Psikolojik şiddetin genel ve örgütsel sinizme etkileri
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Psikolojik ?iddet, kurumlarda i? verimi ve çalı?an sağlığı açısından önemli bir olgu olarak kar?ımıza çıkmaktadır. Çalı?anlarda i? memnuniyetinin ve motivasyonun dü?mesi, çalı?anların sosyal izolasyon sorunu ya?aması gibi potansiyel olumsuz sonuçlara sahip olan ve çalı?anların hem i? hem de sosyal hayatlarını etkileyen bu kavram, çalı?ma kapsamında daha fazla ara?tırılan konu haline gelmi?tir. Bu amaçla, bu ara?tırmada, psikolojik ?iddetin genel ve örgütsel sinizme etkilerini ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmı?tır. Ara?tırma, Konya?da altı büyük hastanedeki sağlık çalı?anları arasında gerçekle?tirilmi?tir. Yapılan regresyon analizi sonucunda psikolojik ?iddet, genel sinizm üzerinde istatistikî açıdan anlamlı bir etkiye sahip bulunmamı?tır. Psikolojik ?iddet, örgütsel sinizm, örgütsel sinizm-bili?sel boyut, örgütsel sinizm-duygusal boyut üzerinde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip bulunurken; örgütsel sinizm-davranı?sal boyutunda istatistikî açıdan anlamlı etki tespit edilememi?tir.
Psychological violence has confronted as a significant phenomenon in terms of work effici- ency and employee health. This concept, which has negative outcomes such as decreasing of employee satisfaction and motivation, having problem of social isolation and affects work and also social lives of employees, has become an issue that further investigated. In this study, it is aimed to uncover the effects of psychological violence on related negative concepts as general and organizational cynicism Research was executed among health staff in (six major) hospitals in Konya. As a result of the regression analysis, psychological violence has no statistically significant impact on general cynicism. While mobbing has a significant impact on organizational cynicism, organizational cynicism-cognitive dimension, organizational cynicism-emotional dimension, it could not be identified statistically significant impact of psychological violence on organizational cynicism- behavioral dimension.
Psychological violence has confronted as a significant phenomenon in terms of work effici- ency and employee health. This concept, which has negative outcomes such as decreasing of employee satisfaction and motivation, having problem of social isolation and affects work and also social lives of employees, has become an issue that further investigated. In this study, it is aimed to uncover the effects of psychological violence on related negative concepts as general and organizational cynicism Research was executed among health staff in (six major) hospitals in Konya. As a result of the regression analysis, psychological violence has no statistically significant impact on general cynicism. While mobbing has a significant impact on organizational cynicism, organizational cynicism-cognitive dimension, organizational cynicism-emotional dimension, it could not be identified statistically significant impact of psychological violence on organizational cynicism- behavioral dimension.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İktisat, İşletme
Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
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