Türk Edebiyatından Urdu Edebiyatına Uyarlanan Birkaç Mensur Şiir
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İlk örneklerine Fransız edebiyatında rastlanan mensur şiirin Türk edebiyatındaki öncüsü ve isim babası Halit Ziya’dır. Urdu edebiyatında ise mensur şiir geleneği, Seccad Haydar Yıldırım’ın Türkçeden yaptığı tercümeler aracılığıyla başlamıştır. Yıldırım Türkçeye hâkim Hindistanlı meşhur bir yazardır. İstanbul’da bulunan İngiliz konsolosluğundaki görevi esnasında Türk dili ve edebiyatına büyük bir ilgi duyan yazar, Servet-i Fünûn edebiyatını yakından tanıma fırsatı bulmuştur. Türkçe pek çok hikâye, roman ve tiyatro eserinin yanı sıra mensur şiirleri de Urdu diline aktarmıştır. Yıldırım, Halit Ziya’nın “Mensur Şiirler” adlı eserinde yer alan “Ağlarım” isimli mensur şiirini “Münzevi Olsaydım” adıyla Urdu diline uyarlamıştır. Halit Ziya’dan sonra mensur şiir türünün Servet-i Fünûn dönemindeki başlıca temsilcisi Mehmet Rauf’tur. Yazarın mensur şiir külliyatı olan Siyah İnciler adlı eserinden üç şiiri Urdu diline aktarılmıştır. Bunlar, birinci bölümdeki “Kelebek” ve ikinci bölümdeki “Kleopatra” ile “La Grande Via”dır. Seccad Haydar Yıldırım, Türkçeden yaptığı bu tercümeler aracılığıyla Urdu edebiyatı okuyucusunu, kendilerine yabancı olan mensur şiir türü ile tanıştırmıştır. “Hikâyât-o- İhtisasat” adlı eserinde yer alan bu mensurelerde yazar, Türk yazarlarının mensur şiirlerindeki ruhunu yansıtmıştır, diyebiliriz. Hindistan’da yayımlandığı yıllarda büyük ilgiyle okunan bu eser vasıtasıyla Urdu edebiyatı okuyucuları yeni bir türle tanışma fırsatı bulmuştur.
One of the literary genres the Servet-i Fünûn community contributed to our literature in the post Tanzimat European Turkish Literature is prose poetry. Prose poetry written by taking examples from French literature is effective and neat expression of emotions and ideas through poetic prose without the use of rhythm and rhyme. The first examples of prose poetry are found in French literature. The term prose poetry first appeared with Short Prose. Poetry ( küçük mensur şiirler ) by Baudelaire. However, in Western literature the founder of the prose poetry known as " poetic prose " is Lous Aloysius Bertrand, whose work " Gaspard de la Nuit " was published a year after his death. In Turkish literature the pioneer and the father of the prose poetry is Halit Ziya. Although there are other poets, such as Abdülhak Hamit Tarhan, Şinasi, Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, Mehmet Celal, Mustafa Reşit with proses including poetic ideas and imaginations, Halit Ziya"s prose poems published in the newspaper, " Hizmet, between the 13th November 1886 and the 25th September 1887 in İzmir are the first examples of this genre in the western sense. Halit Ziya, with the help and support of Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, collected all his poems published in the " Hizmet " into the books " Prose Poems " and " Voices from the Grave." In Urdu literature the tradition of prose poetry started with Seccad Haydar Yıldırım's translations from Turkish into Urdu. Yıldırım is a famous Indian writer with a good command of Turkish. He learned Turkish from a writer named Hacı İsmail. He first worked as a translator at Baghdad embassy in England then was appointed to İstanbul. His stay in Turkey was a turning point in his life. Thus he had an apporturity to study Servet -i Fûnun literature closely. Besides many of his stories, his prose poems are translated into Urdu. These prose poems are collected in volumes entitled " Prose Poems" by Halit Ziya and " Black Pearls " by Mehmet Rauf. Yıldırım adabted the poem " I cry " in Halit Ziya's poetry book entitled " Prose Poems" as if I wish I lived in the country to Urdu language. As in most of Halit Ziya"s prose poems, nature is the main theme in the prose poem " I cry ." This poem full of the sense of pessimism starts with the description of nature. If the writer lives in the country the sun rise and the sun set, stars shining in the sky, the moon, a flower in the country, the ear-splitting songs of the nightingale in sad tune will effect him and he will cry. It is not only the magnificent landscapes that make the writer cry. In the rest of this short poem, human images are portrayed, as well. The writer cries when he sees an elderly, an orphan child, a homeless young girl, a drunk man with corrupted morals, a murderer who committed crimes with mean motives. In the same town and street where they live together. The poem if “I were a hermit”, which was adapted to Urdu was published in India in the article entitled " Mahzen " in December 1907. After Halit Ziya, the main representative of prose poetry in the Servet-i Fünûn period is Mehmet Rauf " Black Pearls", the corpus of prose poems, is composed of five sections. Each section is dedicated to different figures. " Butterfly " to Halit Ziya, " Youth " to H. Cahid, " Love " to Celâl Sahir, " Spleen " to Faik Ali and " Small Things " to Samipaşazade Sezai. In the first section there is 1, in the second 12, in the third 19, in the fourth 13 and in the fifth 20 prose poems. "Butterfly" in the first section and " Kleopatra " and " La Grande Vie " in the second section are also adapted to Urdu language. These three poems are collected in the Ihtisasat section of the work by Yıldırım entitled " Hikayat-u İhtisasat " published in Aligarh in 1927. Seccad Haydar states that among these three poems only " Butterfly " is translated from Turkish. In " Butterfly " which Yıldırım adapted to Urdu language with the same title, we witness a navy blue eyed, blond, rose-lipped, naughty small child running after a butterfly, even though his mother is trying to stop him. We see that this creature in all its colourful glory becomes powder and disperses in the nature. The life of the butterfly representiry life and happiness which began only a few hours ago comes to an end very quickly. One of the most important themes poets in Servet-i Fünûn period deal with is not imaginary but is the nature which turnes into the real world people live in. Contrary to poets in the Tanzimat period, poets in the Servet-i Fûnun period perceived nature as a living being with a soul. In this understanding developed with the effect of French literature, there is a transition from romanticism to realism and then to symbolism. Simile and metaphor, main elements of poetry are frequently used in " Butterfly." " Kleopatra " included in the " Youth " section was published in Servet-i Fünûn on 29th July 1899. " Kleopatra " adapted to Urdu language with the same title takes place in Yıldırım's work entitled, Hikayat-u İhtisasat. Yıldırım added the sub-title " A memory of Dehli " to this prose poem. In this prose poem, which Mehmet Rauf dedicated to A. Suad, he resembles his platonic love. Madam K., to Kleopatra, the queen of ancient Egypt. Madam K. who had a luxurious life is unapproachable to the writer, as is the shepherd star. In his beloved one, he sees Kleopatra, who poisons her lovers and in the end ends her life by poisoniry herself too. Mehmet Rauf made suffering from love his life style. He wants to be the slave of his beloved one. He pleads and cries out his love. " La Grande Vie " in the " Youth " section was adapted to Urdu language as " Oh These Looks." Mehmet Rauf, who devotes all his life to women and love cries out his love to a prostitute in this prose poem. Madam V. spends every penny she has on her beloved ones. However, Mehmet Rauf does not want to be one of those men in this black-eyed belle's life. He also wants her to love him. Through music which is among the essentials of life, especially through " La Grande Vie" song, he empahasizes that it will not be easy to forget this love. Mehmet Rauf, who attaches great importance to music in his works frequently mentions the western music and its composers. The writer who despairs of Madam V. , tries to consale himself with the song, " La Grande Vie." As the translators did not translate the cultural elements unfamiliar to the society, Yıldırım was not affected by the western music in India then, so he did not deal with subject related to western music. Mehmet Rauf's feelings above assume a different shape in " Oh These Looks ." Readers of Urdu literature were introduced to prose poetry, which was not familiar to them, through Haydar Yıldırım's translations from Turkish. The writer made most of his long stay in Turkey. Thus he fully reflected the Turkish writers' spirit in the prose poems. These prose poems are in the writers work entitled " Hikayat-u İhtisasat ." The work has aroused great interest in India since it was published. This work both introduced the readers of Urdu literature to new genre and was instrumental in bringing innovation to Urdu literature through translations from Turkish.
One of the literary genres the Servet-i Fünûn community contributed to our literature in the post Tanzimat European Turkish Literature is prose poetry. Prose poetry written by taking examples from French literature is effective and neat expression of emotions and ideas through poetic prose without the use of rhythm and rhyme. The first examples of prose poetry are found in French literature. The term prose poetry first appeared with Short Prose. Poetry ( küçük mensur şiirler ) by Baudelaire. However, in Western literature the founder of the prose poetry known as " poetic prose " is Lous Aloysius Bertrand, whose work " Gaspard de la Nuit " was published a year after his death. In Turkish literature the pioneer and the father of the prose poetry is Halit Ziya. Although there are other poets, such as Abdülhak Hamit Tarhan, Şinasi, Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, Mehmet Celal, Mustafa Reşit with proses including poetic ideas and imaginations, Halit Ziya"s prose poems published in the newspaper, " Hizmet, between the 13th November 1886 and the 25th September 1887 in İzmir are the first examples of this genre in the western sense. Halit Ziya, with the help and support of Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, collected all his poems published in the " Hizmet " into the books " Prose Poems " and " Voices from the Grave." In Urdu literature the tradition of prose poetry started with Seccad Haydar Yıldırım's translations from Turkish into Urdu. Yıldırım is a famous Indian writer with a good command of Turkish. He learned Turkish from a writer named Hacı İsmail. He first worked as a translator at Baghdad embassy in England then was appointed to İstanbul. His stay in Turkey was a turning point in his life. Thus he had an apporturity to study Servet -i Fûnun literature closely. Besides many of his stories, his prose poems are translated into Urdu. These prose poems are collected in volumes entitled " Prose Poems" by Halit Ziya and " Black Pearls " by Mehmet Rauf. Yıldırım adabted the poem " I cry " in Halit Ziya's poetry book entitled " Prose Poems" as if I wish I lived in the country to Urdu language. As in most of Halit Ziya"s prose poems, nature is the main theme in the prose poem " I cry ." This poem full of the sense of pessimism starts with the description of nature. If the writer lives in the country the sun rise and the sun set, stars shining in the sky, the moon, a flower in the country, the ear-splitting songs of the nightingale in sad tune will effect him and he will cry. It is not only the magnificent landscapes that make the writer cry. In the rest of this short poem, human images are portrayed, as well. The writer cries when he sees an elderly, an orphan child, a homeless young girl, a drunk man with corrupted morals, a murderer who committed crimes with mean motives. In the same town and street where they live together. The poem if “I were a hermit”, which was adapted to Urdu was published in India in the article entitled " Mahzen " in December 1907. After Halit Ziya, the main representative of prose poetry in the Servet-i Fünûn period is Mehmet Rauf " Black Pearls", the corpus of prose poems, is composed of five sections. Each section is dedicated to different figures. " Butterfly " to Halit Ziya, " Youth " to H. Cahid, " Love " to Celâl Sahir, " Spleen " to Faik Ali and " Small Things " to Samipaşazade Sezai. In the first section there is 1, in the second 12, in the third 19, in the fourth 13 and in the fifth 20 prose poems. "Butterfly" in the first section and " Kleopatra " and " La Grande Vie " in the second section are also adapted to Urdu language. These three poems are collected in the Ihtisasat section of the work by Yıldırım entitled " Hikayat-u İhtisasat " published in Aligarh in 1927. Seccad Haydar states that among these three poems only " Butterfly " is translated from Turkish. In " Butterfly " which Yıldırım adapted to Urdu language with the same title, we witness a navy blue eyed, blond, rose-lipped, naughty small child running after a butterfly, even though his mother is trying to stop him. We see that this creature in all its colourful glory becomes powder and disperses in the nature. The life of the butterfly representiry life and happiness which began only a few hours ago comes to an end very quickly. One of the most important themes poets in Servet-i Fünûn period deal with is not imaginary but is the nature which turnes into the real world people live in. Contrary to poets in the Tanzimat period, poets in the Servet-i Fûnun period perceived nature as a living being with a soul. In this understanding developed with the effect of French literature, there is a transition from romanticism to realism and then to symbolism. Simile and metaphor, main elements of poetry are frequently used in " Butterfly." " Kleopatra " included in the " Youth " section was published in Servet-i Fünûn on 29th July 1899. " Kleopatra " adapted to Urdu language with the same title takes place in Yıldırım's work entitled, Hikayat-u İhtisasat. Yıldırım added the sub-title " A memory of Dehli " to this prose poem. In this prose poem, which Mehmet Rauf dedicated to A. Suad, he resembles his platonic love. Madam K., to Kleopatra, the queen of ancient Egypt. Madam K. who had a luxurious life is unapproachable to the writer, as is the shepherd star. In his beloved one, he sees Kleopatra, who poisons her lovers and in the end ends her life by poisoniry herself too. Mehmet Rauf made suffering from love his life style. He wants to be the slave of his beloved one. He pleads and cries out his love. " La Grande Vie " in the " Youth " section was adapted to Urdu language as " Oh These Looks." Mehmet Rauf, who devotes all his life to women and love cries out his love to a prostitute in this prose poem. Madam V. spends every penny she has on her beloved ones. However, Mehmet Rauf does not want to be one of those men in this black-eyed belle's life. He also wants her to love him. Through music which is among the essentials of life, especially through " La Grande Vie" song, he empahasizes that it will not be easy to forget this love. Mehmet Rauf, who attaches great importance to music in his works frequently mentions the western music and its composers. The writer who despairs of Madam V. , tries to consale himself with the song, " La Grande Vie." As the translators did not translate the cultural elements unfamiliar to the society, Yıldırım was not affected by the western music in India then, so he did not deal with subject related to western music. Mehmet Rauf's feelings above assume a different shape in " Oh These Looks ." Readers of Urdu literature were introduced to prose poetry, which was not familiar to them, through Haydar Yıldırım's translations from Turkish. The writer made most of his long stay in Turkey. Thus he fully reflected the Turkish writers' spirit in the prose poems. These prose poems are in the writers work entitled " Hikayat-u İhtisasat ." The work has aroused great interest in India since it was published. This work both introduced the readers of Urdu literature to new genre and was instrumental in bringing innovation to Urdu literature through translations from Turkish.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mensur şiir, Mensur Şiirler, Mehmet Rauf, Seccad Haydar, Siyah İnciler, Prose poem, Halit Ziya, Black Pearls
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bilik, N., (2013). Türk Edebiyatından Urdu Edebiyatına Uyarlanan Birkaç Mensur Şiir. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30, 55-60