Finansal regülasyonlar ve küresel kriz sürecinde Türk dünyası bankacılık sistemlerinin yeniden yapılandırılması
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Küresel Kriz süreciyle yaşanan gelişmeler, serbest piyasa ekonomilerinde son yirmi yıl açısından geçerli olan liberalizasyon ve deregülasyon uygulamalarını tartışılır hale getirmiştir. Devlet-ekonomi ilişkisi, özellikle banka sistemi açısından, doğrudan müdahaleleri ve kamulaştırmayı uygulayacak kadar iç içe geçmiştir. Ancak piyasa ekonomilerinde devlet müdahalelerinin şekli “regülasyon” olarak benimsendiğinde, piyasa ekonomisinin özüne uygun daha etkin bir işleyiş mümkün olmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bankacılık sisteminin regülasyonu, gelecek dönemler açısından vazgeçilmez bir unsur olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Türkiye ise 2001 Krizi sonrası dönemde, bağımsız regülasyon birimleri oluşturarak, finansal sektörlerini düzenleme ve denetlemeye yani regülasyonlara yönelmiştir. Bu gelişme bankacılık sistemine; küresel ölçekli finansal krizden reel ekonomi açısından olmasa da bankacılık sektörü açısından etkilenmeyecek kadar sağlıklı ve sağlam bir yapısal özellik kazandırmıştır. Türkiye deneyiminin, bankacılık sistemleri uluslararası finansal piyasalara yeni uyum sağlayan Türk Dünyası ülkeleri için anlamlı sonuçlar oluşturması mümkündür.
The situation, having been experienced throughout the process of Global Crisis, has made applications of liberalization and deregulation which have been valid for last 20 years, disputable. The state economy relation, especially from the perspective of banking, has intertwined so far as to apply direct intervention and nationalization. However, in market economies, when the form of interventions has been adopted as “regulation”, a much effective operation suitable to the essence of market economies is possible. Therefore the regulation of banking system has been considered as an indispensable factor for next terms. After the Crisis of 2001, Turkey, by establishing independent units of regulations head to regulate and control its financial sectors. This development has provided its banking system so healthy and strong structural feature that has not been effected by global financial crises, although the same cannot be claimed for its real sector. This experience of Turkey may offer some meaningful outcomes for Turkic World which have been trying to integrate their banking system to international financial markets.
The situation, having been experienced throughout the process of Global Crisis, has made applications of liberalization and deregulation which have been valid for last 20 years, disputable. The state economy relation, especially from the perspective of banking, has intertwined so far as to apply direct intervention and nationalization. However, in market economies, when the form of interventions has been adopted as “regulation”, a much effective operation suitable to the essence of market economies is possible. Therefore the regulation of banking system has been considered as an indispensable factor for next terms. After the Crisis of 2001, Turkey, by establishing independent units of regulations head to regulate and control its financial sectors. This development has provided its banking system so healthy and strong structural feature that has not been effected by global financial crises, although the same cannot be claimed for its real sector. This experience of Turkey may offer some meaningful outcomes for Turkic World which have been trying to integrate their banking system to international financial markets.
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