Orta büyüklükte rotator manşet kas yırtığı olan bi̇reylerde ağrı ve yaşam kali̇tesi̇ arasındaki̇ ili̇şki̇
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Amaç: Rotator manşet (RM) kas yırtıkları sebebiyle glenohumeral eklem çevresindeki kas moment dengesi bozulduğundan mobilite ve stabilite arasında bir uyumsuzluk ortaya çıkar. Bu uyumsuzluğa sekonder gelişen omuz ağrısı, hastanın yaşam kalitesini önemli oranda etkileyebilir. Postoperatif dönemde ağrı seviyesi ile yaşam kalitesi arasındaki muhtemel ilişkinin ve bu ilişkinin seviyesinin açıklanması, hasta-hekim-fizyoterapist ekibinin özellikle kısa vade hedeflerindeki farklılıkların minimize edilebilmesinde önemli olabilir. Birbiriyle korelasyon gösteren hedefler, hastaların ve rehabilitasyon ekibinin uyumunu artırabilir. Bu bağlamda çalışmamızın amacı, orta büyüklükte (1-3cm) RM kas yırtığı olan bireylerde ağrı ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamız kesitsel bir çalışma olarak planlandı. On yedi kadın katılımcı olmak üzere çalışmamız 18 kişi ile gerçekleştirildi. Katılımcıların postoperatif 6. hafta için istirahat ve aktivite sırasında omuz ekleminde hissettikleri ağrı şiddeti görsel analog skala (VAS) ile değerlendirildi. Hastalığa özel yaşam kalitesi ise Western-Ontario Rotator Cuff İndeksi (WORC) ile değerlendirildi. VAS ve WORC arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesinde Pearson Korelasyon Analizi kullanıldı. Tüm analizler için istatistiksel anlamlılık değeri p<.05 olarak ayarlandı. Bulgular: Analizler, hem istirahat (r=.25; p=.04) hem de aktivite (r=.35; p=.015) sırasındaki VAS değerinin WORC değeri ile pozitif yönde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde korelasyon gösterdiğini ortaya koydu (p<.05). WORC skorunda artan skorların düşük yaşam kalitesini tariflemesi nedeniyle istatistiksel olarak pozitif olsa da klinik olarak postoperatif dönemde ağrı arttıkça yaşam kalitesinin kötüleştiği saptandı. Tartışma ve Sonuç: Postoperatif erken dönemde yaşam kalitesinin artırılmasında önemli parametrelerden biri ağrı ile mücadele olmalıdır. Erken dönemde ağrının sık görülen bir durum olduğu hastaya açıklanarak rehabilitasyon müdahaleleri için hastanın teşvik edilmesi gerektiği
Objective: The rotator cuff (RC) muscle tears cause a mismatch between mobility and stability as the muscle moment balance around the glenohumeral joint is disturbed. Shoulder pain that develops secondary to this incompatibility can significantly affect the patient's quality of life. Explaining the possible relationship between pain level and quality of life in the postoperative period and the level of this relationship may be important in minimizing the differences in the short term goals of the patientdoctor-physiotherapist team. Goals that correlate with each other can increase the compliance of patients and the rehabilitation team. In this context, the aim of our study is to investigate the relationship between pain and quality of life in individuals with medium-sized (1-3 cm) RC muscle tears. Materials and Methods: This study was planned as a cross-sectional study. Our study was carried out with 18 individuals including seventeen female participants. The severity of pain felt by the participants in the shoulder joint during rest and activity for the postoperative 6th week was evaluated with a visual analog scale (VAS). Disease-specific quality of life was evaluated using the Western-Ontario Rotator Cuff Index (WORC). Pearson Correlation Analysis was used to examine the relationship between VAS and WORC. Statistical significance value for all analyzes was set as p <.05. Results: The analyzes revealed that the VAS value during both rest (r = .25; p = .04) and activity (r =.35; p = .015) positively and significantly correlated with the WORC value (p <.05). Although it was statistically positive due to the fact that the increasing scores in the WORC score described low quality of life, it was found clinically that the quality of life worsened as the pain increased in the postoperative period. Discussion and Conclusion: One of the important parameters in increasing the quality of life in the early postoperative period should be the struggle with pain. It is thought that the patient should be encouraged for rehabilitation interventions by explaining to the patient that pain is a common condition in the early period.
Objective: The rotator cuff (RC) muscle tears cause a mismatch between mobility and stability as the muscle moment balance around the glenohumeral joint is disturbed. Shoulder pain that develops secondary to this incompatibility can significantly affect the patient's quality of life. Explaining the possible relationship between pain level and quality of life in the postoperative period and the level of this relationship may be important in minimizing the differences in the short term goals of the patientdoctor-physiotherapist team. Goals that correlate with each other can increase the compliance of patients and the rehabilitation team. In this context, the aim of our study is to investigate the relationship between pain and quality of life in individuals with medium-sized (1-3 cm) RC muscle tears. Materials and Methods: This study was planned as a cross-sectional study. Our study was carried out with 18 individuals including seventeen female participants. The severity of pain felt by the participants in the shoulder joint during rest and activity for the postoperative 6th week was evaluated with a visual analog scale (VAS). Disease-specific quality of life was evaluated using the Western-Ontario Rotator Cuff Index (WORC). Pearson Correlation Analysis was used to examine the relationship between VAS and WORC. Statistical significance value for all analyzes was set as p <.05. Results: The analyzes revealed that the VAS value during both rest (r = .25; p = .04) and activity (r =.35; p = .015) positively and significantly correlated with the WORC value (p <.05). Although it was statistically positive due to the fact that the increasing scores in the WORC score described low quality of life, it was found clinically that the quality of life worsened as the pain increased in the postoperative period. Discussion and Conclusion: One of the important parameters in increasing the quality of life in the early postoperative period should be the struggle with pain. It is thought that the patient should be encouraged for rehabilitation interventions by explaining to the patient that pain is a common condition in the early period.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Omuz, Rotator Manşet, Rotator Manşet Yaralanmaları, Shoulder, Rotator Cuff, Rotator Cuff Injuries
Selçuk Sağlık Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karartı, C., Özüdoğru, A., Basat, H. Ç., Özsoy, İ., (2020). Orta Büyüklükte Rotator Manşet Kas Yırtığı Olan Bi̇reylerde Ağrı ve Yaşam Kali̇tesi̇ Arasındaki̇ İli̇şki̇. Selçuk Sağlık Dergisi, 1(2), 61-70.