Pilonidal Sinüs Ameliyatlarındaki Artış Normal Mi?
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Amaç: Pilonidal sinüs ameliyatlarındaki (PSA) artış dikkati çekiliydi. Değişimin boyutunu ve bu değişimin poliklinik olguları ve genel cerrahi ameliyatlarının artış oranlarından farklı olup olmadığını belirlemek amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: 1999-2008 arasındaki 10 yılda aynı ildeki Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi (TFH), Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi (EAH) ve Devlet Hastaneleri'nde (DH) yapılan PSA kayıtları incelendi. Olguların yıllık dağılımı, yaşları, cinsiyetleri, aynı dönemdeki genel cerrahi ameliyatlarının (GCA) sayıları belirlendi. Her üç hastanenin ilk ve son 5 yıllık verileri kendi içinde ve hastaneler arasında karşılaştırıldı. İl ve Türkiye genelinde son 10 yılda poliklinikte bakılan hasta, yatan hasta ve içinde PSA'nın bulunduğu ameliyatların ortalama sayılarındaki değişim ve 2005 yılından sonraki PSA kayıtlarındaki değişim değerlendirildi. Bulgular: TFH'de ilk 5 yılda PSA sayısı 234, GCA ise 7.728 idi. İkinci dönemde ise bu rakamlar sırası ile 259 ve 10.384 olarak bulundu. Son 5 yılda PSA %11, GCA ise %72 oranında artmıştı. EAH'de ilk 5 yılda 506, ikinci 5 yılda 760 PSA yapılmıştı. İlk 5 yılda yapılan GCA 11.563 iken, ikinci 5 yılda 11.452 olmuştu. GCA yaklaşık olarak %1 oranında azalırken PSA %50 oranında artmıştı (p0.001 ). DH'de ise ilk dönemde 353 olan PSA sayısı ikinci dönemde %247'lik bir artışla 1.224 olmuştu. DH'de GCA ise %53'lük bir artışla 10.215'den 15.595'e ulaşmıştı. DH'de daha belirgin olmak üzere, Bakanlığa bağlı iki hastanede PSA'da GCA'na göre son 5 yılda anlamlı bir artış vardı (p0.001). Farklı statüdeki TFH‘de PSA'daki artış GCA'ndaki artışın gerisinde idi. İl genelinde 2005 yılında PSA sayısı 246 iken, bu rakam 2008'de %439'luk bir artışla 1.341e ulaşmıştı. Türkiye çapında ise 2005'te 12.415 olan pilonidal sinüs olgusu sayısı 2008'de %340 artışla 54.633 olmuştu. Sonuç: Sağlık Bakanlığına bağlı hastanelerde, il ve Türkiye genelinde PSA'da hızlı bir artış vardır. Bu artışta performansa, yani üretilen işe endeksli ücret ödemesi uygulamasının etkisi muhtemeldir. Artışın kesin neden veya nedenleri belirlenip gerekli önlemler alınmalıdır.
Purpose: We have noticed the increase in pilonidal sinus operations (PSO) and performed this study to determine the extent of this change and if there is a difference between the number of pilonidal sinus surgery and outpatient and inpatient numbers. Material and Method: We scanned PSO, which was performed in three hospitals [medical faculty hospital (MFH), education and research hospital (ERH) and state hospital (SH)] in the same city, in the last 10 years between 1999 and 2008. We have determined the yearly distribution of cases, total number of operations performed, number of general surgery operations (GSO) at the same period and changes in staff of general surgery clinics. We reviewed the number of outpatients, inpatients and the middle group surgical procedures containing PSO as well, performed at the whole city and the country in the last 10 years. Results: The number of PSO was 234 and the number of GSO was 7.728 at MFHs in the first 5 years. These numbers were 259 and 10.384 in the second period, respectively. The increase was 11% for PSO and 72% for GSO. The increase in PSO was lower than GSO. In ERH there were 506 PSOs in the first 5 years and 760 PSOs in the second 5 years. The number of GSO had increased from 11.563 to 11.452 in the second 5 years. There was a 1% decrease in the number of GSOs, whereas the number of PSOs increased by 50% (p<0.001). The number of PSOs performed in SHs increased from 353 to 1.224, by 247%. Also, the number of GSO increased from 10.215 to 15.595, by 53%. The increase in the number of PSOs in two hospitals (ERH and SH) was statistically significant (p<0.001). The number of PSOs was 246 in 2005 and it became 1.341 in 2008, with an increase of 439% at the whole city. Considering Turkey, the number of PSOs performed was 12.415 in 2005 and it increased to 54.633 (340%) in 2008. Conclusion: There is a rapid increase in the number of PSOs performed at the state hospitals in Konya and all around Turkey. Absolute reasons for this increase should be investigated and preventive measures should be taken.
Purpose: We have noticed the increase in pilonidal sinus operations (PSO) and performed this study to determine the extent of this change and if there is a difference between the number of pilonidal sinus surgery and outpatient and inpatient numbers. Material and Method: We scanned PSO, which was performed in three hospitals [medical faculty hospital (MFH), education and research hospital (ERH) and state hospital (SH)] in the same city, in the last 10 years between 1999 and 2008. We have determined the yearly distribution of cases, total number of operations performed, number of general surgery operations (GSO) at the same period and changes in staff of general surgery clinics. We reviewed the number of outpatients, inpatients and the middle group surgical procedures containing PSO as well, performed at the whole city and the country in the last 10 years. Results: The number of PSO was 234 and the number of GSO was 7.728 at MFHs in the first 5 years. These numbers were 259 and 10.384 in the second period, respectively. The increase was 11% for PSO and 72% for GSO. The increase in PSO was lower than GSO. In ERH there were 506 PSOs in the first 5 years and 760 PSOs in the second 5 years. The number of GSO had increased from 11.563 to 11.452 in the second 5 years. There was a 1% decrease in the number of GSOs, whereas the number of PSOs increased by 50% (p<0.001). The number of PSOs performed in SHs increased from 353 to 1.224, by 247%. Also, the number of GSO increased from 10.215 to 15.595, by 53%. The increase in the number of PSOs in two hospitals (ERH and SH) was statistically significant (p<0.001). The number of PSOs was 246 in 2005 and it became 1.341 in 2008, with an increase of 439% at the whole city. Considering Turkey, the number of PSOs performed was 12.415 in 2005 and it increased to 54.633 (340%) in 2008. Conclusion: There is a rapid increase in the number of PSOs performed at the state hospitals in Konya and all around Turkey. Absolute reasons for this increase should be investigated and preventive measures should be taken.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cerrahi, Pilonidal sinüs, ameliyat sıklığı, Pilonidal sinus, frequency of surgery
Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karahan, Ö., Eryılmaz, M. A., Torun, V., Sevinç, B., Köksal, H., Aksoy, F., Ay, S., (2010). Pilonidal Sinüs Ameliyatlarındaki Artış Normal Mi?. Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi, 26(4), 207-211.