elden geldiği nispette karşılık bulmuştur. Heyet-i Merkeziyeler, elde edilen gelirlerin suiistimalinin önüne geçmek için de Menzil Müfettişliği aracılığıyla azami gayret göstermişlerdir. Nihayetinde kongrelerde alınan mali kararlar, titizlikle uygulanarak Kuvâ-yı Milliyelerin ihtiyaçları, dönemin şartları göz önüne alındığında oldukça ileri düzeyde karşılanmıştır.
The congresses of Balıkesir, Nazilli and Alasehir were met in the west of Anatolia to satisfy the needs of Turkish National Forces during the period of the armistice and the crucial decisions were taken especially at the congress of Alasehir in order to carry on resistance in the western Anatolia. The Central Delegations and the Post-Inspectorships were constituted at the congresses in the western Anatolia. These inspectorships assumed important responsibilities on financial matters. The important decisions were taken related to the supporting the national forces with food, clothes, weapons and military supplies and it was handled delicately to put it into practice. The good and money donation were required from the people to respond the needs regularly. These demands to meet the needs the unions of the Turkish National Forces were supplied from the people as much as it was possible. The Central Delegations exerted considerably to prevent the misuse of the properties with the help of the Post-Inspectorships. As a result, the needs of the National Forces were met to the great extent by the application of the financial decisions taken at the congress carefully if the conditions of that period were taken into consideration.
The congresses of Balıkesir, Nazilli and Alasehir were met in the west of Anatolia to satisfy the needs of Turkish National Forces during the period of the armistice and the crucial decisions were taken especially at the congress of Alasehir in order to carry on resistance in the western Anatolia. The Central Delegations and the Post-Inspectorships were constituted at the congresses in the western Anatolia. These inspectorships assumed important responsibilities on financial matters. The important decisions were taken related to the supporting the national forces with food, clothes, weapons and military supplies and it was handled delicately to put it into practice. The good and money donation were required from the people to respond the needs regularly. These demands to meet the needs the unions of the Turkish National Forces were supplied from the people as much as it was possible. The Central Delegations exerted considerably to prevent the misuse of the properties with the help of the Post-Inspectorships. As a result, the needs of the National Forces were met to the great extent by the application of the financial decisions taken at the congress carefully if the conditions of that period were taken into consideration.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mali kararlar, Kongre, Kuvâ-yı Milliye, Batı Anadolu, Fiscal decisions, Congress, Turkish National Forces, West Anatolia
Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Polat, H. A. (2012). Millî Mücadele’de Batı Anadolu Kongrelerinde alınan mali kararlar. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (31), 223-253.