İlaç mümessillerinin örgütsel bağlılığının, iş tatmininin ve işten ayrılma niyetinin demografik faktörler bağlamında incelenmesi

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Örgütsel bağlılık, iş tatmini, işten ayrılma niyeti gibi kavramlar araştırmacılar tarafından uzun yıllardır ilgi odağı olmaktadır. İlgili literatür, bu kavramlar arasındaki ilişkiler bakımından çeşitli bulgular ortaya koymaktadır. Bu tartışmalar ışığında örgütsel bağlılık, iş tatmini ve işten ayrılma niyeti arasında nasıl bir ilişki yapısının olacağı ve bu ilişki yapısının ilaç sektörü çalışanları için nasıl şekilleneceği araştırılması gereken bir konudur.Bu araştırma, Konya ili sınırları içerinde faaliyet gösteren ilaç sektörü çalışanlarının demografik özellikleri ile örgütsel bağlılık, iş tatmini ve işten ayrılma niyetleri arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik bulgular elde etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. İhtiyaç duyulan verilerin tamamına yakını yüz yüze görüşme yapılarak anket yöntemi ile elde edilmiştir. Veri toplama aşamasında ilaç sektörü çalışanlarına dağıtılan 245 adet anketten 202 tanesi geri dönmüş ve bu anketlerden 196 tanesi değerlendirmeye uygun bulunmuştur. Araştırmada elde edilen veriler "SPSS 15.00" paket programı yardımıyla incelenmiş; güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik, t-testi, tek yönlü varyans (ANOVA) analizleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre normatif bağlılık ile yaş grupları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki görülmektedir. Örgütsel bağlılığın tüm bileşenleri ile gelir düzeyi arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. Bir diğer anlamlı ilişkiye ise iş tatmini ile gelir düzeyi arasında rastlanılmaktadır. Demografik özellikler ile işten ayrılma niyeti arasında ise anlamlı bir ilişki görülmemektedir.
Concepts such as organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and intention to leave job are the focus of researchers for many years. Relevant literature reveals various findings in relation to these concepts. In the light of these discussions, what kind of relationship will there be between organizational commitment, job satisfaction and intention to leave job and how this relationship structure will be shaped for pharmaceutical sector employees is a matter to be investigated. The aim of this research is to identify the relationship between the demographic characteristics of the pharmaceutical sector employees in Konya province and the intentions of organizational commitment, job satisfaction and intent to leave job. Approximately all of the datas, which is needed to, was obtained by making face to face conversation with the method of survey. At the stage of data collection, 202 of 245 surveys which was delated out to the pharmaceutical sector employees, turned back and 196 of these surveys were approved to the assessment. Datas obtained in the research were examined with the help of SPSS 22.0 package programme; reliability and validity, t-test, one way variance (ANOVA) analyzes were performed. According to the findings, there is a significant relationship between normative commitment and age groups. There is a significant relationship between all components of organizational commitment and income level. There is no significant relationship between demographic characteristics and intention to leave job In the study, the variables of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and intentiontoleavejob of medical representatives being active in Konya were evaluated in terms of demographic characteristics. The means of subjects belonging to the components of organizational commitment did not differ from the aspect of gender, marital status, educational status, position held, and working time in business life. On the other hand, in terms of normative commitment, a significant difference was observed between age groups. According to this, medical representatives in the group of ages 36-40 and 31-35 had lower normative commitment than those in the group of ages 20 and less. When such a finding is evaluated in terms of the occupation and working conditions under consideration, in medium ages, medical representatives actively working in their jobs and having a certain experiences in their professions, evaluating either financial or educational opportunities their companies presented to them, will develop loyalty toward their organizations at a certain level. On the other hand, employees, who newly began to the profession, and gain experiences yet in the stage of establishing careers also less benefit from all of possibilities. As a result of this, these employees develop high level commitment toward their organizations. Another significant difference in terms of demographic characteristics is related to income level. It is seen that the employees having the income in the range of TL 1000-2000 have lower emotional commitment than those earning in the range of TL 2000-3000. When considered in terms of the relevant sector, that medical representatives earning in the range of TL 1000-2000, in general sense, may have newly begun to the profession and that drug companies, in which they work, mostly have the status of local firm may be effective in their having lower emotional commitment. When more rooted foreign firms are evaluated in terms of either he opportunities they offer to their employees or their styles to transact business, it is possible for the representatives working in these firms have higher emotional commitment. When the means of continuance commitment are assessed in terms of income level, it can be said that the representatives having income in the range of TL 4000-5000 have lower continuance commitment than those earning in the range of TL 1000- 2000 and TL 2000-3000. When considered in the context of structure of the sector, representatives having income in the range of TL 4000- 5000 can be qualified as the representatives, who are included in higher age group and have more professional experience. Since these employees are the mass near the age limit of 35, accepted as upper limit of actively working time in pharmaceuticalsector, with the concern of leaving the job they work or dismissal and thought of providing job opportunities by searching for new alternatives or establishing their own business, they have lower continuance commitment. In terms of income level, the other significant difference was observed at the dimension of normative commitment. According to this, it is seen that the representatives having income in the range of TL 2000-3000 have higher normative commitment than those having income in the range of TL 1000-2000. If it is necessary to interpret in context of evaluation mentioned above, it can be said that the representatives earning in the range of TL 2000-3000 generally serve in the foreign firms offering more opportunities to their employees. The firms of interest also offer opportunities of better education and development. When considered from such a viewpoint, the representatives working in these firms are expected to have higher mean normative commitment compared to the others. When generally considered, it is necessary to deal with organizational commitments of those working in pharmaceuticalsector in the context of financial opportunities as well as job security or elements reducing future concern. The general problem, especially in pharmaceuticalsector, can be considered as decrease of job security after certain ages without depending on financial possibilities. Albeit increasing financial possibilities stand out as a positive factor in time, the main problem, considered in the mind of employees, can be thought of that alternative job opportunities become more limited, depending on the lasting time. What is underlying this problem is that pharmaceuticalsector applies the strategies of human resources toward newly graduated employees to be able to raise them by continuously injecting organizational culture. When considered from a managerial point of view, it will be useful for the drug firms, which aim to enable the employees, who are important competitive element, to exhibit higher organizational commitment and, depending on this, tendency to leave job at lower level, to provide financial earns as well as job security or employment possibilities in the different areas.


Anahtar Kelimeler


Turkish Studies (Elektronik)

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri






Varol, F., Karaer, M., Ortakarpuz, M. (2017). İlaç Mümessillerinin Örgütsel Bağlılığının, İş Tatmininin ve İşten Ayrılma Niyetinin Demografik Faktörler Bağlamında İncelenmesi. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 12(31), 279-302.