Is There an Accident of Communication Where Religion Turns into a Source of Violence
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Yeteri kadar eğitim görmüş olan herkes, dinin belirli şartlar altında bir şiddet kaynağına dönüştürülebilme potansiyeline sahip olduğunu öngörebilir. Bazı yazar ve akademisyenlere göre, dinlerin yer yer şiddet kaynağına dönüşmesinin köklerini yine kutsal metinlerin içinde bulmak olasıdır. Nitekim insanlık tarihinin ilk dönemlerinden günümüze dek süre gelmiş olan kutsal savaşlar ve günümüzde dinî argümanlar kullanılarak yapılan şiddet eylemleri, hatta katliamlar, uluslar arası kamuoyunda bu yönde oluşmuş olan kaygıları bir ölçüde anlaşılır kılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, gerek Batıda gerekse İslam coğrafyasında dinlerin yüzünün gerçekte sevgi, hoşgörü ve barışa yönelik olduğunu kuvvetle vurgulayan, mevcut sorunların kutsal metinlerin yanlış, kötü niyetli yorum ve istismarlarından kaynaklandığının altını çizen sağduyulu gerekmektedir. Konu bu yaklaşım açısından ele alındığında, bazı dindar kişi ve gruplarla, Tanrı, kutsal metinler ve diğer ılımlı dindar kitleler arasında ciddî anlamda iletişim kazalarının yaşanmakta olduğu açıkça anlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle, konu "semantik faktör" ve "ekonomik faktör" bulunmaktadır. Nitekim bugüne dek din şiddet ilişkisine dair yazılmış olan kitap ve akademik makalelerin hemen hepsinde bu iki faktör öne çıkmaktadır
Most of the people who are educated enough may predict that religion has potentiality to turn into a source of violence under convenient conditions. All bloody holy wars among different religions throughout the history and also in today’s world seem to be the clearest proofs of this fact. However this study was challenged by some groups of people who identified themselves as religious. According to them, particularly Islamic religion does not justify violence in any case. When they are reminded about the case of some radical movements like ISIS, Al-Qaida and Boko Haram, they say that those movements couldn’t understand the real Islam. The followers of Christianity, Judaism and other big religions say similar things in this matter when they are told about the holy wars in history like Crusaders. On the other hand, various scholars in different parts of the world argue that the roots of those so-called religious violence are economic and political, not religious in essence. This study examines the main causes of religious violence in two categories. One of them is semantic factor and the other one is economic one. The reason of this approach is the fact that all those causes and resources of violence based on religious ideas and feelings can be gathered and contracted in those two categories. In this context, this study casts a strong light on the most important and influencial sources of current and historical religious violence in the world.
Most of the people who are educated enough may predict that religion has potentiality to turn into a source of violence under convenient conditions. All bloody holy wars among different religions throughout the history and also in today’s world seem to be the clearest proofs of this fact. However this study was challenged by some groups of people who identified themselves as religious. According to them, particularly Islamic religion does not justify violence in any case. When they are reminded about the case of some radical movements like ISIS, Al-Qaida and Boko Haram, they say that those movements couldn’t understand the real Islam. The followers of Christianity, Judaism and other big religions say similar things in this matter when they are told about the holy wars in history like Crusaders. On the other hand, various scholars in different parts of the world argue that the roots of those so-called religious violence are economic and political, not religious in essence. This study examines the main causes of religious violence in two categories. One of them is semantic factor and the other one is economic one. The reason of this approach is the fact that all those causes and resources of violence based on religious ideas and feelings can be gathered and contracted in those two categories. In this context, this study casts a strong light on the most important and influencial sources of current and historical religious violence in the world.
Anahtar Kelimeler
semantic economy, anlamsal ekonomi, holy book, kutsal kitap
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aslan, M. M. (2017). Is There an Accident of Communication Where Religion Turns into a Source of Violence. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 12(13), 17-30.